Ye Chen is really fast to level 40.

Of course, the matter of leveling is left to the substitute training doll.

Ye Chen, this pit goods, pushed the sheep directly to the elf queen.

Then the elf queen thief came up.

Even when the chief was negotiating with the elven realm. The girl also took out a sheep and said directly to the leader: "You can lay a power grid for my country, and you can make any kind of network." You can pick any of our country's specialties.

"I've heard that what you want most is all kinds of equipment. It just so happens that the goblins of our country are specially equipped for fighting.

"Absolutely satisfying to you. But in addition to these conditions. I have one more condition. "

The chief was very happy when he heard the words of the elven queen.

So the leader said directly: "We will agree to any conditions you have."

So the elf queen took out her mobile phone, and then handed the mobile phone to the leader: "Ye Chen introduced me to a game, called a sheep." I haven't been able to pass until now? Can you help me through level 2?

"I just want a skin." The Elf Queen looked at the leader with a longing face.

Chief: ......

Ye Chen quickly stepped forward and took the phone away: "I can open the hang and let you pass." Get you a skin. You go out and show off.

"Really?" The Elf Queen's face was full of joy.

"Really, really." Ye Chen said with some helplessness.

The Elf Queen sighed: "Since there is this method, why didn't you take it out earlier?" How nice it is to be able to pass it. "

“...... I love the feeling of passing the level myself. Although I just passed once or twice. Ye Chen was a little helpless. By the way, explain it to the Elf Queen.

If it weren't for this matter, it would have almost become an obsession of the Elf Queen.

Ye Chen would not have thought of this for the Elf Queen.

The Elf Queen sighed and said, "There are so many countries in your place. I watched TV recently. I know that there are many countries in the world that are very technologically advanced.

"But I ended up trading with your country." The main thing is that Ye Chen is in your country. I like him. "

In addition to the grid and the erection of the network. The one I said earlier... Woman baby, should you get me some too? Not

only was Ye Chen a little embarrassed to mention this.

The chief is also quite embarrassed.

However, the leader said directly: "You elves can come to our country to do a genetic test." If there are no fertility barriers between us, I think you can directly find someone you like in the country.

"Of course. In the words of a toy like a woman's baby. It will be more safe. When the time comes, I will specifically find someone who specializes in this kind of thing and talk to you. "

The chief can't stand it.

What day is this all talked about?

Seen export fruit.

Exporting clothes.

I've never seen this thing exported.

And people need more.

The Elf Queen also asked for this by name.

"In addition to this small one, we also have the kind of big one." Ye Chen didn't feel anything wrong at all: "Artificial human." The kind that looks similar to a person. The

Elf Queen's face was full of excitement: "Can it be customized?" "

Because the equipment of the Elven Nation is basically customizable.

Including fashion.

"Of course you can." Ye Chen said quickly.

A smile appeared on the elf queen's face: "Then I will customize one to look like you."

Ye Chen heard this. I choked on the water.

The Elf Queen still has some regrets: "I recently used the computer to watch movies, and I am still very sorry." The technology in your country is not as advanced as abroad, and if there is one technology, your country does not. "

The chief has always thought that his technology is quite good.

Not to mention leading the world.

But good and bad are also the world's forerunners.

And after the game comes to reality.

The development of Xia Guo is also very good.

"I don't know what kind of technology it is?" Not to mention that the leader was very curious, even Ye Chen was curious.

"You don't have the technology that can stop tram time. I've seen several Sakura Country movies with this technology. If you have time to stop this special technology, you can use it as a skill. How awesome. The elf queen's eyes revealed a special yearning.

Ye Chen had a bad feeling: "Is it possible that the ones you are watching come out of my computer?"

"It's your computer." The Elf Queen said with excitement on her face: "And in their country it is very liberating.

Ye Chen coughed, and the leader looked at him strangely. The leader also wants to know, what is the technology that the elf queen is talking about?

"Actually, our country..." Ye Chen was entangled for a long time before he said: "There is also such technology." It's just that this technology is illegal. So many research institutes have been stopped. The

chief was inexplicable: "When are we..." "

Her Majesty." Ye Chen quickly changed the topic, this matter could not be talked about: "Let's discuss the follow-up transaction issues." You can all talk to the chief. "

Abruptly changed the subject.

The Elf Queen then continued to talk to the leader about the transaction.

But when the chief left.

He was still very confused, and asked a Heavenly Saint level expert behind him: "When has our country studied the project on time stopping?" The

Heavenly Saint level expert was full of embarrassment, and could only whisper to the leader: "She said that only on the train, stop at a special time." The

leader's face was full of doubt.

The master of the Heavenly Saint level can only pick and choose: "Ye Chen's rabbit cub must have planted a lot of seeds in his computer, so the elf queen..."

The chief now also knows what the Elf Queen means.

Now neither the Heavenly Saint level expert nor the leader knew what to say.

"That's right." The chief abruptly changed the subject: "An elite training camp has been held internationally. I think Ye Chen is quite qualified. At that time, a few people from all over the country will be selected to participate.

"This matter is very simple, I talked to the president of the university. And this time it was open-ended. I heard that after all the Tianjiao passed, they would learn how to break through level 300. A

master of the Heavenly Saint level was a little envious: "It is said that it has been cultivated since childhood." Especially those children who have just woken up come to cultivate.

"They won't touch the shackles of level 300 at all." It's a direct breakthrough. It's envious to think about it.

The chief nodded beside him: "Let Charles and the Pope stand in front of you and talk to you then." It also allows you to break through level 300.

"I'm still early." The Heavenly Saint level expert laughed.

"These Tianjiao are the future of our Terrans." The leader glanced at the already bald tree at Ye Chen's door, was stunned for a moment, sighed and said, "It's this child's aesthetic that is not great." They are all bald like this and planted in the yard. "

Wisdom Tree: ???

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