Ye Chen was talking to Xiaobai, but Charles and the Pope received a prompt with a confused look at this time.

[Your whole body attributes will decrease by 20%. 】


That's 20 percent.

Charles and the Pope's faces turned dark.

At this time, the two of them were on the 18th basement floor of the entire elite training camp.

The 18th floor is a very wide place.

There are various offerings here. If you look closely, they are all very precious materials.

In the center of the 18th floor, there is a particularly ugly teleportation array.

At the center of the teleportation array was a black cloud of light. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as multicolored black.

When prompted. Charles and the Pope's faces changed. The two of them brushed in unison and looked in the direction of the colorful black.

A dissatisfied voice came from within the colorful black, it was the voice of the Holy Ancestor Great Demon King: "What are you two doing looking at me like this?"

"You said that breaking through the level cap can make us stronger." Charles gritted his teeth, now that he and the Pope have returned to the human world, they will not be suppressed by the demon world: "The two of us don't feel that we are strong. On the contrary, the two of us are now under a curse. The 20% drop in the whole body attribute is not as good as before. How do you explain this? "

Saint Ancestor Great Devil King: ???

The Holy Ancestor Great Demon King said with a face full of disbelief: "You actually blame me now? What does this matter have to do with me?

Charles sneered: "If it has nothing to do with you." What are you so excited about?

The black energy of the Saint Ancestor Great Demon King trembled in place, and he seemed to be particularly angry: "Can't I just be angry? What does this matter have to do with me?

"I'm afraid it's not that you two offended someone, and the curse that people gave you?"

The Holy Ancestor Great Demon King felt that this request was very unreasonable: "Did you two provoke someone yourself?" So I had to splash this sewage on my head. What does it have to do with me? "

I heard the Holy Ancestor Great Demon King say this.

And the other party is still righteous.

For a while, whether it was Charles or the Pope. I don't know what to say.

The words of the Holy Ancestor Great Demon King made sense.

Charles said with an ugly face: "I remember that there was a mysterious Tianzun a month ago, and I never found it. This mysterious Celestial Venerable can send out special curses. Or a permanent curse. Can reduce systemic properties by 10%. Now it seems that this mysterious Tianzun skill has been upgraded again?

"He's okay cursing us for?" The Pope's face was ugly: "What kind of profession is this guy?" Could it be that he

knew..." "He probably really knew." Charles's face was ugly: "This kind of Tianzun is generally not a combat profession. It should be an auxiliary. It is likely that it is the Xia people, because only the people of their country will have this profession that can be divination.

"If it weren't for divination, it shouldn't be possible to know about the two of us." I underestimated Xia Guo.

The Pope's face was ugly: "Don't care so much, this time we have gathered so many heavenly heroes." Think about how to sacrifice to Lord Demon God.

"And that Treasure Great Devil. I heard that I was arrested by your Terrans. The voice of the Holy Ancestor Great Demon King appeared next to the two of them: "I want to bring that Treasure Great Demon King as well." This time, the focus was on Ye Chen.

"I heard that Ye Chen helped a lot on the battlefield of the Beimei Continent. If you want to continue to break through and continue to be strong..."

This Saint Ancestor Great Demon King still wanted to bewitch.

Charles asked directly, "Can you help us lift the curse on our heads?" "

Saint Ancestor Great Devil King: .

. "I'll show you." The Saint Ancestor Great Demon King is not a support class. But because he lived for a long time, he still had a little bit of cleverness.

Just as the Holy Ancestor Great Demon King looked towards the curse on Charles's head.

The Holy Ancestor Great Demon King received a hint:

[Congratulations on falling under the curse. Systemic properties decreased by 20%. Saint

Ancestor Great Devil: ???

Saint Ancestor Great Devil: !!

Charles saw that the black energy of the Holy Ancestor Great Demon King seemed to be motionless, and said with some concern: "Did you accidentally come to the world?" So suppressed? "

Actually, that black energy is not the Saint Ancestor Great Demon King at all.

It's a little spatial crack.

It's just that the dark aura on the Saint Ancestor Great Demon King is too heavy.

So there was a lot of dark aura that seeped out from that spatial crack.

So it looks like a black mess.

Charles just asked that sentence.

A black hand stretched out from the dark space. One grabbed Charles and roared angrily: "Why didn't you say it earlier? Is this thing contagious? "

Charles: ???

Then the Pope quickly flicked towards the black hand and flicked an appraisal technique.

The head of the Holy Ancestor Demon King also bears a curse.

Systemic properties reduced by 20%.

"Oh my God. Who is that mysterious Tianzun? Why is it so powerful? The Pope suddenly felt as if he was on the wrong side.

If you continue to be on the side of humanity. There will be no tragedy in the Beimei Continent. Maybe you can find that mysterious Tianzun.

This is a curse. Wrong.

It is to put a curse on others through a dimensional wall.

Or permanent.

This man is amazing.

The hand stretched out by the Saint Ancestor Great Demon King was slapped off by Charles, and like the level of the Saint Ancestor Great Demon King, it would be weakened when he entered the world.

If it is in the demon world.

It was impossible for Charles to push away the hand of the Holy Ancestor Great Devil.

"How do I know?" Charles also did not expect that the Holy Ancestor Great Demon King was also cursed.

"I'm just letting you check, who knows you'll too..." Charles wanted to curse. In the end, he held back: "Holy Ancestor Great Devil King." You've lived here for so long, don't you know that there is any way to remove the curse? "

Yes." The Holy Ancestor Great Demon King roared: "The angelic race will do. But now the Pantheon is in the hands of that smelly boy! "

So things come back around.

Just find Ye Chen.

And snatched the Pantheon Tower from Ye Chen's hand.

You can find a race of angels who helped lift the curse.

They all felt that the curse could be lifted.

But I don't know that this thing can never be lifted.


"Why can't you just go and kill the other party?" Ye Chen frowned: "Isn't this the easiest way?"

"Did you think of the consequences, the boss?" Xiao Bai was a little helpless: "The reputation of the Pope and Charles, now it is very good..."

Xiao Bai's voice did not fall, and was interrupted by Ye Chen: "I'm too lazy to care about these and not, besides, I can kill the two of them secretly, who said that it must be an honest attack?"

Ye Chen said and began to contact Feng Kui.

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