Ebisu's words alarmed everyone.

The big snake of Yagi also chuckled for no reason: "What nonsense are you talking about

?" "How can it not be sealed?" "

Then there must be a problem with your technology."

"Ebisu, I've never seen anyone as disgusting as you. If you have your own problems, you have to blame others. "

Ebisu now looks at the appearance of the big snake of Yagi, just like looking at a fool.

Without saying a word, he directly kicked the Yagi Great Snake out.

Yagi Great Snake also did not expect that this guy would suddenly make a move.

And to be honest, Ebisu is indeed more powerful than the Yagi Great Snake.

"See for yourself. "Ebisu is gloating at this point.

Because he felt that the Yagi Great Snake seemed to be unable to defeat Ye Chen at all.

That mortal who broke into the Divine Domain was very powerful.

That guy seemed to have broken the barrier between the God Domain and the Mortal Realm.

Broke in abruptly.

Such people.

From ancient times to the present day.

Even counting the mysterious East.

None of it.

That's an exaggeration.

Ebisu is not good to see the big snake of Yagi. This Yagi Great Serpent was originally from the East. And it is said that when it was in the East, this product was only a small character.

There was really no way to beat people, so they ran here.

After running here, he pretended to be very powerful.

Many of the 8 million people who were born later still admire him.

I think the Yagi Great Snake is extremely powerful.

Ebisu felt that his name and Yagi Great Snake were put together.

Since this matter was provoked by the big snake of Yagi.

Then let the Yagi Great Snake solve it himself.

Ebisu didn't feel anything wrong with doing this at all, and he turned his head and looked at Amaterasu respectfully: "Great God, you see that this matter was originally provoked by the Yagi Great Snake himself." It is also natural to let the Yagi Great Snake solve it on its own.

"We're here watching. Before the Yagi Great Snake, it was just a loss of a few doppelgangers. It's just scary.

"I believe his strength is still there. "

Ebisu this guy is really bad.

I just want to see the appearance of the Yagi Great Snake being hammered by Ye Chen.

However, at this time, Amaterasu-sama moved his fingers.

A picture appeared in mid-air.

This is exactly the picture of the Yagi Great Snake staying on the edge of that intersection, confronting Ye Chen.

This Ye Chen just came in.

These 8 million gods found that Ye Chen actually had a doppelganger?

It's densely packed in an instant.

Everyone who watched had a tingling scalp.

And after Ye Chen came in, these doppelgangers were all doing the same thing.

It's about constantly building a kind of tower.

This kind of tower feels extremely terrifying to everyone.

The Yagi Great Snake just kicked Ebisu within the range of the defense tower.

Haven't had time to say anything yet.

Just dizzy.

The attack of the defense tower smashed on the body of the Yagi Great Snake.

Since the other party is a god.

So there's no way to trigger that one-hit kill.

But even if there is no way to trigger the effect.

The attack power of the defense tower is also not low.

The long blood streak of the Yagi Great Snake is slowly decreasing.

And he hasn't been able to recover from that dizzy state until now.

If you give Ye Chen enough time.

He is really capable of slaughtering gods.

Among these 8 million gods, there are still some who do not like Ebisu.

Tsukiyomi stepped forward and took a step: "Amaterasu, please make up your mind as soon as possible." That ordinary mortal is more powerful than the Great Snake of Yagi.

"This Yagi Great Serpent was in a state of dizziness as soon as it came in, and he hadn't returned to his senses until now.

"If this situation continues, he is really easy to be killed." "


Yue Yomi couldn't see the strength of the Yagi Great Snake.


Can't let this guy die so tragically in Ye Chen's hands.

It would be a shame to say this.

The newly established country may be gone.

"The Yagi Great Snake is not so dish. Amaterasu looked particularly calm: "Let's see first." "

The 8 million gods stopped speaking at this time.

After all.

Even Amaterasu-sama said so.


They could only watch as the blood bar of the Yagi Great Snake became shorter and shorter.

At last.

Probably after more than an hour.

The Great Snake of Yagi fell to the ground with a bang.

"Just died?" Ye Chen was shocked.

"Except that the health bar is very much more than the other bosses.

"I really don't feel anything wrong." "

That's not right.

Ye Chen killed a god.

Shouldn't killing a god be reported to the world

, but so far, he has not received any notification.

Other words.

The Great Snake of Yagi is not dead until now.


A black shadow appeared on the body of the Yagi Great Snake.

At this time, the color scheme of the Yagi Great Snake's whole body seemed to turn black, and the moment he stood up, the Yagi Great Snake said angrily: "Go and die you!" Then the

8 heads spewed fire, sprayed water, and spat towards Ye Chen without sparing effort.

This attack method is a bit like the Q of the new version of the Dragon King of League of Legends.

Long spells shot out from the mouths of those 8 heads, and concentrated on Ye Chen's body like lasers.

However, Ye Chen just threw a hammer over.

Directly interrupt the opponent to cast spells.

The eight heads of the Yagi Great Snake were stunned for a moment.

Dizziness again.

And Ye Chen found himself directly smashing with a hammer. The damage dealt is much higher than that of the defense tower.

It's just a little tired.

After all, the amount of health in the second form of the Yagi Great Snake seems to have doubled.

It's longer than before.

After Ye Chen smashed it twice, he really couldn't stand it: "Forget it, let the defense tower fight, and there are puppets who can help." "

Those 10,000 puppets smashed with hammers quickly.

To say before.

Ye Chen let the puppets keep building defensive towers.

Now it suddenly turns out that ordinary attacks hit a little more than defense towers.

Then let 1000 puppets continue to create defensive towers.

The remaining 9,000 puppets used hammers to keep hitting the second form of the Yagi Great Snake in front of them.

Soon, the second form of the Yagi Great Snake fell at Ye Chen's feet.


The world-level briefing still did not sound.

Ye Chen finally knew why the gods were so difficult to kill.

Because this damn king bastard actually has 18 forms.

Every pattern.

All properties are doubled.

By the 18th.

Ye Chen had to pull out more puppets to continue building defensive towers. Win by numbers.

And in addition to the defense towers.

He also built countless magic cannons.

After all, the attack power of this thing is 40 times that of the character.

In the very center of the shell, double the damage.

At first, there were some gods who did not have long eyes, and ran over to touch the porcelain.

But after they were hit in the second form, their first reaction was to run out.

Escape from the range where Ye Chen is.

This person is so terrible.

This is not a human being at all, this is a god.

This is a god sent from the East, right?

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