To be a leader?

Ye Chen felt his head grow when he heard this.

Zhan Rong's eyes lit up and said: "Boss, I think this Wang Lu is particularly good." Let's take Wang Lu without saying a word.

Ye Chen rolled his eyes.

Being a leader is a bit inappropriate for salted fish.

Big and small affairs, that must not be annoying to death?

Ye Chen is not the kind of diligent person.

When I heard this, I felt a headache.

"Forget it." Ye Chen shook his head and said, "I'm not so diligent. "

The sight placed on Ye Chen is much less.

Although Ye Chen made a copy of the experience.

Although Ye Chen may be the most powerful among everyone.

But how could those heavenly sons casually bow their heads?

Besides, everyone came to the training camp to train.

Who is nobler than whom?

Just listen to the instructors in the bootcamp.

Do you still have to listen to a peer of your age?

Hearing that Ye Chen was not interested in the position of this leader.

The rest of the people also secretly sighed in relief.

When they looked at Wang Lu, their eyes sharpened a little.

This kid is really annoying.

Fortunately, Ye Chen did not have this idea.

If Ye Chen really had this idea. With Ye Chen's strength. They really have no way to argue with that.

"We can't be too separate and scattered." Wang Lu hurriedly persuaded: "What if other countries twist into a rope?" I think we'd better send a qualified leader.

"Oh. You're quite right. Ye Chen glanced at Wang Lu, the other party didn't say anything, Ye Chen knew that this kid was here for his own benefit.

If Ye Chen had just promised to become a leader.

Then this king road intends to be the one under ten thousand people.

Now Ye Chen is directly rotten.

Wang Lu actually wanted to make himself that leader.

"What do you have in mind?" Wang Lu did not expect Ye Chen to open his mouth at this time, his face was a little ugly, but he still tried to squeeze out a smile in the direction of Ye Chen.

"I don't think we need to choose a leader. Everyone came to train. The teacher of the training camp will definitely assign us a class leader. Ye Chen waved his hand and said indifferently:

"As for whether this squad leader is one of us. Or the teacher, then it is not very clear.

"But I don't plan to do this squad leader or something." At that time, it will be me who will hold the meeting, I will be the one who helps the teachers find out, I am the one who checks your internal affairs, and I am the one who serves next to you like a nanny. Am I crazy?

"Who doesn't know that class presidents in college are such hard-working roles?"

Ye Chen is not stupid.

When the leader listens to the majesty.

It's essentially a bunch of things.

What other opportunities to improve yourself.

An ugly smile appeared on Wang Lu's face: "Ah, yes."

Ye Chen stood up directly and patted Wang Lu's shoulder: "I think you are very good." Didn't you say that you can avoid evil?

"If you come to be this leader." Where will we big guys eat in the future, and in what direction?

"Or in the training camp, where is it safer?" Where will the teacher not be caught?

"Where are we better suited to play mahjong?" Where can we cultivate faster than others?

"And helping us run errands and all kinds of chores can be left to you."

was explained by Ye Chen.

Who wants to be this leader?

Listen to the majesty.

How do you feel that all the things you do are what a babysitter should do?

And they are now looking at Wang Lu's eyes, which is called a kindness.

Wang Lu is indeed a good hand at doing these things.

"I'll leave this kind of thing to you in the future. You are our leader. Did you see that Ah San next door? They obviously wanted to talk to us. Ye Chen pointed to A San, who was walking towards them not far away: "Come on." "

Wang Lu:

Wang Lu: !!

He really didn't expect Ye Chen's path to be so wild.

He already knew that if he spit out two more mouthfuls of blood, he would also calculate a trigram for Ye Chen.

However, Ye Chen had already picked up his watch at this time. This watch can be used as a translator.

Ye Chen adjusted the watch directly to the translation mode.

And then.

He walked directly over and said to the three people: "This is our leader called Wang Lu. If you have anything to say, just tell him.

After that, Ye Chen lay on top of the recliner again.

The whole body is like there are no bones.

Xiao Bai took out the iPad that had been prepared a long time ago

This iPad has already put a TV series on it.

Xiaobai put the TV series in front of Ye Chen. Then he took out a new ice cream and handed it to Ye Chen.

Then he stood behind Ye Chen like a dog, beating his back and rubbing his shoulders.


Don't talk about the royal road.

All the Xia Guo students twitched out of their eyes when they saw Ye Chen like this again.

Isn't this person too laid-back?

That's not right.

They were originally Tianjiao.

Come to this so-called elite training camp.

I can still make people bully every day.

The door of this great sun does not open.

Burn them to death.

Ye Chen's salted fish instantly infected a group of people.

The gang all took out their own small benches and sat on the ground. Even if you don't have a small bench, find something similar from the storage bag instead.

Not really.

Just let the mage of the soil system make a stone.

Let the ice mage release a large piece of cold ice.

Let the mages of the water system rain locally.

Finally, the temperature around me was lowered.

Ah San was going to talk to Wang Lu about something. Who knew that seeing the Xia Guo camp and the gang actually lay flat like camping.

It can also vigorously lower the surrounding temperature.

Ah San was stunned, and even forced out Xia Guo's Internet language: "666!" "

It's so comfortable.

Which is like them.


I don't feel as if someone is harming them.

"When will this elite training camp open?" Seeing that Wang Lu and Ah San went to negotiate, Zhan Rong couldn't help but ask.

When he asked this, Zhan Rong still looked in the direction of Wang Lu, and said excitedly: "Did you see it?" This Wang Lu really doesn't know anything, and he is still a god operator, and he actually shook hands with Ah San.

"I don't know how many years Ah San's hand hasn't been washed." What did the black look like? Don't eat when you turn back, bring a mouthful of illness, diarrhea. "

Zhan Rong still pays great attention to international influence.

Because when he said this, his voice was very low.

"Each country has its own customs and customs, and it must be respected." Ye Chen was a little helpless: "How many emotions." Why don't you think about why this elite training camp hasn't been opened until now?

"I said I shouldn't have come. It's really boring. Now I want to run. "


Ye Chen really felt bored.

But while he was leisurely watching TV, the door of the elite training camp opened.

This beautiful woman with a particularly wow-wowed figure, holding a long gun, her long legs are impossible to ignore. Yingying's small waist is like a willow supporting the wind.

Although Ye Chen was far away, he could also see the other party's heroic appearance, and he involuntarily sat up: "This must be at least a G."

Zhan Rong's eyes widened: "Where?!" The

voice just fell.

The beauty hit Zhan Rong's head with incomparable accuracy.

And this shell has not yet burst.

Zhan Rong's head was covered with a huge cannonball, and he looked innocent: "Who did I provoke me?" "

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