Ye Chen directly hit the 18 forms of the Yagi Great Snake.

It didn't work.

Completely useless.

Although each form of the Yagi Great Snake will be twice the previous form, which is twice the total attribute.

And so it doubles again and again.

In the 18th form, he was still beaten on the ground by Ye Chen.

And with time it increases.

Ye Chen's defensive towers and various buildings are also increasing.

The Divine Domain is quite vast.

However, at this time, Ye Chen did not want to go anywhere.

Just want to stay here.

Come one to slaughter one, come to two slaughter a pair.


Over time.

The 18th form of the Yagi Great Snake also fell into Ye Chen's hands.

There was a loud bang.

The body of the Great Snake of Yagi turned into white light.

Directly into Ye Chen's body.

This time it's not a world channel.

This time it is directly for everyone's eyes.

The row is full.

Even Ye Chen himself.

A pop-up window appeared in front of me.

[Congratulations to player Ye Chen for killing the Foot Basin Country god Yagi Great Snake. ] Since Xia Guo and Footbasin Country are in the middle of a faction battle, the full attributes of all players in Xia Guo have increased by 5 times, and the points of all factions have increased by 10 times. 】

【Congratulations to player Ye Chen for killing the Yagi Great Snake, the god of the Foot Basin Country. Gain the Godhead. Obtain the Eastern God Domain Fragment One. [

Congratulations to player Ye Chen for fusing the godhead. These

are the contents of the pop-up window.

After closing this pop-up window, the second prompt will appear.

Article 3 appears after the 2nd prompt is closed.

Until it ends after fusing the Godhead.

Ye Chen was inexplicable: "What about after fusing the godhead? Then I'm a god too. Hasn't the attribute value doubled?"

he glanced at his attributes, and there really wasn't any change.

[Ding-dong. You are now a god.

At this time, the system suddenly appeared.

[Dingdong, after you become a god, you will be on an equal footing with all the gods in this god domain. This means that if you kill them in the future, you can directly trigger a one-hit kill.

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes: "What do you mean?

Please also ask the host to explore on its own. All


Ye Chen didn't bother to ask.

He kind of understood that this godhead was like a title.

With this title, it is convenient for him to start the next step.

Since the Foot Basin Country has a God Domain, then why has the God Domain of the Xia Kingdom become a fragment?

Ye Chen simply sat in place and thought, he sent two puppets to catch the little gods in the God Domain.

Let's ask what the situation is.

However, when he tossed in the God Domain, the entire world channel directly boiled.

[Xia Guo] Zhan Rong: "It has to be the boss of our family." The boss is awesome. [

Eagle Country] Thomas: "It's not when our country fights with others, I will also go to slaughter gods." This is a god slaughter. Now Ye Chen has a godhead, which is equivalent to a god. [

Beautiful Country] Jerry: "Envy, envy and hate." Why can Ye Chen have such treatment, and is the big snake of Yagi in the Foot Basin Country particularly weak? This great snake of Yagi is nothing at all in the mysterious East. Surely the weakest deity. Otherwise, how can mortals be chopped?" [

Foot Basin Country] Ichiro Iguchi: "I think we should destroy the country we built before." It's a lot of work to raise a country. The gods of our country are also too useless. It's a shame. [

Foot Basin Country] Sakato Sachi: "There really is nothing more humiliating than this." When I was a child, I also admired the Yagi Great Snake and thought that the other party had 8 heads and was very powerful. But you are also too useless to die so quickly. [

Xia Guo] Wei Yihang: "Ye Chen did a beautiful job." It is worthy of our Xia Guo. Now that Ye Chen has become a god, it is really enviable. Where is Ye Chen now? Can we go to that map? I also want to kill a few gods. "

This man's reaction speed is quite fast.

For a while, the entire world channel changed its style.

[Beautiful Country] Buddy: "Ye Chen, where are you? I'm out 10 times.

Matsuo's real name: "That must be in our country." He is not in our country, how did he enter our country's God Domain, but I still hope that Ye Chen can give me this coordinate. Nothing else. I will leave our country now. I'd rather see how humiliating those gods are. "

For a while, this world channel was very lively.

Scolding the gods. Praise Ye Chen's. Finding coordinates. Seeking Ye Chen to give birth to children is endless.

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