The current players of the Footbasin Country are basically the players of the Footbasin Country after the reconstruction.

It was also very difficult for them to build a country.

Therefore, most of the players of the Foot Basin Country are very desperate, and many of them bind themselves to the resurrection formation given by the Great Snake of Yagi.

Of course, there are many people who directly bind themselves to the Free Alliance.

In other words, if all the nearby resurrection springs are gone.

This part of the population will be teleported directly to the Freedom Alliance.

You will be able to leave this ghost place.

Ye Chen was able to kill.

Soon he found that the nearby Resurrection Spring was gone.

Not even the players.

Because all of these players have moved to the Free League.

And they scold frantically on the world channel.

Jiro Koizumi: "I've never seen such a disgusting person, it's not enough to kill once, but I have to kill the second time, and I don't even let go of the resurrection spring." [

Foot Basin Country] Jianyi Erlang: "That's right, this Ye Chen is definitely something wrong. Strongly and strictly investigate Ye Chen's mental condition. Normal people simply do not kill so repeatedly. [

Foot Basin Country] My grandson Taro: "It's really sad, Ye Chen, as the first person in Xia Country, is actually a killing machine, which is really outrageous." [

Xia Guo] Zhan Rong: "I said that a few of you have incomplete cerebellar development and incomplete brain development, so don't come out and embarrass people, okay? What is disgusting? What is not disgusting? Killing people can be resurrected anyway, what have you lost? [Xia Guo] Zhan Rong:

"If I want to say, I should give you a long memory." Now it's a camp war, and you don't know how fierce Ye Chen's hint in our camp is. Ye Chen killed you, how many points and honors did he get? I only hate that I didn't go to Ye Chen's side, otherwise I would mend the knife more diligently than Ye Chen.

[Xia Guo] Zhan Rong: "Can you have a little interest, can you have a little appearance, even hundreds of years ago, the ancients knew that there is a saying in playing games called willing to gamble and lose." Since it's a game, don't be so pretentious, die and die, it's no big deal. Anyway, didn't you go to the Freedom Alliance in the end?

This product's brain is quite fast.

A direct voice reply allows you to speak on the World Channel. It's just that the world channel will automatically convert speech to text.

He alone gave anger to those players of the Foot Basin Country who were killed by Ye Chen to the Free Alliance.

And Ye Chen does not have an air traffic control world channel at all.

In his case, the world channel is directly blocked.

After he destroyed the Resurrection Spring, he directly teleported randomly.

Anyway, the foot basin country is not very big.

Ye Chen didn't bother to carpet to find the big snake of Yagi. The devil knows where the goods are.

Because now the body of this snake will definitely not be in the Foot Basin Country.

It should be in the God Domain.

What stays in the Foot Basin Country should be a doppelganger or something.

So Ye Chen didn't seem so interested.

It would be better to kill and revive the spring first.

Killing is not only explosive equipment.

There is also money to get a lot of merit.

The nearby world bosses are also solved.

Anyway, these things are a knife for Ye Chen.

It didn't take long for the video of Ye Chen slaughtering players in the Foot Basin Country to be posted on the forums of professionals around the world.

Of course, there are many people on this forum who hate players in the Foot Basin Country.

Their first reaction when they saw the video was to mock:

"Some countries have this end, it looks really cool."

"This knife is like cutting grass, which is simply the aesthetics of death." "

It's exciting to hear these footbasin players screaming in their ears.

"To be honest, if I were Ye Chen, I wouldn't be able to stop.

"What are you talking about, aren't we all free and democratic countries? Aren't we all villagers in the global village? Shouldn't we be harmonious and fraternal? So the next time Ye Chen does this kind of thing, can you call me?

"Upstairs, I almost couldn't get back the knife I had drawn." "

Speaking of the players of the Foot Basin Country, Ye Chen is like a killing god or killing machine, to be honest, I see the head jumping up so slowly, and the merits and points keep rising, I also want to do this."

"How high is this Ye Chen's attack power, why is such a thick piece of meat just

a knife in front of him?" "Upstairs, are you talking about the player? Don't say that the meat is a knife thing in front of him, don't you see that those world bosses are also a knife thing in front of him? 750 level world bosses." A team on our side was going to push it for a day, and he was done with one cut.

"So don't mess with Ye Chen, Ye Chen, where is this only the top player of Xia Country, no one in this world can compare to him, right?"

"Speaking of slaughtering gods, I think of the big snake of Yagi, so that the big snake should not let Ye Chen stew, right?"

"How can you people talk like that? If this didn't happen to you, you don't know it hurts, do you?"

Aren't we all commenting? I think you're content with that. Ye Chen's current state is to teleport casually. Just find a few random people to kill.

"Besides, everyone has a resurrection. No one will really die under Ye Chen's hands, and now it's a camp battle. You can't stop people from killing people.

"I don't think you people in the foot basin country should be too glassy. This kind of thing will pass after putting up with it. No big deal.

"Yes, don't be too glassy, in fact, Ye Chen has already left his hand, this is a camp battle." You can all be resurrected, how can the steward kill. "


Those who posted the video to the forum are, of course, also footbasin people.

But that foot-basin country man didn't think of anything.

Videos will get comments after they are posted on the forum.

However, at this time, in a group of crypto professionals in the Footbasin Country.

A group of foot-basin people were also discussing what had just happened.

Now all of these footbasin people have come to the Freedom Alliance.

Not a single person dared to return home.

Everyone knows that there is such a killing god in their country.

"That hypocritical white pig, when we were allowed to rebuild the country, when we pulled up the Freedom Alliance, did not say so. The group leader was the first to speak.

"If I were to say that we shouldn't have posted this video to the World Professional Forum. Shame and embarrassment, who passed it on?"

"I want professionals around the world to criticize Ye Chen's actions." I didn't expect that these people were all scolding us.

"I said it earlier, those hypocritical white pigs can't be believed." We should not join the Freedom Alliance. "


A footbasin countryman who was typing suddenly felt a chill on his head. It felt like Ye Chen had suddenly entered the Free Alliance.

The foot-basin man looked up and found a white pig standing next to him, ah, no, a man from a country of free union.

"That's how you see us. The man in the Freedom Alliance was full of anger.

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