Gabaibing never thought that Ye Chen was actually an ornament dealer.

And I have to say that Ye Chen's aesthetic is still online.

These decorations sold by Ye Chen are really popular.

After a while, some angels with several wings on their wings and all with their hair cards full of hair cards went out with excited faces.

"Let's go back and get the money."

"I must push these beautiful decorations to my sisters."

"The decorations I bought before could only be glued directly to the wings. You know, if you don't like these decorations, if you want to take them down, it's really sour. But these decorations sold by adults are really beautiful enough and convenient enough.

"I love the decorations like that."

"Adults should come to our market often."

"I want all these issuing cards. The whole wing is shining beautifully. "

The little bunny hair card is so cute."


Ye Chen didn't expect it, but it was just some products from the small market in Yiwu.

It actually made these angels so excited.

You know, these angels are quite protective of their wings.

But Ye Chen could see that several angels had squeezed the hairs on their wings. Squeezed out. I had to come in front of him and buy a small hair card.

"Boss, we can sell it as a hit." Xiao Bai happily collected the crystal coin.

This coin contains a special energy.

Ye Chen felt that this thing had a fight with the experience potion.

However, he exchanged this coin mainly to buy it from the angel market.

In this angel market, it is full of all kinds of auxiliary props.

A healing scroll that can be restored instantly.

Resurrection scrolls that can be resurrected.

You can add a variety of buff scrolls to yourself.

There are even statues of the resurrection.

However, it is too different from the kind of resurrection statue built by Ye Chen.

After Ye Chen sold all the small issuing cards, he began the sweeping mode.

Originally, many angels next to them were a little jealous after seeing that Ye Chen's business was so good.

However, he saw Ye Chen begin to sweep their goods.

There were also smiles on the faces of those angels.

I recommend my own products.

Ye Chen swept from the east side of the market to the west.

Swept from the south to the north.

It really made him sweep a very special thing.

A drawing.

[One drawing]: A construction drawing. When opened, it becomes a random drawing of the building.

Ye Chen was originally a master builder.

This kind of drawing is really good for Ye Chen.

So Ye Chen opened it.

Then Ye Chen's face froze.

[Angel Tower]: Build an angel tower.

"What is this?" Ye Chen looked at the drawings in front of him in a daze.

Xiao Bai glanced at it and entered the prophet mode: "Boss, this is a good thing." Boss, have you ever played that explosive game?

"Like Red Alert or Interstellar."

"An angel tower is a tower that can create angels. Although most of these angels are auxiliary classes, the angel tower can choose the class of troops. And as the Angel Tower upgrades, more classes will be created.

"It's just that these professions are all angels. The image applied is also the image of an angel.

When Xiao Bai said this, Ye Chen's two eyes lit up: "This is from the rioters?" In

fact, Ye Chen felt that he was a master builder who seemed to be missing something.

As if the most important soul.

Isn't the soul coming now?

"That's a good thing." Ye Chen learned the Angel Tower first.

I'm going to find a suburb to give it a try.

Anyway, there is no way to try it in the city.

And Ye Chen really wanted to have something to say to Jia Baibing.

Seeing that Ye Chen finally planned to leave the market.

Jia Baibing hurriedly rushed forward and said to Ye Chen: "My home is near here. Although it is just a small house, I feel very homely. The adults will accompany me there.

"I don't have anyone else in my family, just me." I have something to say to adults. "

Gabai has long known what color his wings are.

But the color of the wings changed.

This matter must have something to do with Ye Chen.

So Gabab was anxious to figure out what was going on.

Ye Chen nodded: "Then I'll go with you." "

The place where Gabai soldiers live is not broken.

It can even be said to be gorgeous.

He lived in a treehouse far from the city-state.

"This is my home." Jia Baibing brought Ye Chen to the house.

He opened the door and looked at Ye Chen cautiously.

"Sit down, I'll pour you tea." Gabaibing won Ye Chen back to his home, and then quickly poured tea for Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was naturally not polite.

Picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"Your wings are black." Before Jia Baibing could speak, Ye Chen spoke directly.

Xiao Bai covered his face helplessly.

Boss, this is also too direct.

Ye Chen not only spoke very directly, but Ye Chen snapped his fingers at this time in the direction of Gabaibing.

The disguise on Gabaibing's body was lifted by Ye Chen.

Sure enough, the wings of the Gabai soldiers were black.

It's still that particularly black black.

When Gabaibing saw such wings as himself, he sat on the ground with his ass at that time.

"How can it be black? How is that possible? Gabaibing sat on the ground with an incredulous expression: "In this case, I would rather not have wings at all, I would rather I myself have not awakened at all." Speaking

of this, Gabaibing suddenly jumped up and walked in the direction of the kitchen.

Ye Chen didn't have time to stop it at all.

Watched as Gabai dragged a knife from the kitchen and slashed it on his wing.

That kind of pain is something that Gabaibai simply can't bear.

So Gabaibing fainted immediately.

Ye Chen could only recruit Xiao Na.

As soon as Xiao Na came out, she hugged Ye Chen excitedly and said, "Boss, this is the country of angels, and the air here seems to be glowing with the same kind of light." I felt very comfortable.

"Don't feel comfortable yet, heal your wounds quickly." Ye Chen rolled his eyes angrily, pointed at the Gabaibing on the ground and said, "Heal the injuries on that fool's body." Of

course Cortana will do it.

However, during the treatment, Cortana was curious and said, "Is this person you are treating a demon?" How can this guy's wings be black? This is the first time I've seen an angel with black wings. "

Black wings don't bode well." Xiao Bai held back all the way: "Black wings will be considered an ominous existence in the Angel Realm. Actually, I have known for a long time, but I am afraid to say that I will lower the attributes of the other party. But I say it doesn't matter now.

"No wonder he's so excited. Might as well cut off the wings.

This made Ye Chen a little curious: "Aren't these angels relying on the big wings behind them to distinguish the level of the level?" If the wings are chopped. Isn't it a catastrophe for the angels? "

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