Anyway. The world bosses are equivalent to being wrapped up by Ye Chen.

And in this process, Ye Chen used all kinds of puppet dolls.

Keep expanding your team.

And the world chat channel often appears with Ye Chen's prompt to submit world fragments.

I don't know where this guy came from so many world fragments.

Of course, there are also many people who are very envious of Ye Chen's skill.

After all, Ye Chen's skill can carry people.

As long as the world fragments are not robbed.

Ye Chen doesn't matter.

No matter how many people followed.

Ye Chen agreed.

However, after releasing the puppet doll.

Ye Chen stayed at home every day playing games and watching TV.

Anyway, it's just not doing business.

The affairs of the guild were handed over to the headmaster and Bai Luoyan.

It was not possible to keep Bai Luoyan and the principal and Tang Xiaoyue busy.

Nalan Xue focused on that angelic country.

Ye Chen is not idle.

Of course.

In this high-pressure environment.

The rewards given by the system are also very high.

[Ding-dong. The host is detected to play a game by touching fish. This system is extremely impressive, rewarding 10 times salted fish points, congratulations to the host for obtaining 100,000 salted fish points. [

Ding-dong.] Detecting that the host touches fish every day, the system is extremely impressed, and 5 times salted fish points are rewarded, and congratulations to the host for obtaining 50,000 salted fish points. 】


Just when Ye Chen was having fun.

There are about tens of thousands of world fragments left.

Ye Chen suddenly heard a rapid siren coming from inside the school.

At the same time, a message popped up on the watch specially sent by Ye Chen's school: "Enemy attack." Enemy attack. All professionals above level 80 are invited to go to the outskirts of Shengjing, the coordinates are as follows:..."

"All the monsters in the wild are gathering unidentified.

"Experts predict that this may be a monster in the wild to carry out siege activities."

"Please all professionals above level 80 rush to the suburbs immediately."

Ye Chen did not expect that a siege suddenly appeared.

He didn't want to go.

But at the same time, he saw a box pop up on the game interface.

This box is a box for camp warfare.

And there are many people on the world chat channel who are discussing this siege.

This time, all Xia Kingdom cities were attacked by wild monsters.

But other countries have not had this disaster.

At the beginning of the siege campaign. There was even a faction battle dialog box in front of everyone. That means that this matter has something to do with camp warfare.

Ye Chen followed the teleportation point said by the school and immediately came to the suburbs.

So he saw another leaderboard next to the dialog.

The points earned on the leaderboard are faction points.

And when he came to the suburbs, he also heard the game prompts in the suburbs:

"Your enemy faction, the Foot Basin Kingdom, summoned its mythical god Yagi Great Serpent, and the Yagi Great Serpent used a siege on all the cities of Xia Kingdom, and he will control all the wild monsters around him to attack the city."

"This time to attack the city, the Great Serpent of Yagi will summon the world boss. Please be sure to defend your city for players in our faction. Conquering a city is a decline in national fortune. When

Ye Chen heard this prompt, his whole body became energetic.

He directly recalled all the puppets.

Let these puppets go to nearby cities on the spot.

Then build defensive towers outside the city.

And he went to the footbasin country.

Everyone said that the Foot Basin Country summoned the Yagi Great Serpent.

Ye Chen originally wanted to go to the God Domain.

Find out the Yagi Great Snake and kill the other party.

But the problem was that he didn't even know where the door of the God Domain was.

Now someone helped him summon the Yagi Great Serpent.

Hurry up and go to the other party and kill this thing.

Yet now in the footbasin country.

It's like a world boss meeting.

Because Ye Chen cleaned up all the world bosses in other countries.

Although now the time of the world boss refresh is uncertain.

The location of the refresh is also uncertain.

But as long as it is refreshed, it will be discovered by Ye Chen. Especially in foreign countries will be killed.

These world bosses are not without intelligence.

After each kill.

World bosses will also be summarized. There will even be a review.

They'll find out where they've been able to survive for a long time.

In the end they looked for a long time.

Found the foot basin country.

They found.

All the world bosses, but all of them are resurrected in the Foot Basin Country.

will not be killed.

Therefore, later, Ye Chen's puppets killed fewer and fewer world bosses.

And the world bosses on the land of the Foot Basin Country, that is really more and more.

Ye Chen's Buddha directly used the teleportation array to come to the territory of the Foot Basin Country.

I was also shocked when I saw the dense world boss.

You must know that there are only 20,000 professionals in the entire Foot Basin Country now.

Among these 20,000 professionals, there are some who are not very strong in combat.

Elites used to attack these bosses, even one, can make them busy.

Not to mention so many of them.

When Ye Chen came over, there was no place to stay.

There are densely packed world bosses everywhere.

Ye Chen first took his hammer and put a boomerang.

This is a group attacking skill.

So far, Ye Chen's power attributes are full value.

So as long as the other person is not a god.

Ye Chen is able to kill each other in seconds.

Where the boomerang passes, not a single world boss survives.

It's all a one-hit kill.

There is no room for negotiation at all.

In this world, only Ye Chen can do this.

Ye Chen went outside to kill the world boss everywhere.

As a result, there are more and more world bosses on the land of the Foot Basin Country.

There are also some bloggers who come to shoot specifically.

Nothing else, just to get eyeballs.

Ye Chen's picture of killing the world boss like cutting grass was also filmed.

And it was quickly put online.

Speaking of this time on the professional forum.

There is something about the camp battle between Xia Guo and Footbasin Country.

The one in the discussion was in full swing:

"I'm really convinced." The head of the foot basin country is really iron. Obviously said okay lie flat. Obviously said okay, let Xia Guo come to harvest. As a result, they actually played yin.

"I just saw Ye Chen directly enter the land of the Foot Basin Country. In other words, this trick of the foot basin country does not work at all. This Ye Chen also doesn't know how many doppelgangers there are. Xia Guo is indeed relatively large in land area. But as long as Ye Chen has a doppelganger, he can hold a city.

"What did Ye Chen do when he ran to the Foot Basin Country, is it to kill the world boss?"

The Foot Basin Country is now simply buried by the world boss. But I have a bold idea. "

What is a fundamental solution?" "

Don't forget, this natural and man-made disaster in Xia Guo was caused by the Great Snake of Yagi. Do you say Ye Chen is going to slaughter gods?"

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