After drinking the medicine, Gabaibing looked particularly uncomfortable.

The whole person curled up.

However, the guy in the shop picked up the horn excitedly: "Everyone come and see, someone has taken medicine to grow wings."

"It's our store's medicine." It works very well. Every angel without wings is able to grow its own wings. "

The guy spoke loudly.

And now the angelic kingdom's obsession with wings is only high.

So at the same time that the shop guy shouted out, many people looked in the direction of Gabaibing.

Gabaibing naturally felt pressured.

However, changes soon began in Gabaibing.

The clothes on his upper body were all reduced to pieces.

Ye Chen was originally quite close to Jia Baibing.

But seeing that Gabaibing's action this time seems to be quite big.

Just quickly back off.

Gabai's wings slowly grew out of his back.

All that can be seen are two particularly large wings shrouded in light.

At this time, the color of the wings is not clear.

But all the angels were rejoicing.

"Is it so cool to see someone grow wings?" Ye Chen said that he was not able to understand.

But there is something wrong with the color of the wings of the Garbaibers.

Ye Chen had studied it when he came before.

Inside the kingdom of angels.

The white wings represent extremely high mana.

So the big guys want their wings to move closer to the white.

But not every angel sticks out, and the wings are white.

Depending on the angel, the colors of these wings are also varied.

All kinds of colors, all kinds of things.

But there is no black.

Because of the black wings, it is considered ominous.

Just the cute little angel that Ye Chen met on the street just now.

The wings of the other side are gray.

Although this gray is close to white, it is still stained with a bit of black.

So that cute little angel didn't have a particularly happy expression on his face.

It is estimated that there is no less discrimination in this city.

However, the wings of the Gabai soldiers are directly black.

Ye Chen felt his scalp numb when he looked at it from the side.

So at the same time that the wings of the Gabai soldiers grew.

Ye Chen threw one in the direction of Gabai soldiers, looking at my seventy-two changes.

He directly turned the wings of Gabai soldiers white.

The amount is still the same as the potion that Gabai soldiers eat, and the wings that grow out.

It's actually inside that light curtain.

What color are the wings that Gabai soldiers can best see?

Others can't see clearly, but is he still not clear?

Isn't this black wing?

How can there be angels with black wings in this world?

Such angels will definitely be killed.

Just when Gabaibing didn't know how to do it.

The kind man who took him into the city-state, but suddenly used a skill on him.

Gabai found his annoying black wings.

Turned white.

Turned into white wings???

Gabaibing's face was shocked.

At this time, the light that wrapped the wings of Gabai soldiers slowly disappeared.

These rays disappear at the same time.

Gabaibing's white wings appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

All the angels were cheering:

"Oh my God. I actually saw a pair of white wings. White wings.

"The white wings appeared so suddenly, it was simply unexpected."

"What kind of great man did I witness?"

"It's so exciting."

"I thought this kid would give birth to gray wings. I didn't expect it to end up white.

"I really can't see that such a child has such potential."

"It's exciting."


Jia Baibing looked at Ye Chen with a shocked expression.

Because Gabaibai knows very well what color his wings are.

Who is this Ye Chen?

Why can he even change the color of his wings?

Gabaibing's mind is full of question marks.

But at this time, the Gabai soldiers could only follow Ye Chen.

Gabaibing came out of the shop and followed Ye Chen to the market of the Angel Country.

Xiaobai, who had been silent, became extremely lively at this time.

Since Ye Chen didn't have the money of the Angel Realm at all.

Therefore, Ye Chen adopts the mode of bartering.

Xiao Bai walked around the entire market, and then whispered to Ye Chen: "Boss, you take out my storage bag." "

Ye Chen's storage bag contains many other small storage bags. This includes Xiaobai's storage bag.

Xiaobai has more storage bags.

"Which do you want?" Ye Chen looked at Xiao Bai curiously: "Is it the storage bag you loaded with food or something else?"

"I'll find it myself." Xiao Bai said directly.

Ye Chen gave her all the storage bags of Xiaobai.

But he rented a stall in this market.

Jia Baibing followed behind Ye Chen woodenly.

Two angels with two white wings appear here.

It's really compelling.

Many angels looked in their direction.

And I saw Ye Chen actually set up a booth.

Many angels found it incredulous and looked in their direction, and surrounded his booth.

"Do adults want to sell something?"

"Aren't the things that adults sell particularly powerful?"

"Lord, something like yours should be put in the auction house to auction, it shouldn't be here."


All kinds of courteous voices are constantly heard.

However, what Ye Chen took out was a bunch of issuing cards that he had gone to Yiwu small market to wholesale before.

Because whether it is Xiaobai or Cortana, they are very fond of shiny hairpins.

"These hairpins can be clipped to the wings for decoration." Ye Chen took out all these hair cards. By the way, he beckoned in the direction of Gabaibing.

Jia Baibing still had many questions to ask Ye Chen.

So he didn't say much about Ye Chen's actions.

Instead, he honestly stood in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chenzhen clipped a hairpin to the white wings of the Gabai soldier.

An angel said with admiration: "There are actually such beautiful gadgets under the sky." So cute.

Another angel also nodded next to him: "Yes, yes, it's so cute." We all loved it.

"Three coins can take one." Ye Chen said the price at this time: "This material is quite hard. And it is not conductive. "

The angels fly in the sky.

The most feared thing is thunderous weather.

Some people carry metal wings to decorate. Flying into the sky is often struck by lightning.

But hearing Ye Chen say so.

A group of angels are ready to move.

"I want one."

"I want it too, I want it too."

"These patterns are beautiful."

"I've never seen a wing decoration like this before."

In fact, the things that Xiao Bai wanted to take were similar to the things Ye Chen took.

It's either a card issuance or a clip.

After Ye Chen took out a lot, Xiaobai took out another storage bag.

With a bang, it all poured out.

After all, Ye Chen's wholesale issuance cards in Yiwu Small Market are definitely not as many as Xiaobai.

As a pet who likes to issue cards.

Xiaobai really didn't show any mercy when he bought these things.

A 900 cubic meter storage bag.

All let Xiaobai stuff such things.

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