Ye Chen looked at the two bosses fighting in surprise. Including the boss in the distance who didn't know what to rummage on the ground, he also ran over.

"It stands to reason that a boss who can speak and has a certain amount of wisdom should not be so stupid." Ye Chen looked at the boss who was far away and fell into deep thought.

[System]: ......

"Or do I really think my daddy is here because I can't even tell the boss?" Ye Chen asked curiously.

Re-looked at the skills panel.

Ye Chen felt that this was very possible.

After all, the skill of seventy-two changes was originally so that others could not see it.

Moreover, the Yechen Defense Tower has not built much so far.

He has always controlled the number of puppet dolls built.

Because he can't let his damage exceed the boss's damage.

Those two bosses fought hotly.

The damage caused by bosses to each other is high.

Ye Chen first asked the puppet doll to surround the third boss and build a circle of defense towers.

The main thing is to kill the third boss first.

As for these two han, I don't know when the fight will end.

When the two of them were almost injured, Ye Chen let the defense tower attack them again.

Now the main thing is to pile up the 3rd boss first.

This third boss is also a humbleman.

According to the previous two bosses, the third boss has been looking for a surviving professional.

It's just that this boss has been looking for a long time and still hasn't found it.

When the attack of the defense tower hit him, the boss had not yet returned to his senses.

Until this boss, find that his blood bar is falling down.

The boss found out that it was Ye Chen who had been attacking him all along.

That boss rushed directly in the direction of Ye Chen, but the puppet doll had already built many defense towers and blocked his way.

He began to slowly dismantle the towers.

But the amount of blood is still falling.

Each tower is stacked with 20,000 on top.

Ye Chen can say that all the attack power is over there.

That humble boss had no idea what was going on.

The two bosses here fought hotly, and suddenly found that the third boss in the distance was also fighting with something.

The carp monster quickly said to the octopus monster: "Don't hit me, let's go see the boss over there first." The

octopus monster did not adhere to it: "When are you still playing with me, I tell you that I am not deceived." "

The carp monster and the octopus monster scuffled again.

The two continued to fight.

Ye Chen was very fast, and he cleaned up the third boss.

This boss does not have a very high IQ. And slowly. The hands are still short.

It is a warrior-type boss.

No long-range attack skills.

After being stuck in the defense tower, he could only silently squat down to dismantle the defense tower.

Although he dismantled it quite quickly.

But he couldn't stand the 30 puppet dolls that Ye Chen later took out.

30 puppet dolls are on the look.

Where defensive towers are missing, make up for them.

That monster could do nothing against the 30 puppet dolls.

In this process of slowly dismantling the defense tower, the boss was finally killed by Ye Chen's defense tower.

Turned to look at these two humble bosses.

Still arguing.

But the blood volume of these two goods is only about 20% left.

The octopus monster is really a dead hand.

The carp monster was also beaten out of real anger.

If Ye Chen didn't come to harvest again, these two monsters would not burst into something for him.

So Ye Chen quickly led his puppet army and rushed in the direction of the two humble bosses.

The attack range of the Yechen Defense Tower is 15,000 meters.

So after this slow-moving boss died.

All the towers turned their guns.

Go hit those two brats.

So many defensive towers, gather fire together.

In addition, Ye Chen used the puppet doll to build a new defense tower.

These two humble bosses finally reacted, something was not quite right.

The octopus monster looked at the carp monster in front of him suspiciously: "Why are you attacking so high?" You laid a dead hand on Lao Tzu? "

Carp monster, that's called an anger: "Who laid the death hand on whom?" Isn't it you who laid the dead hand? The

octopus monster was furious: "I'm good to you." I think of the camaraderie we used to have together. I was so good to you, you actually killed me. Why does it hurt so much for you to hit someone?

"Are you stupid?" The carp monster called an angry: "Can you look at the Xia Guo logo on your head." Obviously, there are players taking care of it, and they are still from Xia Guo.

"Isn't Xia Guo the country on the other side? It's not here, it's the footbasin country. "The octopus monster can still keep his mind clear at this time, and clearly distinguish where is the Xia Country and where is the Foot Basin Country.

"Am I stupid? I'm smart. The octopus monster pointed to his head: "On the contrary, you evolved a human arm, I have long said that you can't do this." You look like a fish. Do you have a human brain, so you can't turn a corner.

Ye Chen silently stole on the side.

Not a word.

The octopus monster and the carp monster fought for a long time, and the blood skin was slowly ground to 5% by him.

"No, someone is beating us." Only then did the octopus monster come to his senses, turn his head and say to his father: "Dad, I found that someone is beating us." The

puppet doll was transformed into a 1800-level octopus monster by Ye Chen, and at this time he also spoke: "No one will fight you again." If a player is hitting you, I should be attacked as well. This is completely a carp monster conspiracy. Don't believe it, look at his blood bar. "

This puppet doll is also controlled by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's words were silently said in his heart.

The octopus monster angrily looked towards the carp monster's blood bar.

I actually found that the carp monster's blood bar was full.

Ye Chen directly used a 72 change on the carp monster.

He uses his skills on carp monsters.

The carp monster can still feel it: "There are really players over there." These players hide in corners. This is the player's conspiracy. They used their skills on me. "

Using skills on you, your HP is still full?" The octopus monster said angrily, "Who are you fooling? At the beginning my dad showed up here, and you said it wasn't my dad. Now you still have to fool me. Do you really think I'm stupid? The

octopus monster grabbed the carp monster and didn't let go: "I won't believe you anymore."

"Who told you that my blood is full, and my blood is not satisfied." The carp monster is angry and corrupted.

Octopus Monster: "Not only do you think I'm stupid, you even think I'm blind." "

The carp spits bubbles in a strange way.

Why can't he understand this han?

There is 5% blood left, fighting.

They'll be back anyway.

They will be resurrected.

They continued to fight.

Hit the fly.

In the end, Ye Chen's defense tower reaped the final blow.

The first to fall is, of course, the king carp.

King Octopus felt that the other party was fooling himself.

When you fight, it's called a tiger.

King Carp fell to the ground. Full of unwillingness.

The octopus king still had a trace of blood left: "Just a guy like you still wants to fool me." No one can fool me. Daddy am I awesome?

The monster said and smiled at the puppet doll next to him.

The puppet doll pulled out a tentacle expressionlessly.

The final blow.

Forced to deduct a little blood.

Plus the attack of the next defense tower.

The octopus king crashed to the ground: "You are not my father." Why are you lying to me? "

And growl.

Ye Chen then walked out from the corner: "Of course I'm not your father." I don't have such a stupid son. "

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