It turns out.

Intellectual disability does not affect the explosive rate.

Ye Chen still got equipment on the bodies of these three world-level bosses whose attributes had doubled.

【Demon Dao Muramasa】 (National Weapon)

Attribute: Increases attack by 120%.


: [Experience bonus]: All people get 50% experience bonus.

[Lucky Bonus]: All people get lucky points +200

[Unknown Ruins]: Every 7 days, an unknown relic will be opened in the national territory from the time the holder wears it. There are countless treasures in the ruins, and the crystals needed to break through level 300 or more.

[Holder Bonus]: All attributes that can give a national buff, the holder gain is doubled.

Holders can get 3% of all drops in [Unknown Ruins] as a reward.

Kill the holder, the national weapon drops 100%.


Except that the attributes are slightly different from that heirloom jade seal.

The other skills are similar.


It makes no difference.

These national instruments do not need to be worn. Just put it in the backpack to take effect.

However, when Ye Chen put this national weapon in his backpack.

All the surviving foot basin countrymen all received

a reminder: [Friendly reminder: Your country's national instrument is being worn by Xia people, starting from today, the national instrument will not return for a day, and your country's national fortune will be reduced by 0.1% every day. ] 【

Friendly reminder: After testing. Your country has been wiped out, and the national fortune has dropped to -150%. All

the footbasin people: ???

It doesn't hurt much, it's extremely insulting.

These footbasin people are now in the Free League.

This prompt came just as their leader was about to sign a document to re-establish the country.

They also received the task of statehood only after the collapse of the country.

It is their mythical gods who issue tasks.

They managed to buy the material at 1.5 times the price in the Freedom League. Assemble materials for all tasks. Now it's almost the last thing.

Write the file and upload it directly to the game.

The footbasin country can be rebuilt.

But at this time, they received such a prompt.

"Yaga!" Miyamoto Shouzo directly exploded: "Don't build this country at all." Let's join the country of Hiba next door directly. "

There is no Hibak in the Freedom League.

The leader of the beautiful country was inexplicable: "What's wrong?" "

Damn Xia people took away our national weapon, our country's national weapon will not return for a day, and the national fortune of the entire country will be cut by 0.1% every day." The leader of the Foot Basin Country said with a frown.

"It's only 0.1%, it's not a big deal." The leader of the beautiful country comforted by the side, and it was not too big to see the excitement.

No one can see or touch this thing of national luck.

But reduced true nausea.

"If you don't build a country now, everyone's whole body attributes will decline, right? If you continue to be nationals of the Footbasin Country. Your current national fortune should be negative. The national nature of your country should also be a negative. The leader of the beautiful country also experienced these things at the beginning and understood quite well: "You still have to build a country." "

Nationhood. Then take back the national weapons of your country! The leader of the beautiful country said quickly.

But speaking of this, the leader of the beautiful country returned to his senses: "Your country's national weapon can't be a world-level boss explosion of the Xia Kingdom, right?" It could only be those three world-level bosses on your land.

"Could it be that someone went and stole the boss?" Xia Guo has people with such skills? That leaf dust? The

leader of the Foot Basin Country shook his head: "Where does Ye Chen have such skills?" How many levels is he? How is it possible for one person to single out three world-level bosses?

The leader of the beautiful country also felt that it was impossible: "I also think it is impossible." "

Ye Chen finished fighting the three bosses and teleported directly to the school gate.

It took a lot of time to clean up the battlefield.

It took about half an hour to kill the boss.

Picking up things and canceling all the defense towers with one click made Ye Chen spend a little effort.

And while he was wandering back and forth on the territory of the Foot Basin Country.

Suddenly I get a prompt.

[Friendly reminder: The mythical deity of the Foot Basin Country, the Great Serpent of Yagi, has marked you.

Ye Chen suddenly had a feeling of being targeted.

It's all uncomfortable.

He immediately teleported back to China.

"Good fellow. It's really unpleasant to feel like being targeted. Besides, I only killed you two shadows from beginning to end. Do you need to mark me? Ye Chen was uncomfortable.

"Forget it. The barbecue stall in front of this point is not over yet. I went over to have some barbecue. "

[System]: .

[Ding-dong, detecting that the host actually thought at such a critical moment, not how to upgrade and break through, but thinking about eating barbecue, simply operating 666. ] System: I served you this old six, triggered a 10x reward, and got 666666 salted fish points. Ye

Chen did go to eat barbecue.

After eating the barbecue, I also brought a lot back.

When he walked to the door, the wisdom tree quietly said to him, "You're finished." Your whereabouts were discovered by your sister.

Ye Chen did not panic at all.

Open the door.

The lights in the pitch-black bachelor villa suddenly turned on.

Bai Luoyan and Tang Xiaoyue and Ye Zhen were tried in three halls.

"Eat barbecue?" Ye Chen held the skewer in one hand and said with a smile at Ye Zhen in front of him.

"Didn't you go out to fight the boss? Didn't you kill those three bosses in the Foot Basin Country? Ye Zhen looked at Ye Chen dumbfounded.

You must know that the three bosses of the foot basin country are not small.

The country of Hiba next door can be seen from far away.

Sometimes you can even see octopus monsters chatting with carp monsters.

The carp monster uses the grown human feet to squat on the ground and wash its feet.

"What do you think?" Ye Chen said a little helplessly: "How many levels am I?" No one carries me alone to fight three bosses, is it possible?

"It's also unlikely." Ye Zhen looked deep in his face.

"It's just unlikely." Ye Chen was really convinced: "Do I seem to be such a diligent person?" "

Not really.

Ye Zhen then said: "You have a national weapon on you, be careful." If this thing is on people from other countries, it is not good for our country.

"I don't know who snatched the national weapon of the Foot Basin Country." It must be the Tianzun of our Xia Kingdom.

Bai Luoyan was a little proud: "Now the Free Alliance is panicking." Originally, they also wanted to wash the floor with large mushrooms. But they didn't expect that someone would be the first to take away the national weapon than them.

"And they also reduce national fortune every day."

Ye Chen hadn't heard that they would reduce their national fortunes.

"Will they also reduce the national fortune?" Ye Chen was stunned.

"You go and look at the chat channel, it's fried now." Bai Luoyan and Ye Zhen both laughed.

Only then did Ye Chen open the chat channel.

Chat channel messages can be blocked.

There are 7 billion people in the world.

These days, there are really many people who create guilds, change jobs for the second time, and fight bosses.

World Channel scrolling that is called a fast.

If you don't pay attention, it's 9999 unread messages.

So Ye Chen felt annoyed and directly shielded it.


Open the world channel, and I see a group of people swiping the screen there:

[Ah San] Knock la la: Congratulations to the foot basin country for mentioning the national negative buff, and the national fortune is reduced by 0.1% every day!

【Beautiful Country】Jack: Congratulations to the foot basin country for mentioning the national negative buff, and the national luck is reduced by 0.1% every day!

[Xiba Country] Du Minjun: Congratulations to the foot basin country for mentioning the national negative buff, and the daily national luck decreased by 0.1%!


Only...... A bit lossy.

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