
The swipe screen inside the copy chat, that's just the beginning.

Ye Chen released 10,000 puppet dolls in one go.

[Congratulations to Ye Chen for passing the level 60 natural disaster level replica Hulu Xia Bay, the clearance time has been refreshed, the time is 9 minutes and 20 seconds. ] 】

【Congratulations to Ye Chen for passing the level 60 natural disaster level copy Mo on the flower, the clearance time has been refreshed, the time is 11 minutes and 33 seconds. 】

【Congratulations to Ye Chen for passing the level 60 natural disaster level copy of the ancient ruins, and the clearance time has been refreshed. Time: 12 minutes 44 seconds. 【

Congratulations to Ye Chen for defeating the 370-level world-level boss of the Great Bear Country. 】


This is whether it's a copy lobby or a world chat channel.

Often brush out the news of leaf dust from time to time.

At this time, those players in the world chat channel were also stupid.

[Big Bear Country] Linfsky: "I said that your Xia countrymen are too casual to choose names, there are too many of them with the same name, I heard that your country is called Zhang Wei, there are more than 300,000." [

Xia Guo] Li Sheng: "I understand the truth." But the name Ye Chen has such a strong strength, you can casually clear the Catastrophe-level copy, and you can casually kill the world-level boss. How many such Ye Chen are there?" [

Xia Guo] Ye Chen: "In fact, I also have this name, but I have never or rarely appeared in the world channel." Because I am different from that genius Ye Chen. I'm just ordinary leaf dust.

[Big Bear Country] Linwsky: "So what you want to tell me is that the Ye Chen who just brushed the screen on the world channel is really Ye Chen himself? Even if there is a teleportation array, this guy's speed can't be so fast. Still fighting bosses for a while. I'll go to clear the quest in a while?" [

Xia Guo] Feng Kui: "This is a special skill of Ye Chen. He can release exactly the same doppelganger. So far, there is no upper limit. Feng

Kui came out to explain.

This was also tacitly agreed by Ye Chen.

After all, Feng Kui was originally Ye Chen's person.

And Feng Kui is Tianzun.

The words spoken carry weight.

[Xia Guo] Li Sheng: "This skill is enviable." If only I had such skills. [

Xia Guo] Liu Ermao: "This kind of skill is enviable." If only I had such skills. [

Germany] Linwski: "His country's world-class bosses have all been destroyed by him." What is he going to do?" said

the kind of big bear country player, that's what everyone wanted to ask.

Because the next Ye Chen is crazy.

Ten days in a row.

The big guys can hear all kinds of Ye Chen's news.

For example, Ye Chen cleared a certain copy that is now at the level of natural disasters.

And this time, Ye Chen didn't know what kind of skill he used. The speed of breaking the copy is 1 minute and 2 seconds faster than before.

Or maybe he just saw a boss and brushed it directly onto Ye Chen's puppet's face. Immediately gave a second kill, could it be that the attack power of the construction masters was so high,

but they also discovered another thing.

That is, the world fragments are almost full.

Some people even speculated that Ye Chen did this completely to improve the entire world level.

At this time, a post suddenly appeared on the global professional forum:

"We want to resist Ye Chen's behavior of brushing copies and bosses".

The content is as follows:

"As we all know, since the second update of the data chapter, everyone's resources have become very small. That's because many life classes have combat classes. Whether it is quests or wild monsters, even bosses have become very rare.

"But there is such a group of faceless high-war players. Fight for their own combat power is relatively high, and their attack value is relatively high. to usurp our resources.

"Although these quests or bosses in the wild are refreshed every day.

"But we have to admit it. Because of the presence of some high-war players, we have a lot less resources.

"We strongly resist this behavior." Ye Chen's attack is very high, Ye Chen's ability is very powerful, I also know.

"But Ye Chen did this too much. The current situation is that almost all the copies of the natural disaster level first kill is Ye Chen. I have to thank Ye Chen for only being platinum level 80 now. He can only swipe copies below level 80.

"But he really went too far." The world bosses are almost always killed by him. There is no regard for the lives and deaths of our other countries. Don't we need world bosses?""

"Don't we need all kinds of materials?" "

We strongly resist such behavior. Antitrust. "

This post is truly breathtaking.

As a result, everyone's comments are also varied.

Some people agree with the landlord, others also oppose.

"I really laughed to death, typical can't eat grapes, say that people's grapes are sour, can't beat to join, you can let Ye Chen those doppelgangers take you." Yesterday, I asked Ye Chen's doppelganger to take me to fight the copy. He doesn't want anything to equip or anything. After fighting the boss, he leaves. I guess it's a doppelganger, so it's not that smart. Still, I traded him for Battlefield Points.

"Upstairs, how do you tell me how to get the big guy to take me?"

"Can you still bring people, isn't this matter perfectly solved?" "

Our country's world-level boss, we can't handle it ourselves." Without Ye Chen's help, our country would have perished long ago.

"In other words, our country itself has to fight world-class bosses. Our country has also started a camp war. Aren't we in a hurry

?" "I also think that Ye Chen has done a little too much, just because his combat power is relatively high? Those Tianzun's combat power is higher than him, who saw those Tianzun killing monsters everywhere?"

Who has ever seen players above the Heavenly Saint level killing monsters around?"

Ye Chen had nothing to blame for doing this. Now there are monsters in the wild. There are even world-level bosses in the wild, so what does that mean? "

Do you think we Heavenly Saint level players don't want to be the same as Ye Chen? Who can get off the copy as fast as he can?"

"You guys are typical of not eating grapes and saying grape sour." If the world level is increased, it is good for players around the world. "If

Ye Chen really messes and really doesn't care about anything, then it's called trouble." I think this post should be deleted. "

A lot of players are still very sober.

The managers of the Global League of Professionals forum quickly found the IP that posted this post.

And it was announced.

It was sent by players in the Foot Basin Country.

"I knew it must have been sent by a player in the Foot Basin Country. Because Ye Chen, this guy, cleaned up all the world-level bosses in other countries, leaving only the foot basin country.

"The country of the foot basin is really miserable, the country that was hard to build, after the establishment of this country, there must be a state agency." I heard that the people on their side did a three-day mission before finally putting the materials of the agency and its just established. As a result, the nearby world-level boss was leveled.

"I knew it had to be the Smallfoot Basin." Because Ye Chen has cleared everything, there is no clearance there. "

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