Ye Chen came to the Angel Realm after eating and drinking enough in his own world.

Because there are too many people who want to go to the angelic kingdom.

So Ye Chen finally brought a lot of people in.

Of course, he also went specifically to the headmaster to get a statue.

He and the old man looked at it for a long time in a pile of beautiful statues.

In the end, an angel statue with 4 wings was chosen. The only fly in the ointment is that the angel statue is wearing a bikini.

It is not as white and flawless as other statues.

"After all, it is put in another world as a signboard. You can't go too far. The old man sighed: "Your world is beautiful when you hear it." If I were you, I would never contribute this world to the country. How nice it is to carry it in your own pocket.

Ye Chen nodded: "This will not contribute to the country, after all, the requirements of that country are too low." People only need some Yiwu small goods. After

taking the statue, Ye Chen took people directly to the Angel Realm.

Gabaibing followed Ye Chen's way through.

People are already numb.

In the eyes of Jia Baibing, Ye Chen can simply be called a god.

Because a statue that Ye Chen casually took out could really increase the blood ceiling by 10%.

Although Jia Baibing also felt that this statue looked as if Ye Chen touched it casually.

"The priority now is to send this kid to his brother first, and then take revenge. Fulfill this kid's wishes. Ye Chen pointed to the Gabaibing next to him.

Nalan Xue rolled up her sleeves: "This is simple. Then

a group of people took Gabriel with Gabriel soldiers.

In fact, Gabaibing belongs to the kind of very honest child.

Even if he was pitted by his own brother.

Gabaibing still has good intentions.

"Actually, you don't need so many people to accompany me." Gabriel always felt that so many people went to find their brother Gabriel. If Gabriel didn't get it right, he would die on the spot.

I don't know how ugly it is to die.

"I think one or two people can follow me." Arrived at the place where Gabriel worked. Gabaibing whispered.

"I'll just go along." Nalan Xue looked innocent and kind: "After all, if Ye Chen moves, the movement will be too big." "

A casual skill or normal attack could kill Gabriel.

The place where Gabriel worked was a post under the banner of the devotional gods.

In the Angel Kingdom, every day and night, when the dark moon appears, the power of these monsters will increase accordingly.

But because of the presence of a bright moon.

Even if there is a dark moon, the power increase of those monsters will not be very high.

But there are always exceptions in this world.

In case these monsters enhance too much.

The monsters will directly cross the city-state and rush into the city-state's teleportation array. Some monsters can even break the teleportation array and rush into the city-state to find trouble.

As a result, posts are set up at intervals.

Let the most powerful angels work inside, and use them at night to rid the monsters.

"How much these 6 gods are ruined." Ye Chen stood outside the outpost, watching Nalan Xue and Gabaibing leave, and said with some helplessness: "When these angels are excited about our gods, I will build a bunch of defense towers." Perfect coverage of the entire kingdom of angels. There will be absolutely no monsters at night.

Speaking of this, Ye Chen was also quite curious: "I have never spent the night here at night, and I don't know what the monster looks like, is it the same as the demon?" Hearing

this, Bai Luoyan's eyes widened: "How can you have such thoughts?

"We can go to all kinds of replicas and do tasks. Haven't you thought that these copies could be a big world that is connected? "Ye Chen's brain hole is big enough.

Tang Xiaoyue really never thought about this problem: "Since the whole world has been gamified. The top management means that all of this is gamified copy. There is also no specific connection between these copies. Nor did we ever think there was a connection between them.

"That's an interesting idea. At night, let's see if the monsters here are the demons over there.

In fact, Tang Xiaoyue also had some doubts.

"In that case, the monster may have a bigger world. Isn't it possible for the demon world to summon demon gods? Ye Chen turned his head to look at Xiao Bai next to him: "Say it."

Xiao Bai turned on the prophet mode: "Yes." In fact, these worlds are complicated. Some copies are indeed linked. But very little.

"Most of the copies are independent. As for the game coming to reality, it's because..."

Xiao Bai continued.

But no one could hear it.

At this time, Xiao Bai seemed to have been stolen from his throat.

No matter what she says, it is impossible to make any sound.

Xiao Bai continued with a flustered look.

But Ye Chen couldn't even see Xiaobai's mouth shape.

[System]: This kind of thing is the biggest secret of this world. You can understand it as the way of heaven. And how could Xiao Bai say it?

It turns out that Xiaobai's skill also has an upper limit.

There are some unspeakable existences. It is able to limit Xiaobai.

So no matter what Xiaobai says.

I can't hear it anymore.

Xiao Bai looked at Ye Chen speechlessly: "You can't hear what I said just now." Is something wrong with my throat? This

time, everyone could hear what Xiao Bai said, and she could hear it herself.

Ye Chen was full of helplessness: "It seems that you can't say anything about this matter." Then let me guess? "

We're in a world where we're suddenly coming with a copy, and it's a conspiracy?"

Xiaobai's eyes lit up and he nodded quickly.

But there was suddenly an extra black lightning bolt in the sky, slashing straight in the direction of Xiaobai.

Ye Chen pushed Xiao Bai away.

But the lightning chased in Xiao Bai's direction. It's going to turn a corner.

Ye Chen blocked Xiao Bai's body.

So Ye Chen received a hint:

[Your anti-injury cloak has taken effect.

At the same time, he seemed to hear a muffled snort in the darkness of the sky.

Heavenly Dao: MMP!

The system did not dare to speak at this time.


But the heart of the system screamed madly: "This salted fish host actually dares to be tough and rigid, bullish." However, the anti-injury cloak could not cause any damage to the Heavenly Dao. Probably not.

Ye Chen's face was ugly, and he protected Xiaobai: "Don't say anything about this." "

Take a look at the sky.

Ye Chen knew that this matter was confidential. But sooner or later, he explores the problem. The entire Blue Star becomes a replica playground. There was no conspiracy in this, so he didn't believe it.

However, Nalan Xue's side quickly reacted. Don't look at Nalan Xue's kind and innocent look, this little girl went straight in with a single knife and directly entered the sentry post with Gabai soldiers. Under the identification of Gabaibing. Dragged Gabriel out with one hand.

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