Ye Chen here hadn't thought of how to find the big snake of Yagi.

Faction missions are reopened.

This time it's the kind of game announcement that everyone can receive.

It is displayed directly above the chat panel.

"Faction warfare has reopened. Ask all players to start completing the Faction Mission. "

Everyone received a camp assignment.

Whether it is a player who is mainly based on life classes or players who are mainly based on combat classes.

For players who live professionally, most of the faction missions they receive are materials. And it is also the material that can be produced by that life occupation.

Players who are mainly combat professions basically receive all the tasks they receive to fight monsters.

Since the last expansion update.

Bosses and monsters have also appeared in the wild.

There's even an exclusive leveling area.

"This camp mission is too exaggerated." Ye Chen obtained a full 60 camp missions.

And the mission he was given was not to fight some fixed monster at all.

It's the boss.

World-class bosses.

And most of them are foreign.

The first task that Ye Chen received.

It is to go to the Eagle Country to complete.

This is not difficult, just sit and pass the teleportation array.

The boss he wants to kill is a level 350 werewolf boss.

Ye Chen checked the information first.

This boss hasn't been refreshed yet.

Last time, it was also killed by the Eagle Country with the power of the whole country.

With the experience of the last foot basin country.

So this time, these countries are also quite fast in killing world bosses.

I am afraid that if I am late to kill, what impact will it have on my own country?

So the world bosses in Round 1 are almost completely destroyed.

Round 2 World Boss needs to wait.

Tang Xiaoyue also didn't quite understand why the camp task that Ye Chen intercepted was so difficult: "Probably according to strength." My camp mission is pretty simple. Just swipe a copy. "

Ye Chen is indeed tired these days.

Some do not quite fit the essence of salted fish.

So Ye Chen simply rested these days.

By the way, wait for the world boss to refresh.


Faction battles are really interesting.

Ye Chen's side still continued to fight with the foot basin country.

The number of participants on Xia Guo's side has exceeded 1 billion.

However, only 15,000 people participated in the re-established footbasin country.


There are more than 20,000 people in the re-established Foot Basin Country.

Some of these more than 20,000 people are reluctant to return to the Footbasin Country.

and joined other nationalities.

The main thing is that this game doesn't know if it's a little too biased in favor of Xia Guo.

To be able to do such a thing.

Each person gets Faction Quests, and after submitting them, they can earn contribution points for their country.

This contribution point can be exchanged for things in a redemption mall.

There are beautiful fashions.

Equipment with powerful attributes.

There are also blind boxes.

Ye Chen stared at the blind box.

Nothing else.

Naturally exciting and adventurous.

Just love this.

It is said that blind boxes can open a lot of things. Miscellaneous everything. At least that's what it says in the exchange shop.

And the price is much cheaper than buying it directly.

Ye Chen: This is the fundamental reason why he intends to do the camp mission.

As for the rest.

For example, Master.

The reason why I want to do faction missions is mainly because the exchange mall of faction missions has a particularly beautiful set of auxiliary equipment.

It is said that the appearance is better than most fashions.

So Tang Xiaoyue wanted it very much.

However, in the past few days when Ye Chen was rotten.

Tang Xiaoyue had already completed more than half of those 60 camp tasks.

As a result, just when she was about to continue to complete, she found that she had received the same task as Ye Chen.

It is also to fight the boss of the 350 level in the Eagle Country.

"The time for this world boss to refresh is so slow." Tang Xiaoyue couldn't wait: "I really don't want to wait." I

don't know if the game heard Tang Xiaoyue's inner words.

Or maybe it's a coincidence.

Anyway, after Tang Xiaoyue said this.

Within three hours, a new update patch appeared in the game.

Since it is a game that has descended to reality.

So this update patch doesn't take long at all.

It's probably just a moment.

"The game boss has changed. All world-level bosses are changed to random refreshes. All world-class boss refresh times have been reduced to 24 hours. "

As soon as the news came out.

Ye Chen and Tang Xiaoyue were quite happy.

Because then they can go to the Eagle Country immediately to complete their mission.

Yet for many small countries, that is a nightmare.

Those small countries have few combat professionals.

The frequency of the original world-level boss refresh can also give them a rest.

It now refreshes every 24 hours.

For small countries, that's bad news.

So they started asking for foreign help.

These small countries do not know that those players with relatively high combat effectiveness receive different tasks.

Originally, Ye Chen was originally going to kill the werewolf of level 350.

Unexpectedly, the Eagle Country actually offered a reward to this boss.

Clearly mark the time when the boss was refreshed. I hope that people with lofty ideals can eradicate this thing.

The person who kills the boss will receive 100,000 Battlefield Points.

Although Ye Chen has already had a lot of battlefield points. Logically, I don't look at that at all.

But Ye Chen was also willing to complete this task and take away a little battlefield points by the way.

It's an hour for the boss to refresh.

Ye Chen directly teleported to the vicinity of the boss with a teleportation array.

Tang Xiaoyue is an assistant.

So just follow Ye Chen's side and add blood to him.

Of course.

According to Ye Chen's current combat strength, there is actually no need for a nanny at all.

Because he has a Cortana next to him.

Cortana is the most powerful nanny.

Ye Chen came to the vicinity of the boss and found that there were already many teams waiting by the side.

I heard that from now on, all world boss refresh locations will be random.

So where exactly will this werewolf brush? It is not clear to anyone.

Set up control where the boss once died.

This is a common practice for most teams.

Of course, there are many people staring at the entire Eagle Country. But once that werewolf boss is brushed out. Someone will report the coordinates.

Ye Chen noticed. There is an organization of about a thousand people here.

It should be someone from the Free Alliance. Because these people all have badges on their arms. It is indeed a sign of the Freedom Alliance.

"Why did the Freedom Alliance come with so many people?" Tang Xiaoyue suddenly regretted a little: "Refresh once in 24 hours, it's better to forget it this time." "

It's an exaggeration.

After all, Ye Chen didn't bring anyone with him.

"We have people." Ye Chen said, directly summoning the Angel Tower.

When the archangel with 54 wings came out of the Angel Tower.

The eyes of those foreigners around here were round.

Because in their myths and legends.

But there are no rare shadows of angels.

The white wings of those angels appeared before them.

Many foreign players directly knelt on the ground.

This was also the point that surprised Ye Chen the most.

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