"Do I still have a godhead?" Ye Chen was inexplicable: "Why don't I know?" This is a really troublesome task. "

That's no ordinary trouble.

Ordinary people don't know how happy they should be if they receive such a task.

But Ye Chen couldn't be happy.

This broken task has ten rings.

That is to say, if Ye Chen can't do well, he has to get 10 godheads.

Although the Yachi big snake he dish.

But 10 gods are hard enough to find.

Moreover, Ye Chen's attack power, although hitting everything is a second kill.

But beating God is not.

At that time, no one can say what the situation is.

Ye Chen was still worried here.

The big snake of Yagi was stiff and shivered: "Damn, what the hell? What did the little bastards do again? How I feel cool behind me. "

This product has forgotten about marking Ye Chen before.

"Didn't you say nation-building? What about good nation-building? So far, there has been no movement. Is it mine? "

The Yagi Great Snake is angrier than anyone now.

The task of founding the country was issued by the Great Snake of Yagi.

But for now.

The people of countries that used to live well face an important problem.

Ichiro Yamaizumi: "I am against it. You have to know that now the national fortune of the foot basin country has fallen to negative numbers. If we re-establish the country, then the national fortune will still be negative. And the cunning Xia people did not send back our national weapons, this falls every day, who can stand it?

Tanaka: "Yaga, the grandchildren in the world chat, although what they said is quite disgusting, but what they said is very reasonable, we can no longer use the name of the country of the foot basin." Anyway, it's all founding of the country, let's change the name?

Musashi Reinaka: "Yes, yes, yes. I agree, let's change the name. It is tantamount to re-establishing a new State. I think it's called the Great River Country. Because we are all a big river people. "

20,000 people of the foot basin country discussed for a long time.

Finally, choose to change the name.

For the name of the new country.

It was a lot of noise for three days.

That was even more entangled than Ye Chen's previous establishment of the guild name.

At last.

The Foot Basin Kingdom was finally re-established.

Renamed: Small life is a good country.

Abbreviated as the country of small days.

Tanaka had been to study in Xia Country before, and was stunned by his Xia Country roommate: "You see that what we call your country is usually Xiao Ri... Son good country, this is a good wish. I wish you prosperity in the future. "

The Foot Basin Country was officially renamed the Little Day Country.

And join the Freedom Alliance.

The congressman from the beautiful country obviously knows what the small day country means?


In the end, nothing was said.

People themselves are willing, and they are quite happy, what can be poked through?

Of course it's a blessing.

After building the country.

The leader of the Koriko Kingdom began to contact the Yagi Great Serpent: "Venerable God, we have established a new country. "

The new country is really not -150% national fortune.

The national movement of all countries was 100% when it was first established.

Of course, this number is not fixed.

There have been natural disasters such as floods or tornadoes in the country. will affect the national fortune.

There is also the fact that camp warfare will also affect the national fortune.

The newly created state is really not -150%.

The citizens of Xiao Ri Country laughed.

But the Great Snake of Yagi was furious: "You have established a country." What country have you built? I'm still -150% national luck here. You are to re-establish the country and make it right. Do you still need me to teach you this kind of thing? The

leader of the Little Day Country: "We have established the country.

Yagi Snake: "I see you are entering another country." I hate you guys. If you don't turn back, then no one will be okay. After

this product said this sentence.

The citizens of the only remaining small days country have received a prompt:

"Congratulations on obtaining the curse of the Yagi Great Snake, the whole body attribute is reduced by 100%, and this curse will disappear when you complete the task assigned by the Yagi Great Snake."

The people of Xiao Ri Country were stunned at first.

And then he cursed.

Not to scold those who founded the state.

Instead, he scolded the big snake of Yagi:

"What kind of stuff? Is it wrong to build a new country?

"In the original country, the national fortunes have become negative. Is it wrong for us to build a new one?

"It's disgusting, what is this?"

"How will the camp war be fought in the future?"


Not yet waiting for this group of citizens to finish scolding.

They saw a new prompt.

"Your country has been renamed Foot Basin Country. Since this country was previously -150% national transport. Therefore, this property is also inherited. "

The curse of the Yagi Great Serpent on you has been removed."

"Since your country has -150% national transportation. So your whole body properties drop by -150%. When

the citizens heard that the curse on them was gone, they all cheered.

But when the people felt that their whole body attributes had decreased, -150%, everyone began to scold their mother again.

Tanaka: "Let's call it Xiao Ri Country." Curse is curse. It's better than this -150%. "

The people are still literate.

It's still a good time.

Now I feel that life is really hard.


The first step of Ye Chen's acceptance of this main task is to let Xiaobai query the location of the Great Snake of Yagi.

Killing gods or hard.

But it's harder to find.

First of all, Ye Chen first asked Xiaobai to talk about the origin of the Yagi Great Snake.

What Xiao Bai said was similar to what Ye Chen knew: "This big snake originally belonged to the Xia Kingdom. It turned out to have 9 heads. Later, he stayed in Xia Guo for a while, so that the divine beasts on this side bullied one less head. I ran to the country of the foot basin. "

When this goods arrives in the country of the foot, it is mixed up in small places." However, there are many myths and legends in places like the Foot Basin Country. This product is not the boss either.

"But it is also the second or third character, as for the skill, anyway, it is not much powerful, the country of the foot basin country is a bit of a nonsense."

"They envy that the Xia Kingdom has so many gods and myths and legends. Envy Greece, envy of all countries with heritage. So they make up myths.

"Do you know how many gods they made up?"

"That's 8 million. Some of these gods are actually monsters. For example, before the tamamo, they all became gods. And there are people to worship. "

Strength is not tolerant. All the gods of the Foot Basin Country are in the God Domain of the Foot Basin Country. It takes the call of their own people to be able to come out.

"If you want to go in, you can only summon a teleportation array. The head of their country is not dead. The leader can be summoned. "

Xiaobai's analysis is clear.

At the same time, the 8 million gods in the entire Foot Basin Country God Domain got a hint in unison:

"Congratulations on the 20% reduction in your whole body attributes. The buff is permanent and cannot be removed. "


Decreased systemic properties.

It also dropped by 20 per cent.

It cannot be cleared yet.

Who TM can stand it?

What's wrong with the world?

The gods in this group of Foot Basin Country God Domain did not think of other aspects at all.

Their first reaction was.

There was a problem with statehood.

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