In a sense.

Zhan Rong is definitely a talent.

I heard that faction missions are originally judged based on individual combat strength. Because each person has different combat powers, the tasks obtained are different.

Of course, in addition to looking at the star rating, this combat power also depends on the profession, and some special professions receive very strange tasks.

Just like this task that Zhan Rong received.

What he received was actually a small boss in a level 55 copy.

This made Ye Chen more surprised: "You go to the guild to find a few people with similar level to you, won't it be over when the time comes?"

Zhan Rong's face was full of sadness: "Whether it's nightmare level or ordinary level." There is no boss in that quest. So I guess it's a natural disaster. But we can't move the natural disaster level. Only for you. "

The copy of the natural disaster level can only be brushed by Ye Chen alone.

So Ye Chen took Zhan Rong and directly entered the 55-level Heavenly Tribulation Level Replica Temple Forest.

Ye Zhen and Bai Luoyan also followed in order to see the excitement.

As for Nalan Xue.

He is still fighting wits and courage with the angelic kingdom.

So far, all the territories of the Angel Realm have become the place where Nalan Xue built the Angel Tower and Defense Tower.

Ye Chen assigned a puppet doll to Nalan Xue.

So this girl used it handy.

The puppet doll inherited all of Ye Chen's abilities.

And since Ye Chen's strength value was full. The puppet doll caused a big killer for Nalan Xue. As long as it is not a direct second kill by God.

The other so-called gods in the Angelic Realm are estimated to be similar to the world Ye Chen is in.

Nalan Xue killed a god named Courage in front of many people.

According to what Nalan Xue said, that courage seemed to be the one with the highest attack power and the strongest combat power among all the gods.

So after Nalan Xue killed the other party.

These so-called gods of other worlds never appeared again.

According to Nalan Xue, it is estimated that when Ye Chen came out of the copy with Zhan Rong, she was estimated to be able to pocket the entire Angel Kingdom.

It was very simple for her.

Ye Chen took Zhan Rong to that temple forest.

To be honest, this temple forest looks a bit like a temple escape that Ye Chen played before.

Ye Chen and Zhan Rong walked out of the temple.

The front is full of forests.

"The Catastrophe-level copy is indeed a little different from the normal copy. Zhan Rong has been opening his mouth wide since he came out, and he seems to be particularly sighing.

"What's different?" Ye Chen had never been to a copy below the level of natural disasters. I don't understand what the difference is. However, casually take out the puppet doll and let the other party build a defensive tower, this is the basic exercise.

Recently, the system mall is quite powerful.

There are more and more props for puppet dolls brushed out.

However, Ye Chen has not had time to put it on the table recently. So in addition to the basic salted fish points jumping every minute.

He received few other rewards.

Now follow Zhan Rong to the copy. The first is because I want to take him. The second is that Ye Chen really needs to rest.

The attack range of the tower is 15,000 meters. It's harder to improve your skills now. Ye Chen was too lazy to promote.

This copy does not know how big it is.

But after Ye Chen built a defensive tower with a puppet doll.

Then the tower begins to attack automatically.

It seems that there is really something strange nearby.

It's just that neither Ye Chen nor Zhan Rong saw it.

Ye Chen watched as a blue light mass from the defense tower shot towards the air.

And then there seemed to be something transparent in that air.

It's like a ghost.

After the thing was hit, it could actually move.

You must know that Ye Chen's defensive tower is already very slow down now.

After being hit, except for the pile.

There will be no other reaction at all.

However, the guy quickly moved in the direction of Ye Chen: "Don't fight, don't fight." Old Mo knew he was wrong. Old Mo will not dare next time. Ye

Chen saw the attack of his defense tower, and on this so-called old Mo's body, he only left one word immunity.

He knew that the other party might be an NPC.

Those who are immune to the attack of the defense tower are either some particularly powerful gods, and they must come from a world with a higher level than Ye Chen and the world they are in now, that is, the so-called oracles.

Or it's the NPCs in the quest.

Because according to the setting of the game.

The NPCs in the quest are generally in the same faction as Ye Chen.

So it is impossible to attack.

"I'll go, there's a stealthy NPC here." I didn't notice it when I made a copy before. Besides, the normal copy can be played after coming in directly. There are monsters not far away. Where will there be a ghost?" Zhan Rong saw that ghost, and people were numb.

"What is your task?" Ye Chen did not pay attention to Lao Mo, but turned his head to look at Zhan Rong next to him.

Zhan Rong looked at his task panel and quickly replied: "Kill a boss named Crazy Old Mo." It must be this thing.

"Not me, not me. The ghost of Old Mo kept shouting: "Look at the name on my head, I am Old Mo and not crazy Old Mo."

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes.

Normal NPCs don't say the name on top of their heads.

Because for these copies.

Ye Chen, they are outsiders.

They are people from other worlds.

For NPCs, they have no idea that they will have names on their heads.

"What are you?" Ye Chen stared at Old Mo in front of him and asked tentatively, "You should have been from Blue Star, right?"

And especially savvy. A pair of eyes dripping around. At first glance, he didn't tell the truth: "What blue star?

Ye Chen turned his head and glanced at Zhan Rong: "Although this guy is not a crazy old Mo, there are two words that are the same." It's better for us to drive him crazy. And then he was crazy. We can kill.

Zhan Rong's eyes were full of excitement, and he couldn't hear the meaning of Ye Chen's words at all, so he would only pat the horse brainlessly: "The boss is a good method." That way, we'll be able to get the job done. Let me come to this matter of driving crazy.

NPC Old Mo looked at them helplessly: "Okay, I admit it." I was originally from Blue Star.

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes and directly summoned Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai appeared in front of that old Mo. After taking a look, his eyes were full of excitement: "Boss, this is a bug." This person is really bizarre enough. But

Xiao Bai just finished saying this.

Pitch black copy on the sky.

A bolt of lightning streaked.

This tastes.

Ye Chen was too familiar.

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