After Gabaibing and Ye Chen entered the city-state, the first thing they said was: "Lord." You're not an angel here, are you?

Ye Chen smiled and asked, "Why did you follow me in?"

"Because you're not an angel here. Not understanding what's going on here. If you guessed correctly, you should be an angel from the western continent. Because there are no angels like you in the continent to the east. Gabaibing answered honestly.

Ye Chen thought that he had revealed his stuffing.

Unexpectedly, this Gabaibing didn't see it at all, he was not an angel at all.

I thought he was an angel from somewhere else.

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at Gabaibing: "In fact, you don't even have the qualifications to enter the city-state. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been able to come in at all.

"You give me coins. Do you mean you want me to bring you in? Because you are low in rank. Not even wings..." Ye

Chen was right.

Especially when Ye Chen said the last sentence.

Gabaibing's face became ugly: "I can fly, I have wings." When I was a child. I flew with my brother.

Ye Chen felt that Gabaibing's attitude was very interesting: "Then why has your brother become an archangel admired by thousands of people?" Have 16 wings, but you, but not a single wing? "

In the kingdom of angels.

More wings mean stronger they are.

Without a single wing, that's simply a weak chicken.

The kingdom of angels is similar to that on earth.

Awakening occurs when you are almost an adult.

Above the awakening ceremony.

Every angel stretches his first wings.

Some people are two.

Some people are three.

It is said that the most powerful thing is that it has 4 wings when awakened.

The higher the attribute of this angelic growth.

Of course, there are also awakened after not a single wing grows.

This kind of angel cultivates much slower than those who have many wings.

And. The upper limit for growth is limited.

Therefore, such angels are often ridiculed.

Gabaibing should have lived in this atmosphere of ridicule since childhood.

My brother said. The pharmacy in the city had the medicine he left for me. It allows me to grow wings again. Gabaibing clenched his fists: "My brother is very good to me." It's just that these people go too far.

"They won't let you in at all?" Ye Chen was curious: "I would like to see what kind of medicine can make people grow wings instantly." Might as well take me to see it. "

It was also Ye Chen who brought Gabai soldiers into this city-state.

Ye Chen took out the shiny thing that Gabaibing had just given him: "I just lack a guide. I want to walk around the city.

Gabaibing took the crystal coin: "Happy to serve." "

The two entered the city-state.

Ye Chen's eyes never stopped.

Walking over next door, an angelic beauty 1.9 meters tall, her wings are pink, but she has three wings.

Tall and tall, and particularly plump.

Then a cute little angel came to the right. It's obvious that it's the same way as Xiaobai. Loli style.

It's just that the wings flutter gray. But the little angel's wings are cute. Furry feeling. It is a different style from the tall angel just now.

The streets are full of long legs.

Shocking white.

Moreover, the angels in the angelic kingdom wear less in order to cool down.

But what they value most is their wings.

They would put all kinds of beautiful decorations on their wings.

Everywhere you can see shops selling wings with decorations on them.


On the contrary, for their white jade-like bodies.

The angels didn't really care.

The Gabaibing next to him also kept introducing: "The angels of our eastern continent cherish their wings very much. I also bought a lot of skins for my wings.

When he said this, Gabaibing was a little embarrassed: "Although I don't have a wing until now."

Xiao Bai's eyes were very strange when he looked at Gabaibing.

It seems that he knows something, but under Ye Chen's order, he can't say.

If this is to be said, the full attribute of the plus hundred soldiers will decrease.

It was uncomfortable to hold Xiaobai.

"Your wings, you still don't want too much... Think too much. Xiao Bai couldn't stand it, so he could only say this to Gabaibing.

Harvested Ye Chen's white eyes.

Xiaobai felt uncomfortable: "I think people have to go with the flow."

Gabaibing nodded: "Your statement is quite strange." Let it be. I've always wanted to have really nice wings. Can anyone tell me how to go with the flow.

"Everyone's pursuit is different." Ye Chen replied with a smile: "You can go to the pharmacy to find the medicine that your brother left for you." See if your wings can grow.

"It's the first time I've heard of a drug that makes angels grow wings. Why don't you let me take a good look? "

Hear Ye Chen's words.

Gabaibing's whole face was written all over and excited.

He took Ye Chen and came to the pharmacy that his brother said.

Gabaibing said the package left by his brother.

The guy in the shop, although he was very disdainful of Gabaibing, a wingless angel.

But hearing that what Gabriel needed was actually the package left by Gabriel.

The guy in the shop looked at Gabaibing with a sincere expression: "You are Gabriel's younger brother Gabaibing." Oops, you said it earlier. The package your brother left you has been with us for many days. The

guy in the shop said, and handed a black package to Gabaibing.

Gabaibing was particularly excited after taking it. Thank you again and again.

Obviously, the guy in that store also knows what kind of treasure is in this package.

So the shop guy quickly said to Gabaibing: "Don't you open it and take a look?" Might as well take it now. Save the night and dream more. "

Actually, Gabaibing wants to open that package now.

Ate everything inside the package.

But Gabaibing did not have the guts.

He glanced cautiously at the shop guy.

The shop guys all had hopeful smiles on their faces.

Gabaibing pondered for a moment before opening the package.

Ye Chen and Xiao Bai also looked curiously in the direction of the package.

The inside and three outer layers of the package bag.

However, the middle position is just a small bottle.

Gabaibing took out the small bottle.

Xiao Bai suddenly spoke at this time: "You can think clearly." What are the consequences of eating it?

Ye Chen felt that Xiaobai's choice of words was a bit strange.

The consequences are all out.

After Xiao Bai said this, he hid behind Ye Chen.

I didn't dare to see Gabaibing.

Gabaibing showed a particularly difficult smile at Xiaobai: "Didn't you say that just now? Wings should come naturally. I'm just going with the flow now.

He said and opened the bottle and drank it in one gulp.

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