But what surprised Ye Chen was. That old Mo seemed to know everything.

"Don't say it, don't say it. I know you can know something through a certain skill. Bai Zema, the upper knows astronomy, the lower knows geography. But if you say. If it is not even, the one in the sky will be chopped down. Old Mo pointed to the sky.

Xiaobai is not unchopped.

It was blocked by Ye Chen.

Heard Old Mo say this.

Xiao Bai said a little proudly: "What are you talking about? "

And such an inexplicable little pride.

Old Mo's face was even more ugly: "Then you can't say it this time, or I'll say it." After all, my current situation is also very strange. I don't even know if I'll survive. It's better to pass on some news to you.

"Because if you do get chopped, the second time you double the damage." How many times I don't know. But until it kills you.

"Don't try to fight against the above. Can't resist. Old

Mo sat in place. In fact, if Ye Chen and Zhan Rong didn't look closely, they wouldn't be able to see him.

His body is transparent.

Occasionally, when moving, I can see that certain ripples appear on his body.

As well as the name of Old Mo is transparent.

"I'll give you a little advice now. Let me ask you first. Blue Star, has this world been upgraded?" "

Didn't this old man come to stimulate or update

the expansion, why did all the problems that came out seem to be related to the new expansion,

or maybe it had something to do with the fragments of that world?"

Zhan Rong is completely brain down.

I couldn't understand what that old Mo was saying at all.

He could only turn his head to look at Ye Chen next to him.

Ye Chen coughed and said a little speechlessly: "Blue Star has not completed the task of the world fragment so far. It's still the original world.

"In fact, a long time ago, some people had already broken through level 300. Old Mo suddenly changed the topic: "It's just that this part of the people has disappeared into the long river of history." This part of the population includes me. "

Breaking through level 300 is for crystals. Zhan Rong understood at this time and answered Old Mo's words: "Do you have it, how do you break through level 300 when the expansion pack is not updated?"

Old Mo sighed and said, "That is, one of the attributes above has reached the full level. "

Full level attributes, have you ever seen them? Full level attributes, all displayed in this environment are garbled.

"Just get to a certain one." And we were hard, exchanging battlefield points for attribute fruits, and added it.

"I don't even know exactly how many I ate." Anyway, as long as there is me on the market, I will accept it. Battlefield Points for Attribute Fruits are cheap, and if you buy them with money on the black market, it is cheaper.

"Because until now, it is estimated that few people know what the benefits of attribute fruits are, right? Or just a little. So it's sold on the black market very cheaply.

"There is a copy that often likes to produce this fruit." I am from Xia Country. Xia Guo's professionals are the most. The cheapest such fruit in the auction house can be sold for about 1,000 yuan a piece.

"A 300-level professional like us, who doesn't have tens of millions of billions in their hands? What is a fruit of about 1,000 yuan? After eating, he will hit the copy, after the copy is sold to sell the equipment, after selling the equipment for money, he will continue to eat the fruit." "

Until you get a certain attribute to full level." Stamina fruit is the cheapest.

"I was at full physical strength and then reborn. After turning around, you can break through level 300 and continue to upgrade. "

And the location of the upgrade will also change." Since the expansion pack was not updated at that time. Blue Star is not capable of carrying us. After breaking through level 300, a teleportation array will fall from the sky to take us. This was called ascension in our time. Speaking

of this, both Zhan Rong and Ye Chen were stunned.

Zhan Rong's mouth was faster than his brain: "Isn't this the ascension written in the novel, that is, you can become a god." So have you become a god?" Old

Mo nodded: "Sort of." As long as there is one attribute full level. And up to level 301. The world above will send someone to pick you up. And we were ecstatic to ascend. I thought I had come to a new world. There is better development.

"But we never thought that it was a conspiracy." Old

Mo said this.

A black thunderbolt suddenly appeared in the sky.

This thunder and lightning appeared silently.

And no one reacted.

The thunder and lightning smashed directly on Old Mo's body.

And this old Mo's body became more illusory because of this lightning, and even mosaics appeared on his body.

It's like a dimensionality reduction strike.

Everything around was real.

Although the world is gamified.

But everything is a real scenario.

But the unit of Old Mo suddenly changed from three-dimensional to two-dimensional. From a ghost with particularly sharp pixels to a ghost with particularly unclear pixels.

It felt like suddenly snapping from reality into a pixel game.

That's right, that's how it feels.

Old Mo now gives Ye Chen the feeling that he is a certain character in the pixel game.


Old Mo's voice was getting smaller and smaller: "Listen to me." Don't soar. Ascension is the world's biggest lie.

"You must wait for this world to go up." And then make a breakthrough. Don't soar. Don't soar. Old

Mo said this.

The body suddenly exploded.

Then a fiery red monster crawled out of his body, which had exploded into a pile of mosaics.

The monster had a human form, but it had no head, and it should have grown a circle at the shoulder position, with dense red eyes.

And what is written on the head of that monster is crazy old Mo.

Zhan Rong was taken aback: "Why did it suddenly become this

?" "Aren't you going to kill?" Ye Chen felt as if he was a little crazy, because he felt that the rows of dense eyes on Old Mo's shoulders were full of grievances and unwillingness.

Although the monster can no longer see the human form.

But Ye Chen still felt uncomfortable when he saw that monster.

It's all uncomfortable.

As soon as Ye Chen raised his hand, he threw out the hammer he was holding.

The monster didn't have time to make a sound from beginning to end.

was killed by Ye Chen.

"My mission is accomplished. "Zhan Rong is very happy.

But what Ye Chen thought in his mind was the last sentence that Old Mo left.

Don't soar.

According to what Old Mo said.

Ascension must meet two conditions.

The first is to reach a level of 301.

The second is that a certain attribute on the body reaches full value.

Now Ye Chen, what they have to do is upgrade the whole world. If the world they are in now has become the realm of gods.

Then even if Ye Chen soared, it was not a big deal.

But how many levels is their world still short of the God Realm?

But one thing must be affirmed. That is, Ye Chen definitely cannot exceed the three hundred level.

"It's a whole thing. Ye Chen suddenly realized, full marks for reading comprehension: "I have to go back and be forced to salted fish, play more games, soak a girl or something, it's better than upgrading." [

System]: "Whether to say it or not, you have full marks for this comprehension." "

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