The Holy Ancestor Great Demon King didn't care so much.

Grabbing Charles's neck with one hand, he almost broke the breath of the person in front of him. However, reason still let the Holy Ancestor Great Demon King let go.

"Didn't you two say that you are the two most powerful people in the Terran Tianzun? There is no one else but you. I grant all your wishes. Let you live the life you want. "The Holy Ancestor Great Demon King threw Charles aside, like a chicken boy.

Charles, who is obviously also Tianzun, has no way to fight back.

No way.

Although they are all Tianzun. However, the Tianzun of the Terran race reached the demon realm, and the whole body attribute decreased by 99%.

Now Charles can be strangled to death casually.

Demons will be affected in the same way when they go to the human side. Especially the high rank. The impact of low levels is less obvious.

For example, a level 80 demon.

This is why the Duo Bao Great Demon King had to let himself be lowered to level 80.

That's why Charles and the Pope came up with such a solution. Let the Holy Ancestor Great Demon King use the Pantheon Tower to make a space folding area.

You can let the demon descend on earth.

After Charles was thrown out by the Holy Ancestor Great Devil. It took a long time to get up from the ground. His face was ugly: "How do I know if the Terrans have appeared more powerful than me again?" Can I still pay attention every day? The

Holy Ancestor Great Demon King sneered: "But now the breath of the Great Demon King and the Pantheon Tower has disappeared. There must be something wrong over there.

"You two... Scold. The

eyes of the Great Demon King of the Holy Ancestor looked at the faces of Charles and the Pope.

He was stunned to see Charles and the Pope in a cold sweat.

The Pope said flatteringly, "It's better for you to let the two of us go back." The

Holy Ancestor Great Demon King stared at the Pope with a pair of sharp eyes.

The Pope has his own reasons: "If you hadn't told us before, you would know the secrets after level 300." Charles and I will not defect to you either.

"Since you know that secret, let the two of us break through." After the two of us broke through, we returned to the Terrans. Connecting you.

"Don't you demons always want to live on earth? The Pantheon must have been taken by some little guy from the Terrans. When the two of us go back, those are the two most noble people of the Terran race.

"Isn't it easy to take back the Pantheon?"

Or how to say that the Pope this guy is still quite brainy.

The Holy Ancestor Great Demon King glanced at the Pope and sneered: "This method sounds very good." I can indeed get you both to break the ceiling. Boost to level 300 and above. But you two have to sign a contract with me.

"That's fine." The Pope and Charles looked at each other.

In the eyes of these two Tianzun.

Nothing is more important than the two of them improving their strength.

As for the space folded caused by the last Pantheon, so many living lives on the American continent disappeared so directly.

These things, there is no way to move the determination of these two Tianzun.

In the eyes of Charles and the Pope.

Life classes as well as lower-level combat classes.

It's all ants.

The signing that the Holy Ancestor Great Demon King said was not a piece of paper.

Instead, he signed a contract directly with Charles and the Pope's soul.

If Charles and the Pope have a backbone in the future. Even if you just have that thought, you will be slashed by heavenly thunder.

And as long as the Holy Ancestor Great Demon King, slightly moved his mind.

Even if it is Charles and the Pope who have broken through the upper limit of rank.

There is still no place to die.

This overbearing contract. Before signing up. The Holy Ancestor Great Demon King will definitely not make it clear with Charles and the Pope.


Tia is an elven general who guards near the Pantheon.

Don't look at Tia's small one, and she also has two beautiful twisted braids.

The profession is the sniper master of the elven family.

Talent is the heart of sniping.

100% hit, and 100% critical hit. The farther the distance, the harder the multiplier of the critical hit.

But fortunately, Tia's arrow is not a tracking arrow.

Her attacks are ordinary bows and arrows. The kind that doesn't turn a corner. Although the hit rate is 100%. But if something gets in the way of it, it will only hit that thing. Unless it is pierced.

Tia shot arrows very accurately. This is also what the little girl is most proud of. She will look for all kinds of tricky angles.

"We elven nation is a peace-loving race." Tia chirped along the way: "Although we, like your Terrans, have mages, archers and the like." But our fighters are there to protect themselves. "

The Abyss Demon invaded us before. A death battle broke out with us, but many sisters were still captured by them.

"They're not a good thing."

Tia spoke of the Abyss Demon.

Angry teeth itching.

Ye Chen comforted next to him: "Don't worry, they will never come to you again in the future."

"With Brother Ye Chen, of course I am relieved." Tia smiled sweetly at Ye Chen.

Ye Zhen coughed.

Bai Luoyan was a little envious, but the point of envy was a little strange: "I found that Ye Chen is quite popular with NPCs."

Tang Xiaoyue looked at Bai Luoyan inexplicably.

I always feel that Bai Luoyan's envious angle is too strange.

Shouldn't you be jealous at this time?

Nalan Xue was even a little proud: "Of course. Of course, our family has a special attraction to NPCs. In

Bai Luoyan's eyes.

In fact, Nalan Xue is also a kind of NPC. It's still the kind of NPC that can run around with Ye Chen.

Hearing that Nalan Xue called Ye Chen "Xianggong" again.

Bai Luoyan felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Tang Xiaoyue looked at this and then at that.

Eat melon silently in my heart.

The Elf Queen received Ye Chen and his group.

In other words, the Elf Queen is more beautiful than the picture above.

The pictures Ye Zhen found before were all the appearance of the Elf Queen in the major copies.

But what Ye Chen saw was an elf queen dressed up.

The gowns she wore were unprecedented. The elven queen could not see her age, her appearance was beautiful, her hair was the color of grandma's gray, combed into two large twisted braids, and she wore a jewel-encrusted crown on her head.

The name of the Elf Queen is unknown to everyone. Because in the elven country, it is a little rude to call the queen by her name.

So the queen is called the elf queen. There is no other name.

"Thank you warriors for fighting off the Abyss Demon for us." As soon as the elf queen spoke, Ye Chen felt that the other party was an NPC: "We will hold a 7-day reception banquet for you, and the warriors should stay in our country for a while." "

The Elf Queen said a banquet was to be held.

Ye Chen, they have nothing to doubt.

After all, when the elven country fought against the Abyss Demon before, it was a headache. Now it's hard to drive them away, of course, cheer and cheer.

The Elf Queen glanced at Ye Chen and them at this time: "Distinguished guests, the servants of the wind and dust have come to our country, tonight in my palace to catch the wind and wash the dust, and hold a grand banquet in the evening."

Tang Xiaoyue hurriedly said no.

They come and go specifically to trade.

"I'll talk about that later." The Elf Queen looked at them very warmly: "We have a lot of skincare recipes here. Distinguished guests. Just try it out with me tonight, right?

Originally, Tang Xiaoyue wanted to talk about this directly.

As a result, the elf queen was so nagging.

Tang Xiaoyue couldn't help it: "Really? Do you have a secret to maintaining your hair? Recently, every day the copy of the world, the head is going bald. "

Ye Chen: ...

So even if the game comes to the real world, will there be bald troubles?

Xiao Bai looked at Ye Chen with a mysterious expression: "Boss, don't you want to enjoy it?" I'm telling you. Today you can enjoy it. This elf queen is amazing. Just stuffed me with several pet growth fruits. "

It was so welcoming.

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