This should not be considered a curse.

Just a simple crow's mouth.

After Bai Luoyan said this.

That big snake of Yagi went straight to the boss!

However, the boss also has a skill.

This skill is summoning.

Ye Chen had seen it above the boss's skill panel before.

The big snake rushed directly at the boss. But he didn't expect the boss to summon at this time.

At the time of the call.

The boss's side suddenly gushed out, probably hundreds of blue points of light.

These blue points of light quickly turned into monsters.

Those spots of light seemed to tear a hole in the air, and then crawled out of that hole.

All sorts of strange monsters appeared next to the boss, including the big snake.

How to say, the timing of the big snake rushing over is not very good.

Each monster summoned by the boss has a red mark on the top of its head. is a red downward arrow.

Although I don't know what it means, after the big snake rushed over, there was also such a mark on its head.

The players on the foot basin country were dumbfounded.

Moreover, this big snake was originally summoned by that Onmyoji. The Yin-Yang Master in the players of the Foot Basin Country is probably similar to the summoner on the Xia Country's side.

That Onmyoji never thought that after spending half a day's effort, the Yagi Great Snake summoned would actually become a good helper for the boss.

At the moment when a red arrow appeared on the head of the Yagi Great Serpent, the Onmyoji's face turned green.

After he spat out a mouthful of blood, he fell directly to the ground.

The players of the opposite foot basin country are in a hurry again.

But this does not affect the boss's killing at all.

The boss gave an order.

The surrounding juniors scrambled to the crowd.

The junior brothers who rushed to Xia Guo's side were destroyed by the defense tower in an instant.

The level of these little brothers is not high, and the highest is only more than 200 levels.

The defensive towers that Ye Chen asked the puppet doll to build are estimated to be more than a million so far.

The little brothers who were killed in seconds burst out of the equipment.

Ye Chen's eyes were red.

However, during this period, no one dared to approach and pick up the equipment.

The drop mechanism of this world is that if Ye Chen does not die, then these things on the ground belong to Ye Chen within two hours.

More than two hours later.

Dropped equipment or items will become ownerless.

Other players are hungry because of quality.

Although they had no way of seeing what kind of rank or attribute the things in that place really were.

But in this world, golden things are the best.

Purple is second.

Further down are blue, green and white.

There are three qualities in each color.

So anyway, no matter what kind of quality, it's golden.

So a group of players had red eyes.

That's called an envy.

However, the little brother summoned by the boss is not a fool.

Rush to the side of the Xia Guo player.

It was directly given seconds by the defense tower.

Then it is better to rush to other countries.

Footbasin country players have just summoned a Yagi Great Serpent.

The epidemic subsidy even added a lot of buffs to this Yagi big snake.

The snake seemed to become particularly powerful.

Before waiting for the players of the Foot Basin Country to cheer.

They watched as the Yagi Great Snake they had just sent out rushed towards their team.

And that eight-flagged big snake is followed by a bunch of messy monsters.

Although the world-level boss in front of him is a wolf.

But the various monsters summoned by this cargo, there are no wolves. There are all kinds of varieties.

Before those players of the Foot Basin Country could react, they were directly swept away by the tail of their own Yagi Great Serpent.

This so-called eight-dimensional snake is actually a snake with 8 heads.

It is said that in ancient times there were originally 9.

Fight with the fierce beasts of the ancient period on the side of the Xia Kingdom.

Dry loss is less than a head.

So I ran to the country of the foot basin.

Become an indelible existence in the myths and legends of the Foot Basin Country.

Each of these eight snakes can emit spells with different elements.

Rushing into the footbasin country players is like chopping melons and cutting vegetables.

There was not a single one in that group of Foot Basin Country players who could compete.

The only Onmyoji who could resist had fainted at this time, and had already let the Onmyoji's servants teleport away in the past.

The rest is also feeding the snake's life.

The footbasin country players are messy, and the Heba country players are no better.

Although the players of the Hiba Kingdom did not release forbidden spells or summon terrifying monsters. However, it did not affect the fact that these players of the Xiba Kingdom became the target of the little brother summoned by the boss.

What's more, there are really no particularly powerful players in this group of Xiba Kingdom. For example, Ye Chen's level.

So when dealing with monsters for a while, it's called a rush.

The Xia Guo player's side is particularly sad.

It was because of Ye Chen's existence that the younger brothers rushed two meters in their direction.

A U-turn of a brush brush.

"Don't run." A mage who should have been protected by other professions chased out, and the lowest-level fireball technique in his hand directly smashed into the body of a nearby monster: "Come and play."

"Yes, yes, come quickly." The knight hurriedly rushed out and immediately taunted.

However, the little monster ran his head and did not turn back.

Even if there are two negative effects on the head, they are not willing to go back.

"Shouldn't it, doesn't mockery work?" The knight was stunned.

Ye Chen also noticed this. Threw an identification spell in the direction of the mob.

Sure enough, as the system described. The buff on top of the boss's head that is immune to all states. In fact, it works for all monsters.

So this stuff has been a field from the beginning.

"It's not interesting, what are you doing running so fast? Come and contribute a little more equipment. Ye Chen was speechless.

After Bai Luoyan saw this change, she was immediately excited: "Oh, the players of the Foot Basin Country and the players of the Xiba Country are really miserable, so I want to help." "

Senior sister is not so kind.

Ye Chen watched Senior Sister rush out with her long sword.

A sweep.

Not far away, a rabbit-shaped monster rushed towards Senior Sister.

However, Senior Sister's sweep also took away a player from Xiba Country by the way.

"I'm sorry, it turns out that you are so crispy, but it's good that you have resurrection props." Bai Luoyan smiled.

Sure enough, it was Senior Sister.

The road is wild.

With Bai Luoyan's demonstration.

The professionals who had just rushed out to chase the monster all stopped.

With green eyes, he rushed to the players of the Footbasin Country and the Hiba Country players next to him:

"The professionals in your country are too weak. Let's help you.

"We were very friendly and never hit the neighbors. Anyway, it doesn't matter if you have resurrection props in your hands.

"It's just a mistake in my skill, my skill is indeed a bit wide-ranging." I admit it. "


The players of the Foot Basin Country and the players of the Xiba Country took out the teleportation array one after another, and quickly left this place of right and wrong.

It's really a feeling of a dog.

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