Originally, Ye Chen still wanted to solve it violently.

Directly clean up all nearby foreign players.

But I didn't think about those foreign players when they saw the angel appear.

Everyone looked as if they saw their god.

Therefore, this gave Ye Chen another idea.

So Ye Chen said directly to those foreigners: "I am the messenger sent by your gods. This level 350 werewolf boss is a target that we must destroy. Please also help. Don't make a move on this boss. If you find the location of this boss, you can call me immediately. Dispatch coordinates to come.

"You will be blessed by the angels by doing so." I promise. "

Ye Chen's so-called angelic blessing is nothing more than Little Naga's buff.

After all, Cortana was also mixed among those angels.

Hearing Ye Chen say this.

Those foreigners were particularly excited.

Even dancing and nodding repeatedly.

"Don't worry, Lord God. We will definitely help you report the coordinates.

"Please let me receive the blessing of an angel first. God, I've never seen a living angel.

"There are angels in this world."

"Sure enough, the gods have never abandoned us, and there are indeed angels in this world."

"These angels have a lot of wings, and their strength must be very strong."

What Ye Chen didn't expect was.

It turns out to be in Western legends.

Angels rely on the number of wings to identify strength.

More wings mean stronger strength.

And none of these players doubted what Ye Chen had just said.

After Ye Chen's request, they scattered.

Really helped Ye Chen to find the boss.

Freedom Alliance, but there are not so many fools.

After all, the Freedom Alliance includes more than a dozen countries.

Although some people believed what Ye Chen said.

But there is still a large part of the population who does not believe it.

At this time, the chat channel of the Free Alliance was about to explode:

"Are you crazy? That person was obviously Ye Chen.

"Is that person Ye Chen?" Who believes it? He has so many angels in him that only appear in our myths and legends. What does this mean? This shows that people are messengers sent by our God.

"Don't be funny, don't think it's Ye Chen when you see anything." Ye Chen will only build defensive towers. When will angels be built?

"That's an angel with 54 wings, and that's the ceiling among angels." It was a god-like being. Even if that person is Ye Chen, if he can summon angels, I feel that he must be a divine messenger.

"You guys are probably funny with your head, people are here to grab the boss."

"If the divine messenger comes to grab the boss, then we are willing to give the boss to the divine envoy."

There are too many countries in this Freedom Alliance.

Beliefs are different in every country.

After listening to the feelings of these foreigners, many people feel particularly skeptical of life.

Originally, Ye Chen established that experience copy.

Ye Chen's resurrection goddess.

They also all enjoyed the convenience that Ye Chen gave.

But they never thought that Ye Chen would actually summon an archangel.

What is this not a divine messenger?

Therefore, some people in the Freedom Alliance immediately believed Ye Chen.

There was even a withdrawal campaign.

That's right, the whole Freedom Alliance is a huge guild.

This guild contains more than a dozen countries.

Some of these countries originally belonged to the northern continent.

Some of them are friendly with beautiful countries.

Even Ye Chen, their nemesis, the Head-and-Foot Basin Country, was among them.

It's not a big deal, it's normal.

It's just that it's not normal after Ye Chen showed himself and can summon angels.

Most of the Freedom Alliance chose to quit.

Because they felt that Ye Chen was particularly powerful.

They decided to join Ye Chen's guild.

And Ye Chen soon received relevant private messages.

Ye Chen also did not refuse.

For those foreigners who have a little brain disease.

He also chose to directly absorb into his guild.

After all, these people are professionals after all.

And if you don't give them any positions.

They will not make any demon moths if they stay in their guild.

Instead of letting the people of the Freedom Alliance calculate him in some dark corner.

It's better to put the people of the Free Alliance directly into your guild.

There's always nothing wrong with you.

Those who quit the Freedom Alliance seem to really want to quit.

And it's basically Eastern European.

Of course, there are a few other countries.

As long as there is faith in angels and Jesus.

Basically, they all came to Ye Chen's guild.

And I don't know if it's a coincidence.

But everyone who has faith in angels and Jesus. The professionals who change jobs are basically auxiliaries.

Aids are quite important in this world.

If the auxiliary runs, the output may also run with it.

A lot of people came in whole teams.

In general, the copy can be under 25 people.

So a team is either 25 or 5 people.

5 people usually pass through that kind of small copy.

Ye Chen's guild has no upper limit on accepting people.

Just let those people in.

And after Ye Chen collected a lot of foreigners, he found that these people kept chatting in the guild channel:

"Your guild leader can summon angels, do you know?" Your president is simply a messenger of God.

"I already knew that there were angels in the east, so I came to Xia Kingdom earlier. Isn't it fragrant that there are angels in Xia Country?

"Ye Chen must be a messenger of God. Don't worry, Ye Chen, if the world boss is brushed out on this side of Eastern Europe, I will definitely tell you as soon as possible.

"This is the messenger of God."

This group of foreigners came over, and they simply stunned Ye Chen's domestic partners.

Bai Luoyan: "Master, I haven't been able to turn into a divine envoy in just a few minutes?" Are angels so exciting? Principal

: "I already know that angels still have this kind of diplomatic function, so I will engage in more angelic beasts." Feng

Kui: "The headmaster upstairs, angel beasts and angels are two differences.

Tang Xiaoyue: "We didn't think of this either, we originally wanted to rob the boss and kill people." I didn't expect people to be very polite to us. That's pretty embarrassing. "

You know, this time the Freedom Alliance has come a lot of people.

Half of the results went straight out.

And without waiting for Ye Chen to say anything, some players had already discovered the location of the level 350 boss.

And to Ye Chen, he also sent a private message transmission coordinates.

Ye Chen didn't say a word and teleported directly over.


That werewolf is there.

But what surprised Ye Chen was that this werewolf looked like a pitiful little wolf.

The big eyes are particularly cute.

When Ye Chen appeared, he still shouted at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen: "Is this thing really a boss?" "

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