The chat records of the small group established by players in the Foot Basin Country were quickly posted to the World Professional Forum.

At the same time, it is accompanied by a particularly poignant video.

This video is that the Free Alliance directly served the pot of players in the footbasin country with a vote.

To say that the players of the Foot Basin Country are really miserable.

They had just been purged by Ye Chen.

Although death is not terrible, it can still be resurrected.

And there are also negative states.

But death in general is not particularly terrible.

But every time they died, the treasures inside their packages would fall outside.

And it's not falling out one by one, it's falling out in groups.

The first thing these players bound to is the resurrection spring water given to them by the Great Snake of Yagi.

The Great Snake of Yagi is really good to this group of people who have re-established the country.

Because under normal circumstances, the resurrection spring does not appear alone, but several at once.

Ye Chen extinguished one of them.

These Foot Basin players will also be resurrected under other resurrection springs.

Therefore, Ye Chen had to take the trouble to kill them repeatedly.

Of course, for Ye Chen, this is also very cool, because a lot of things have exploded on the other party's body.

So when the players of the Foot Basin Country were finally killed and came to the resurrection formation of the Free Alliance, there was really only a trace of blood left.

There was nothing left in the package.

It can be said that it is a negative state with a head.

Then the pocket is cleaner than the face.

As a result, it was discovered by the players of the Free Alliance next to them, who actually arranged it like this.

And so the tragedy happened.

A group of crazy Free Alliance players rushed into the defensive formation of the players of the Foot Basin Country.

These players of the Foot Basin Country were originally silk blood, with a bunch of negative buffs on their heads, and there was nothing in them.

Before he could react, he was punched in the face by the players of the Free Alliance.

One by one, they were directly killed.

Players of the Free Alliance who killed players in the Foot Basin Country also found that a meritorious reminder appeared on their heads.

They will not destroy their own defensive formations.

They will repeatedly kill the players in front of them, the foot basin country.

Nothing else, just want to experience Ye Chen's feelings.

Ye Chen can casually kill a professional full of blood directly, just with a skill.

Even just Ping A can kill the other party.

Although the attack power of the players of this group of free alliances is not as good as Ye Chen.

But these players of the Free Alliance are facing a group of bloody players from the Foot Basin.

These footbasin players already have a bunch of negative buffs on their heads.

Even if they die and come back to life, they will have the same negative buffs on their heads.

And as the number of deaths increases, maybe they will become weaker and easier to kill.

"I can finally feel Ye Chen's feeling of killing like mowing grass. A Free League player commented directly on the post posted on the World Professional Forum.

Let's be honest.

Everyone thinks that the players of the foot basin country are quite miserable.


When they saw the players of the Foot Basin Country so choreographed the players of the Free League.

The public opinion on the World Professional Forum is almost one-sided:

"I have long said that these players in the Footbasin Country have bad intentions. They still want to rebuild the country, and I don't sympathize with them at all. "

When they first founded the country, if our players in the Free Alliance hadn't accepted them and taught them how to build a country, where would they be today? "

This word is so insulting. We never said they were white pigs.

"Good kill. Seeing Ye Chen killing people there, I can't wait to follow.

"Now we don't have to envy Ye Chen, we can directly ask the people of the Free Alliance for the address." I teleported straight over.

"Don't be so ruthless, isn't it good for us to go to the country's teleportation array? How much does it cost to teleport directly?"

One hundred points of world prestige can go to any of the coordinates posted on the world channel.

"Send the coordinates, I'm going to hurry over, send the coordinates, I'll help you beat them." I also want to feel the feeling of killing like mowing grass. "

It's so cool to see these buddies playing footpot country players. Send a coordinate, isn't it 100 world prestige? "


So when this post was posted to the World Professional Forum.

More and more players are going to the Free League.

Even Zhan Rong followed suit.

Zhan Rong's level may be a little low, but he said that the other party is just a pile of bloody foot basin country players: "What did our eldest brother cut each other into?

And after Ye Chen teleported many times, he found that there was no longer what he wanted in the territory of the Foot Basin Country.

Whether it is a world-level boss or a player in the Foot Basin Country, there are no more.

Doesn't it mean that there are 20,000 people in the Basin Country?" said Ye Chen with a puzzled face.

Then he looked at the killing prompt in his upper right corner.

That online kill prompt has been piled up more than 40 million times.

Because those Foot Basin Country players can be revived in the Resurrection Spring.

Therefore, even if Ye Chen wants to dismantle the spring water, he must slowly dismantle it.

Let's squeeze everything out of every player in the Footbasin Country first.

Obviously there are only 20,000 people.

But there are more than 40 million kill combos.

"This time, it was really cut from the Hundred Herb Book House to the South Heavenly Gate, and it took three days and three nights without blinking his eyes. Ye Chen teased himself, and at the same time saw the shadow of the big snake of Yagi not far away.

That thing is really just a doppelganger.

Even if it's far away.

Ye Chen also discovered this.

This time, he threw the hammer directly.

He can attack from far away.

At the same time, 10,000 puppets were released.

Those puppets and his movements are the same.

Throw the hammer before building the tower.

After all, Ye Chen can kill world-level bosses, but not necessarily gods.

Even if it is a doppelganger of God.

Still, he was overly cautious.

The Great Snake of Yagi saw him from afar.

At that time, the first reaction was to tear open the entrance to the God Domain.

Although now it is only a doppelgänger state.

But the Yagi Great Snake didn't want to let his doppelgänger die, so he died at Ye Chen's hands in vain.

It's not worth it.

But this product is still a step slower.

10,000 hammers fell on the body of the Great Snake of Yagi.

The body of this cargo fell instantly.

I didn't even have time to make a cry.

"Is it so weak?" Ye Chen was stunned.

But he noticed that a small teleportation formation appeared on the ground.

That's right.

The doppelganger of the Great Snake of Yagi is dead though.

But this product successfully opened the God Domain.

It just didn't have time to teleport.

And at this time, the God Domain of the Foot Basin Country.

The Great Snake of Yagi quickly ran in a certain direction in the myth and legend of the Foot Basin Country with the 8 million gods in the myth and legend of the Foot Basin Country, and roared loudly: "Seal it, seal that entrance!!"

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