Of course, Ye Chen had a special understanding of Old Mo's words.

However, he also has a deeper understanding of this guy Zhan Rong. After the copy, Ye Chen directly patted Zhan Rong's shoulder and said, "If you encounter this kind of task that you can't do in the future, you must come to me." "

Zhan Rong's luck is really strange enough.

After all, even Ye Chen himself. Can't bump into this strange task.

Through Zhan Rong, he can find out one or two.

This kind of task clearly involves the whole world. Therefore, Ye Chen was still very willing to follow Zhan Rong.

However, Zhan Rong still thought that Ye Chen was deeply affectionate for him: "Really? If I encounter this kind of mission in the future, I will definitely come to you. "

Since Ye Chen has completed the task with Zhan Rong. Zhan Rong separated from Ye Chen.

However, Ye Chen decided to put it on the table. But in the meantime, the world had to be upgraded.

So he silently opened the system mall.

Recently, the system mall seems to know that he needs puppet dolls.

Therefore, the props brushed out for Ye Chen are also related to puppet dolls.

【Packaged puppet dolls】: A limited number of puppet dolls sold wholesale, the price is cheap.

Ye Chen directly bought all the remaining points.

This action shocked the system.

[System]: What are you going to do?"

Ye Chen said with a faint expression.

[System]: I don't think you have the slightest idea. Your idea is a bit scary, you know, it's tens of thousands of puppet dolls.

Ye Chen didn't say much.

Directly used all the puppet dolls.

The rows of puppet dolls appearing in the courtyard of the bachelor villa are very shocking.

The wisdom tree felt that its wisdom was not enough.

Shivering in the corner of the yard.

I didn't expect Ye Chen to be so crazy at all.

However, Ye Chen didn't care so much.

Summoning in batches.

Others seem to be Ye Chen, who is a yard after a yard, and he leaves one by one after receiving any tasks.

Some are directly back inside the bachelor villa and line up to enter the copy hall.

Some went directly to the teleportation array.

All of them looked exactly like Ye Chen and wore the same clothes.

Not to mention that the wisdom tree is frightened.

Tang Xiaoyue came back from outside and saw Ye Chen in this courtyard was also stunned: "What's the situation, where did you get so many puppet dolls?"

Others don't have them in their hands, and it is estimated that they are special skills of the construction master, or special drop items.

There are some classes that drop something very special when fighting monsters, which only they can use.

"And what are you trying to do with so many puppet dolls? Tang Xiaoyue felt that Ye Chen was a little too slack at this time: "All these people are completing camp tasks and improving themselves.

"Yes, I think I need too much of these materials right now." If I go one copy at a time, I'm too tired. So simply let the puppet doll help me. Ye Chen replied as a matter of course.

Tang Xiaoyue didn't think Ye Chen was clever.

On the contrary, it is really stupid for a person to do those tasks.

Even Tang Xiaoyue often went to the auction house to see if there were any props or materials she needed.

Direct submission.

As for what Old Mo said.

Anyway, Zhan Rong didn't understand. I also promise that I will not spread it out.

So far, only Ye Chen knows about it.

However, Ye Chen didn't want to say anything more.

Not to mention whether what Old Mo said is true?

It feels a little strange.

It turned out that before Ye Chen, there were still people who were able to raise their attributes to full value.

I don't know how much it will cost.

After all, when it comes to full value, it's not easy.

But when Ye Chen's physical strength was full. The game announcement clearly states that he is the only one.

Now I heard Old Mo say that he had also done this kind of thing.

Most of those ascended ones had already been destroyed by the Heavenly Dao above.

No longer exists.


What Old Mo said did not know whether it was true or false.

Or maybe what the goods say is not true at all.

But anyway, this guy is dead.

Ye Chen was too lazy to investigate the truth of what the other party said.

But first, he had to raise the level of this world first.

Leave the rest alone.

Therefore, he needs more puppet dolls to help brush world-level bosses.

Since now his attack value is full.

For any monster below the gods, it is a second kill.

Then Ye Chen directly uses these puppet dolls to brush the world boss alone, there should be no problem.

Except for world-level bosses dropping world fragments.

The Catastrophe-level copies are basically out of it.

No matter what the grade.

Therefore, Ye Chen needs these puppet dolls to constantly brush the copies of the natural disaster level.

As for Ye Chen himself.

That's of course the bubble girl, watch TV and play games.

Upgrading the brush material or something, it's really tiring.

Ye Chen diligently arranged each of these puppet dolls for tasks, which was already tired enough.

Do this.

Ye Chen then returned to the sofa in the bachelor villa to lie flat, found a good romance movie, and watched it beautifully.

Xiao Bai and Xiao Na quickly cut fruits for Ye Chen to eat.

Ye Chen's passing was called a pleasant one.

He was too happy himself.

I didn't understand the feelings of the people of the world at all.

Because it didn't take long.

In the copies of various levels of natural disasters, various prompts appeared.

Replica Hall.

There are also chat rooms in the copy hall.

Ordinary people team up here.

Directly form a team here, even if they are not teleported in the same place, they are all in the same copy.

It's still the same as always.

This time, there were also many people in the chat hall to invite the team.

[Xia Guo] Wang Sheng: "4 lacks 1, 4 lacks 1." Come a big. The kind that wants plenty of milk. [

Xia Guo] Li Feng: "A level 150 assassin looking for a job." Can be small, can single swipe all normal level copies below level 60. Bring 300,000 at a time. [

Xia Guo] Liu Chengcheng: "Are you crazy upstairs? Ye Chen's experience copy, obviously the ticket is cheaper than you." [

Xia Guo] Li Feng: "Will you settle the account, people want battlefield points, in fact, it is very expensive." Besides, swiping all normal level copies below level 60 alone is a drop of equipment. Experience copy, not equipped. That's

a good point.

But while they were chatting, a prompt appeared in the chat channel.

[Congratulations to Ye Chen for passing the level 10 natural disaster level copy and refreshing the original clearance time, the time is 1 minute and 2 seconds. ] 】

【Congratulations to Ye Chen for passing the 20-level natural disaster level copy and refreshing the original clearance time, which is 2 minutes and 7 seconds. 【

Congratulations to Ye Chen for passing the level 30 natural disaster level copy. Refresh the original clearance time, the time is 3 minutes and 27 seconds. 】


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