On the 3rd floor of the Pantheon.

Connected to the mysterious elven country.

"The other floors don't know where it is. When to go and see? But I see a kingdom of angels. Tang Xiaoyue was particularly curious about the entire Pantheon Tower: "The fourth layer is the Angel Realm. There are six-winged archangels.

"Is it the same as me?" Cortana also has angel wings.

But it should not be the same breed.

Sure enough, Xiao Bai glanced at Xiao Na, and was about to open or close his mouth.

I'm afraid to break Cortana's attributes.

"It should be a little different. Let's explore slowly, not in a hurry. Ye Chen said.

Go to Level 3.

There is a teleportation array in the back.

This teleportation array had come in Ye Chen before.

Definitely the Elven Realm.

Because this time, Ye Chen and the others entered the teleportation array.

They had one more line on their heads: Welcome to the Elven Realm.

"It's beautiful." After Bai Luoyan came in, a pair of eyes kept looking, and the surrounding plants looked particularly dreamy.

Where they are is the forest.

Everywhere you can see grass taller than a person.

The rhizomes of these grasses are dark purple and slowly turn dark green when they grow halfway. The highest position is emerald green.

Judging by the shape of the grass. It is the most ordinary grass in the world. But it grew more than two meters tall.

And some grasses bear red fruit.

When they appeared, Ye Chen also found that there were some palm-sized elves next to those red fruits.

Those elves had dragonfly-like wings, and they were also startled when they saw Ye Chen.

There are quite a few of them, and they all hide in the grass.

Don't dare to appear at all.

"It's so cute." The first thing Tang Xiaoyue saw was these elves, she was friendly and walked in the direction of the elves, but those elves were very vigilant and hid aside.

An elf holding a staff and riding a fawn passed right next to them.

The elf girl had short grass-green hair, delicate and beautiful skin, a smooth forehead, and grass-green eyes.

Green is considered the most peaceful and beautiful color in the Elven Realm.

Just like the Xia people like red very much.

"Are you demons? The demon that came out of the teleportation array over there? "That elf is pretty good-looking. But the moment they saw Ye Chen, it was like seeing a ghost.


And the elf quickly sent out something similar to a gift flower to the sky.

But this salute looks more like some kind of strange fruit.

That strange fruit exploded in the sky.

At the same time, the whole forest boils.

Ye Chen found that there were many green points of light not far from the forest, and if you looked closely, these points of light were all with eyes and small hands.

More like some kind of cute elf.

Those points of light seemed to have been frightened by something, and quickly flew away.

The grass-haired girl who had raised the alarm just now also quickly ran away.

"We are not demons." Ye Zhen's eyes were full of loss and said: "Besides, my sister looks so beautiful, what does it have to do with demons?"

"Actually, that's good." Xiao Bai pulled Ye Chen's sleeve at this time: "Can I say?" No one property is affected.

"In the future, if this will not affect anyone's attributes, you will quickly say it." Ye Chen nodded.

"Those Abyssal demons often come here to squeeze the peace-loving elves to bring them something to eat. They also catch girls here. Nothing evil.

Xiao Bai quickly explained on the side:

"In the eyes of the elves over here." The Abyss Demon is the enemy. So we're just standing where we are. After a while, quite a few elves surrounded us.

"When the time comes, we'll go straight to their queen and make our demands." We are not abyss demons. They have no hostility towards us.

"Not to mention after we took over the Pantheon. They will never be beaten by the Abyss Demon again.

Ye Chen nodded: "That's the truth." Then just wait where you are. Saying

that, he also took out a recliner from his storage space.

Just lie directly on the recliner.

Xiao Bai smoothly took out an orange from the storage bag. Peeled off and fed to Ye Chen to eat.

Bai Luoyan and Tang Xiaoyue have both seen Ye Chen's state of salted fish.


Although Ye Zhen knows his brother's personality very well. But seeing his brother, he actually ate oranges leisurely in the copy.

Still a little speechless.

Ye Zhen still has a little bit of blood suppression: "Little brother, you give me up, what are you eating here lazily?"

"Then I'll still stand there and wait." Silly not stupid? Ye Chen's words offended several people present.

Because they really just stood there and waited.

It's a bit silly, indeed.

There was silence for a moment.

Ye Zhen took out a dragon fruit from his storage bag: "You taste this." "

Sure enough, it was assimilated.

Bai Luoyan and Tang Xiaoyue didn't bother to continue standing there and waiting at this time. Both of them began studying the plants around them.

About 10 minutes.

A team of well-equipped elves surrounded them.

"You're not demons?" The elf standing at the front had indeed seen humans: "You are ordinary outsiders. Are you human? And what about those Abyss Demons?

The corners of Ye Chen's mouth raised slightly: "I killed me." They will never bother you again. This tower, I will take over later. "

In this elven country, you can see the Pantheon.

In the past, there were always nasty demons running out of the pantheon. Invading the land.

So the elves set up barracks directly nearby. The two sides are facing off, and there are many elves patrolling this area.

Wherever demons are found.

Someone will definitely be sent to kill.

The elf who was talking to Ye Chen and them was visibly relieved, and she raised her voice: "They are not demons. There will be no more demons. Her

voice was transmitted.

The object of this spread was actually the purple rhizome that Ye Chen saw when they came in just now, and the grass with red fruits.

The red fruit turned into a loudspeaker after the elf said that. Spread all the words that the elf said just now. Step by step.

Ye Chen was stunned: "This grass has become a essence?" "

Hello. My name is Tia. Such an elven girl walked directly over and generously stretched out her hand towards Ye Chen.

However, it was Ye Zhen who shook hands. Ye Chen was not given that chance at all.

Ye Chen: Next time I go to the kingdom of angels, I will go alone.


Abyss Demon Realm.

The Holy Ancestor Great Demon King stood up angrily when he sensed the change of lord of the Pantheon Tower.

"Charles? How did you promise me before? "It's not quite clear what happened over there. But the Holy Ancestor Great Demon King always felt that the Great Demon King Xiong Wei must be hanging.

Even the Pantheon seems to have been lost.

The Holy Ancestor Great Demon King angrily dripped up a human race, and pinched the other party's neck with one hand: "Didn't you say that there are no masters over there?" Play me? "

The Pope and Charles, who should have died, appeared in the Abyss Demon Realm.

The Pope hurriedly persuaded: "Don't be angry, there must be something hidden in this matter." "

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