Ye Chen also obeyed.

However, Ye Chen appeared when he asked the way. The barrage called more than one:

"Ye Chen, you hurry up and save the child, this copy really makes my stomach hurt with laughter."

"These two single dogs plus straight men can pass before they have ghosts."

"Watching them answer the questions, I almost died of laughter. In fact, after Ye Chen left, the difficulty did decrease. Otherwise, they won't be able to climb up. But there is a real problem with the brains of these two goods.

"How simple that question is. I couldn't answer that, but I was really convinced. "

I've been chasing the live broadcast every day these days. I heard that both the Pope and Charles have returned. I didn't even pay attention. "

The Pope and Charles are back? Aren't they dead? Didn't they die in battle? If it weren't for them, how could the two Beimei Continents become that bird.

"Most of those professionals in the Beimei Continent are dead. The blogger I followed hasn't been updated in days. Without her update, eating is not fragrant these days.

"I always feel that we have to screen these two old wall lamps well, obviously saying that the dead people suddenly came back?" Can they come back?

"Don't come back early. If the Beimei Continent didn't come back when it became that ghost, what's the use of coming back now?

"That's Tianzun. Terran Tianzun! What nonsense are you talking about? It's good that they can come back.

"I heard that Charles and the Pope comprehended what happened after level 300. They knew how the Terrans could break through level 300. "

Break through level 300? Isn't that breaking through Tianzun? What a good thing.

"I heard they were going to build a training camp. Let Tianjiao enjoy how to break through level 300 and train them.

"Envy Ye Chen must be among them."

"I think those two mediocre goods can also go in."

"Forget about them. I had a headache watching this live broadcast room. "


Zhan Rong's face is now full of helplessness: "So far, it is the fourth round of problems. Questions are about to be asked.

Ye Chen nodded: "You will follow me in a while."

Deng Dahai also said on the side: "Then can I just say so?"

"Two people's answers can't be the same." Zhan Rong felt that he could summon Ye Chen over, and he was very proud: "You can change it on the basis of our family Brother Ye."

Deng Dahai breathed a sigh of relief: "That's okay." [

Question: What was the reason you broke up with your last girlfriend?] How

simple this question is.

Ye Chen looked at Zhan Rong with some contempt.

However, Zhan Rong stared at Ye Chen.

This made Ye Chen a little speechless, so Ye Chen could only say: "My requirements, she can't meet them."

So Zhan Rong copied it correctly.

After Zhan Rong finished moving, he looked at Deng Dahai next to him.

Deng Dahai moved wisely: "I can't meet her requirements."

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows. It's over, and the goods have to stay.

Sure enough, the voice prompted: [Zhan Rong, pass. 】。

Deng Dahai looked inexplicable: "What for?" By what reason he passed, I did not pass. What is the difference between our two answers?

Ye Chen shook his head, his face full of helplessness: "The secret of clearing the customs tells you." Use your brain. Don't be a licking dog all the time. I'm talking about action requirements. You turn it upside down, that's the economic requirement. The ordinary answer is not so good.

Then Ye Chen withdrew directly.

Zhan Rong naturally went out as well.

After all, this is Zhan Rong's call for help.

So Ye Chen fished Zhan Rong out, and this matter was over.

Only Deng Dahai was left alone in the wind: "What do you mean?" Action requirements. Economic requirements?

The friends in the live broadcast room laughed:

"I also found out." This question is a little bit of gas that has to be answered, and the ordinary answer is not passable.

"Their set of questions is actually quite simple."

"What about Deng Dahai? Ye Chen didn't care?

Ye Chen was summoned by Zhan Rong. So he only cares about Zhan Rong. As for Deng Dahai, I believe that many people should ask him for a path after this live broadcast. This kid is simple. It's easy to pull down the difficulty.

"Yes, I've already sent a private message. My brother is going to pass this. Look for him then. "


Although Deng Dahai had no way to summon Ye Chen.

But he can send a question to Ye Chen when the other party asks a question, and let Ye Chen answer.

Of course, Ye Chen helped Deng Dahai answer.

Deng Dahai's question is: What is your reaction when your girlfriend suddenly kisses you?

Ye Chen replied directly: "You just say 'um' intermittently, just have a lewd expression." So

Deng Dahai's second goods really did it.

When Ye Chen withdrew, he saw that all the young ladies, including the Elf Queen, were watching the live broadcast on TV.

Under Ye Chen's teaching.

Deng Dahai's expression stiffened. Slightly transparent, a little obscene and greasy.

"Hmm~~um... Well. There

was a rare silence for a moment when he asked the question.

A few seconds passed.

In Deng Dahai's extremely expectant eyes, he finally said: "Deng Dahai passed."

And the friends in the live broadcast room looked confused:

"How did it pass?"

"My brother is still counting on this goods. This passed?

"It's not scientific, why?"

"I think it's quite perfunctory, why did Ye Chen pass after guidance?"

"I probably got it. It's just that Deng Dahai, this kid should be a cat drawing a tiger. This product did enter something in the dialog box just now, it must be to ask Ye Chen for help. But his expression is too stiff for you to understand. But I know what that means. "

Talk about it upstairs."

"Where does that depend? So much I can only remind. I don't have much to see anymore when the copy is over. Hurry up and find out if anyone can accompany my stupid brother through the copy."

"I see."

"I also understand, it must be on the head."

"Ye Chen is really burning."

"They all said let's see how Ye Chen spent his question, and we can learn some experience or something. I haven't learned anything now. Only learned to get on the highway. "


Ye Chen's answer made all the young ladies look in his direction.

Ye Chen was embarrassed to see it: "What is this, it's so simple." These two goods are actually stuck until now, which is really too bad.

"But I just watched the barrage. The Pope and Charles are back? Aren't the two of them dead?

"And the two of them still know how to break through level 300?"

Ye Chen's topic turned a blunt.

Ye Zhen's face was expressionless: "What does this have to do with you?" You're level 30.

"I can upgrade." I tell you, I'll be 40 tomorrow. Ye Chen was a little proud: "Besides, my attribute, what is it called, I am invincible below level 300, and above level 300 for one." "

It doesn't have to be exchanged for one." Ye Chen added another sentence. After all, there are too many means to save lives.

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