Zhan Rong took off the huge cannonball above his head.

And then also nibbled on it.

Ye Chen did not block it.

Because he also saw that this thing was actually a loaf of bread.

"It's delicious." Zhan Rong's two eyes lit up: "But it hurts to beat someone." "

Yes, Zhan Rong's head is still bloody.

Because Zhan Rong's talent is more pitted.

Therefore, all the equipment carried by this cargo is added to the blood cap.

This guy is a blood cow.

This little hurt is nothing to him.

But Cortana still replenished a mouthful of blood for Zhan Rong in time.

In the distance, the beautiful woman walked towards them.

While eating, Zhan Rong said while eating the shell that hit him just now: "This thing seems to have returned blood after eating." Is this the love that the beautiful instructor gave me? Ye

Chen originally wanted to help this kid say something.

It turned out that this Zhan Rong kid played quite well.

So there was simply silence.

However, Zhan Rong smiled in the direction of the beautiful instructor with an excited look and said, "Beautiful instructor, are you fancying me?" "

“...... You guys are not vigilant at all. All for elite boot camps? Now the hunt begins. Just a warning. Whoever gets hit by my bullet next represents elimination. The beautiful instructor was startled by Zhan Rong's somewhat excited eyes, and paused for a moment before continuing.

"Now try to escape." The beautiful instructor said with a smile.

Ah San, who was talking to Wang Lu, turned his head and fled.

Just run away.

Ah San also said to the other Ah San behind him: "Run, the hunt has begun." Those who are hit will be eliminated. This time is definitely to test our agility.

However, Xia Guo looked at the beauty in front of him in silence.

The beauty is clearly half-blood.

The facial features are very three-dimensional.

And it looks very European and American.

The figure is also European and American.

To be honest, Ye Chen was a little overwhelmed.

However, when the beauty raised her gun again, she heard Ye Chen suddenly say: "What are you doing stunned?" her!

Ye Chen said.

The hammer in his hand was thrown out.

The range of hammering is actually quite wide.

This time he didn't use a boomerang.

Rather, hammering.

The beauty was directly stunned in place.

Ye Chen's current hammer strike can stun the enemy for 6 seconds. The cooldown time is 8 seconds.

But he forgot a little.

That is, his attack power is too high.

And it has the potential to deal a fatal blow.

The beauty did not think of it either.

Although Ye Chen's blow did not cause a fatal blow, after all, the probability of well-known ruins is now 20%. There are still lucky people who can dodge this fatal blow.

However, Ye Chen's attack power is nearly 2.75 million (the previous error has been corrected), and the hammer strike is the damage that deals 300% of the player's attack power.

That's 8.25 million.

And then.

On this basis, it also crited.

That's more than 16 million.

Which instructor can carry it?

Ye Chen's hammer only reacted after he threw it out.

"Oops." Ye Chen wanted to pick up the hammer back, but fortunately, he didn't deliver a fatal blow, but the beauty's blood volume was emptied and she fell directly to the ground.

Zhan Rong originally wanted to make a move.

Several other mages have already thrown fireballs.

It all fell on that beautiful woman.

Zhan Rong looked at Ye Chen next to him with a confused face: "Boss, you killed her?" "

The instructor should have resurrection items, right?" Ye Chen's face was full of entanglement: "I didn't mean it, how did I know that she didn't carry the beating so much."

"Brother. You're really my brother. How much power do you have now? Zhan Rong was very skeptical of Ye Chen's data.

Not at all like the data I saw before in the mock arena.

"It's over 10,000." Ye Chen did not dare to tell the truth.

After all, its data is too pervasive.

"Boss, it's still you cow. Are you over 10,000 or 100,000? One hammer knocked people to death. So what do we do now? Zhan Rong was panicked.

Wang Lu laughed: "The instructor of this elite training camp must have resurrection props. What resurrection props are not available, just run out and dare to provoke us? How is that possible? Sure

enough, the body of that beautiful woman quickly disappeared.

Another shadow appeared in midair.

This shadow only has 10% of its previous HP.

But judging from the figure, it should be the beauty just now.

The shadow gradually became clearer.

The beauty with the gun looked at Ye Chen in silence.

When I called her over and gave these rabbit cubs a dismount, why didn't I say that there was a hang-up here?

What harm does this?

A hammer sent her back to the west?

If it weren't for the resurrection props in hand.

It is estimated that they are all gone now.

The beauty glanced at Ye Chen and said angrily: "You passed and went in."

Ye Chen nodded.

Pack your things and go.

Ignoring Deng Dahai and Zhan Rong behind him.

Lan Lan glanced at Zhan Rong lightly: "If you can't even get by with this, don't join the elite training camp."

"Abominable." Zhan Rong took the sword off: "Anyway, this woman only has 10% blood left, it's better to let me kill it once."

Zhan Rong took out a stack of charms from his storage bag.

This was written by the rune master.

Burst Charm.

Each spell deals a fixed 30,000 HP damage.

But this damage can be offset by defense, or damage reduction.

But Zhan Rong had about 20 in his hand.

"Each of these things seems to sell 100,000 battlefield points, right? Where did you come from? Deng Dahai's eyes were round.

"Of course it was given by my father, the banknote ability, the banknote of the banknote." Zhan Rong rolled his eyes.

The ratio of battlefield points to banknotes has always been unfixed. But they are all not fixed high.

So Zhan Rong's family is really rich.

This product said that he used the 20 burst charms in one go.

However, the beauty although the attributes are reduced.

The amount of blood is only 10% of the original.

But when the spell fell on himself.

Suddenly lifting the gun and pointing it at the 20 burst charms is a shot.

This shot was a basketball-sized, sticky bubblegum-like thing.

Fly directly up and wrap the 20 burst charms tightly.

"It's quite rich." The beauty suddenly was happy: "This thing belongs to me."

Zhan Rong was dumbfounded.

Lan Lan and Deng Dahai took a step back.

Keep your distance from this two arms.

Ye Chen entered the elite training camp.

But I always think what's strange about this elite training camp?

"Xiaobai." Ye Chen asked directly.

"This is an elite training camp hosted by the Pope and Charles." Speaking of this, Xiaobai's voice suddenly did not let go, but communicated with Ye Chen in Ye Chen's mind: "Boss, this elite training camp is a conspiracy. Poisonous.

"That Charles and the Pope have long betrayed humanity. They colluded with the Abyss Demon, who told them that there was a way for them to break through the 300-level upper limit. And it did.

"But last time we took the Pantheon. They came specifically for us. It is also necessary to kill all the Terran Tianjiao this time.

"Boss, this plan is too vicious. This is the world's Terran Tianjiao. All dead. The future of the Terrans is gone.

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "No wonder I felt wrong since I came in, where are this Charles and the Pope now?" Lao Tzu went and chopped him. "

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