Ye Chen was quite unconvinced.

Open the Detailed description of the critical strike panel.

[Critical Hit]: Normal attacks or skills have a 20% probability of causing one-hit kills. The slain person disregards the level, ignores the defense, ignores any consumable items, and cannot be revived.

Ye Chen took this detailed description panel and reasoned with the system: "See no, ignore the level." So even if that boss is level 500, so what? "

Will the 500 level be a higher priority?" Although the system never mentions the priority thing, this thing belongs to the common sense of playing games.

For example, in the case of the player having resurrection items.

If the player enters an unresurrectable realm. Then the priority is the priority of this irresurrectible field. Even if you have resurrection items, there is no way to revive.

[System]: The priority of level 500 will be a little higher. What's more, this is a boss that has broken through the level and broke the dimensional wall and appears directly in front of you.

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes: "Summoned by the Heavenly Dao?" "

[System]: It can be understood this way.

Ye Chen's face was ugly: "Then according to what you say, this fatal blow is useless." You system. "

[System]: .

【System】: You can take a closer look. The immunity above this boss is similar to the field. In this range, this guy can be immune to all special effects. The priority of the field is the highest in the world.

When Ye Chen communicated with the system, he still did not forget to continue to build the defense tower.

However, in addition to building defensive towers, many angel towers were also built.

Archangels with wings walked out of the Angel Tower.

The professions set up by Ye Chen are all mages, so the first time these archangels came out was to attack the boss with various spells.

Because of Ye Chen's joining, this hatred is really stable.

When approaching the boss, everyone can see that a leaderboard appears next to it.

At this time, Xia Guo was firmly in the first place.

In second place is the Foot Basin Country.

Hibak is in third place.

Then Ye Chen also saw the rankings of some small countries above. This place should still be the boundary of the Xia Kingdom. These other foreigners are estimated to have come from the teleportation array.

The quantity is scarce, so the damage is less.

Ye Chen's damage value is definitely the highest. Because so far he has laid down more than 400,000 defensive towers. The feeling of being followed by more than 50 nurses is different.

This nanny has a little occupational disease, that is, there is no reduction in anyone's blood, or a slight decrease in the blues.

But the skills that Ye Chen used, those nurses immediately threw back Blue.

Therefore, Ye Chen's blood volume and blue amount have always remained at full value.

Even if Ye Chen summoned the Archangel, he could empty his blue amount every time. But in the next second, it can be filled by those 50 nurses.

Bai Luoyan looked at Ye Chen a little proudly and said, "How is it?" In this group of more than 100 people, I specially helped you find more than 50 auxiliary occupations. It's for you.

"Master said before that he didn't want you to come, but I think it's best for you to come over." This kind of national level boss, we have never fought before.

"And you won't see monsters in our country either." I think this time is very strange.

"It's like a deeper gamified world." In the past, when we played games, there were monsters in the wild in every city. And every once in a while, world-class bosses are swiped on the map, right?

"Now it's not just the replica that's like the game, it's even the wild like the game."

Bai Luoyan complained on the side.

After Ye Chen built the defensive tower, he directly found a place to sit on the spot. Even took out potato chips and started clicking.

Bai Luoyan saw Ye Chen's so leisurely appearance, and her face was speechless: "Big brother." Is it appropriate for you to eat potato chips at this time? Shouldn't you build a little more defensive towers?

"Not built. Too tired. And didn't you find out that this goods has locked me? Now my damage should be the highest, so the hatred should be me, didn't you notice that every attack of the boss is smashed in my direction? Although there is so much meat in the front blocking. If you accidentally hit me, that's not good. Ye Chen made a particularly frightened look.

Bai Luoyan: "... Then don't you still have the kind of puppet that can help you build the tower?

Ye Chen nodded: "That's why I'm sitting here with peace of mind." He pointed to a puppet doll not far away: "You let those 50 nurses follow the puppet doll." "

The puppet doll helped Ye Chen build a defensive tower.

And he himself built an experience cabin and then watched movies in that hut.

That's called a cozy.

That world-level boss was uncomfortable, Ye Chen, this pit, not only built a defense tower, but also an angel tower, and even built a lot of cannons.

The damage is arguably the highest.

Although Ye Chen had no way to cause the effect of a fatal blow.

But his attack power is the highest.

This world-level boss has a skill that is howling.

Every time he howls, you can restore him 10% of the maximum amount of blood.

Now even he howls.

There is also no way to control your blood volume to a very healthy point.

His blood bar was still brushing down.

"Nasty Xia Guoren." The player of the Foot Basin Country on the opposite side stopped working, and as soon as Ye Chen appeared, the hatred of the boss was firmly hung on the player of the Xia Country.

Then in the end, other countries are just working for Xia Guo. No matter how much damage they cause, there is no way to get themselves rewarded.

There is still a very powerful person among the players of the Foot Basin Country.

is an Onmyoji.

It's just that the skill of this goods is too long to shake forward.

Ye Chen's side beat the boss when only 70% of the HP remained.

The Onmyoji over there finally used the first skill.

Summon the Yagi Great Serpent.

The Yagi snake summoned is about the same size as the boss, but the level is much different. This snake is only level 200.

However, the moment this snake appeared, all the players of the Foot Basin Country threw their buff skills on this snake.

The snake's size quickly grew.

And it becomes more powerful.

Ye Chen, who had just finished playing a game on the opposite side, happened to see the big snake: "Wow." "

[Ding-dong.] Detecting that the host was actually drinking Coke and playing games and watching movies at such a critical and tense moment, the system was extremely impressed. Get 10x rewards. Congratulations to the host for earning 100,000 salted fish points. "

These footbasin players are really annoying." Bai Luoyan saw the snake from a distance and became angry: "I really hope that the boss slapped them to death." As

soon as the words fell, the boss struck.

Quite impressive.

Ye Chen glanced at it from afar, and sincerely admired: "Senior sister." When did you learn to curse? "

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