In fact, before Ye Chen came to this ghost place, he also checked a lot of information.

But there is no information about black wings.

After all, few people from the Angelic Realm have ever entered.

But for Ye Chen. It doesn't matter if you have black wings or white wings.

Gabaibing's reaction was simply too violent.

Of course, Ye Chen had no way to understand Gabaibing.

I really don't understand why there are so many dramas in this product.

However, he took a closer look at the living environment of the Gabai soldiers.

"Didn't you say Gabriel's brother? Even without wings. It's not going to be so shabby. "Ye Chen can't understand Gabaibing.

Because he was a kid.

When my father and sister were very productive in the family.

Everyone felt that Ye Chen might not be able to awaken any profession.

The father and sister of the family treated Ye Chen well.

I also told Ye Chen that he could play as much as he wanted.

As long as it doesn't cause human life.

Poke a big hole.

Both have a father and sister on top.

How did you get to Gabaibing's house?

The disparity is that serious.

Even if Ye Chen didn't cross over in his last life.

When he was just an ordinary family.

The inside of the home is also very warm.

It was before high school in my last life. Ye Chen's results were not very good. It is also a master of the house.

But the family has always been very tolerant of him.

The situation of this plus a hundred soldiers is nothing more than the situation of the scumbags in the previous life.

But this day is really not called a day.

"Shouldn't angels be particularly beautiful?" Ye Chen checked the information before, and the information also showed this: "In all the copies, all the angels are particularly beautiful. Helpful, and all auxiliary occupations.

"How did you get to the kingdom of angels?" When you go to the homeland of angels, you can see angels mocking others and excluding others like humans.

Cortana didn't quite understand: "Probably because this is the real angelic kingdom?"

Xiao Bai said on the side: "In fact, the Angel Kingdom is also very tolerant of young people who do not have wings. People don't grow wings, but their cultivation is slower. The upper limit of cultivation is very limited.

"There's no reason to bully people. This Gabaibing lived so poorly, all because of his brother's love. "

Xiaobai turned on the prophet mode at this time.

Cortana also understands Xiaobai's skill. But hearing this, I still felt a little nonsense: "God's brother's love, you are not mistaken, right?" "

That's what it showed after I used the skill. Gabaibing's brother feels that Gabaibing has not awakened his wings, probably because he has not exercised enough. So he specially drove the Gabai soldiers out of the main mansion. Xiao Bai said in

a rambling, "That's why Gabaibing lives in such a dilapidated house." But what Gabaibing didn't know was that the reason why he became this ghost was all because of his brother.

"Gabaibing and his older brother are twins, and the two of them were born on the same day and awakened on the same day."

"Actually, Gabai soldiers have wings. But his brother used a special secret technique to make Gabriel's wings grow on his brother's body, so Gabriel had 4 wings when he first awakened. It's all white.

Ye Chen frowned and listened: "So, Gabriel is a villain?" But

Gabaibing woke up at this time.

I didn't believe what Xiaobai said just now.

What Xiao Bai said, in fact, Gabaibing heard it just now.

"You talk nonsense." Gabaibing's injuries have been healed by Cortana. The black wings were still glued to Gabaibing's body, and Gabaibing's eyes widened and said: "My brother has always been very good to me, and the reason why I live here is because my brother let me live here to sharpen me."

"My brother is a genius. He had 4 wings when he first awakened. And I don't have a wing.

"That's because I'm not talented enough. That's all. Now that I have such evil black wings, I am no longer qualified to remain in the Angelic Realm. "

Gabaibai just woke up and was about to cut off his wings again.

There is no way, Ye Chen can only tie this guy up.

For angels, wings are crucial.

If you don't have it, it's fine.

It is nothing more than that the speed of cultivation is slower than that of other angels.

But if it grows and then cut it off.

That is a serious injury to vitality, and it will definitely be life-threatening.

"Xiaobai. Say everything you know. "Ye Chen doesn't care whether he hurts his attributes now, and directly let Xiao Bai say.

Xiao Bai directly turned on the prophetic mode:

"There has actually been a problem in the angelic kingdom for a long time. There are a total of 7 towers of faith in the kingdom of angels. "

This is something that a higher level of the dimension uses to control the creatures of this dimension."

"These 7 towers of faith enshrine 7 different gods, and according to the understanding of the angelic kingdom, these 7 gods nurture all the angels in the entire angelic kingdom."

"In fact, the 7 different gods enshrined in these 7 belief towers come from 7 dimensions higher than this world."

What Xiao Bai is talking about now is the knowledge under the prophetic mode.

Ye Chen could understand it.

Cortana's CPU has exploded.

Gabaibing was completely half-aware and could not understand what Xiaobai was saying.

"Six of the seven dimensions have reached alliances, and only one they hate very much. So they squeezed out that together, wanting the other party to withdraw.

"This believer in God believes in the Dark Moon. In the kingdom of angels, there will be two moons at night, one bright moon and one dark moon.

"Both moons can be seen. Quite obviously. The sky at night is actually not black, but dark blue. There is no need to say more about the bright moon, there is a particularly large shadow behind the bright moon, enveloping the entire bright moon. This is the Dark Moon.

"The power represented by the Dark Moon God is black. So if the Dark Moon God is worshipped , the angels will grow black wings. The angels provided by the Dark Moon God are actually very powerful.

"But because of the other 6 alliances. They instilled one idea in all the angels. That is, whoever grows black wings is evil. Who is the greatest sin in the world.

"So the angels that grew black wings were wiped out by them." Once the matter of Gabaibing is discovered, it is also a death. "

Xiaobai's prophetic mode seems to be over.

However, Ye Chen still had a question: "Is that Dark Moon God still here?" "

Not anymore." Xiaobai shook his head: "They were all thrown out."

"The Tower of Faith should still be there, right?" Ye Chen said with a smile: "Let's disguise ourselves as the Dark Moon God, and then drive the other 6 out." Take control of the entire kingdom of angels. "

Xiaobai, Cortana: 66666!

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