When Nalan Xue over there faced Gabriel, it was like facing a little chicken boy.

Gabriel didn't even have time to resist.

He was severely stepped on the ground by Nalan Xue, and then plucked the hairs of the big wings behind him.

Only two pairs remained.

Two pairs of the whitest and most beautiful large wings.

Nalan Xue turned her head to look at the Gabai soldiers beside her. At this time, the wings on the back of the Gabai soldier were pure black.

When Gabaibing and Nalan Xue rushed into the outpost.

There were quite a few people attacking in their direction.

But they were all evaded by Nalan Xue.

As for how to evade Gabaibing, it was not something that Nalan Xue had to deal with.

If it is said that it is an honor to be Ye Chen's divine envoy. Then Gabaibing must give the corresponding strength.

If there is no way to avoid this attack. He really didn't qualify to be Ye Chen's divine envoy.

At this time, Gabriel was beaten and could not fight back.

None of the angels next to him dared to step forward.

"Gabriel's name, but it is famous in the legends over there, and as a result, Gabriel in this world is too weak." Ye Chen took the time to glance in the direction of Nalan Xue, and then casually picked up a stone and smashed it towards the location where the lightning strike was issued just now.

The system kindly reminded: "Host, you can't beat the Heavenly Dao." I can't even hit. Then

the system watched as the host threw a rock into the black clouds.

Probably triggered a fatal blow, or some other condition.

Anyway, the cloud that thundered and lightning just now immediately dissipated.

Reveal beautiful stars.

Although there are two moons in the sky, it is strange and disgusting.

But that doesn't mean there aren't stars in this place.

On the contrary, the stars of the kingdom of angels are particularly bright.

After Ye Chen finished fighting, he said lightly: "Who told you that I was going to fight the Heavenly Dao?" I just can't get used to this cloud. "

System: .

. Ye Chen's actions here did not attract much attention from others.

Because now whether it is Bai Luoyan or Tang Xiaoyue.

All focused his eyes on Nalan Xue's body.

This Nalan Xue beating Gabriel is like beating a chicken cub.

Three times five divided by two, and the other party's hair will be clean.

Only the remaining two have large white wings.

Hung weakly on the ground.

Nalan Xue stepped on Gabriel's chest with a small foot.

Just directly trampled Gabriel's ribs by breaking 5.

Gabriel simply couldn't get up.

The female devil leader Nalan Xue turned her head and glanced at the Gabai soldiers beside her: "Are these two white wings enough?"

Gabaibing nodded: "Just take these two." This is the wings taken from me by him. Since it is the first wing, it grows the strongest.

Gabriel's eyes widened: "Brother." How are you? How are you black wings? How can you still grow wings?

Gabai was furious: "Is it strange that I have wings?" If not because of you. I have long had white wings. Aren't you proud when you take away my wings and disguise myself as a genius?

"Also specifically let me live outside the city-state." Let those demons kill me, fortunately I have survived to this point, otherwise I would have become an unjust ghost now.

"I'm going to take my wings back."

Gabriel rushed forward and directly gave Gabriel two big mouths.

Gabriel struggled under Nalan Xue's feet.

There is simply no way to move.

The angels of the angelic kingdom are quite simple after all.

If Gabriel were to kill now, he wouldn't admit it.

Or take a bite back and splash this dirty water on Gabaibing's body again.

To be honest, it is not good to say anything about Gabaibing.

However, Gabriel directly admitted: "How do you know this?" Logically, you shouldn't know. When

Gabaibing heard his brother admit it himself, he collapsed directly: "I have regarded you as my favorite brother since I was a child, why do you treat me like this?"

"Isn't it bad that both of us grow two white wings during the awakening ceremony?"

"You have to make 4 wings? You have to grab my wings?

In fact, Ye Chen did not expect that Gabriel would actually throw this pot directly on his father's head: "I don't want to either." But my father said that our family must be glorified.

"It was Father who asked me to snatch your wings. It was my father who made me that glorious one.

Gabaibing was stunned, and then reacted: "You talk nonsense, what does this have to do with my father?" It is clear that you sneaked and took away my wings.

Xiao Bai nodded next to him: "It really has nothing to do with his father." It was Gabriel who took away the wings of Gabriel's soldiers. Because there was a legend at that time. It is said that angels who can grow 4 wings when awakening will have better prospects for development.

"What development prospects?" Bai Luoyan's face was full of confusion: "Just Nalan Xue beating him is like beating a chicken boy, this is still the best development prospect." "

Ye Chen doesn't care so much.

Build the Angel Tower first.

A tall tower suddenly appeared in everyone's field of vision, which also startled Bai Luoyan and Tang Xiaoyue.

Because this tower looks a little different from other defensive towers.

Ye Chen found. When he approached the Angel Tower, the Angel Tower gave a dialog box.

The quantity can be selected above.

and the types of angels summoned.

There are two types of this kind.

One is the angel of the magic attack.

One is the angel of physical attack.

Gender can be selected.

Ye Chen is of course a magical attack angel who chooses women.

First lost 100 on the dialog.

But when you hit OK, those 100 become 20.

Ye Chen's blue bar was empty.

Emma, this is too blue.

Cortana was taken aback.

Quickly replenish the amount of blue to Ye Chen.

Back to the blue × 100!

Cortana felt pain in her chest.

And Cortana also found that there were suddenly 20 more archangels with more than 50 wings on her back.

"54 pairs of wings. Awesome. A lot of the wings overlapped behind this. Ye Chen was stunned when he saw the number of wings: "If this is sent to Ken Mouji, then it will not be profitable?"

"This is your new skill?" Tang Xiaoyue noticed Ye Chen's movement: "What do you think?" The number of angels' wings can determine the opponent's level. You are probably stronger than the angels in the most powerful angelic kingdom. What KFC to send?

Ye Chen smiled: "I'll be joking." "


Ye Chen took Nalan Xue to the outpost to kick the field.

Indeed, there were many angels who were planning to strike at him.

But what he didn't expect was that Ye Chen summoned a tower at this time.

And out of that tower came 20 angels with 54 wings.

For a while, the angels in the opposite outpost were stunned.

There are even many angels who took out photo stones and began to take pictures.

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