Originally, Ye Chen planned to lock up the temple.

But the number of visitors is really increasing.

And he found.

All who visit.

will provide him with the power of faith.

Just when Ye Chen saw that the white silk threads on those statues were getting thicker and thicker.

Ye Chen found that a world announcement appeared in the entire game.

Or pop-up level.

Everyone can see it.

【World Announcement】:

Due to the appearance of the first player god in this game world, a new expansion is opened.

After this pop-up appears.

Ye Chen found that the scenery in front of him seemed to tremble.

It's like getting stuck while playing with the computer.

A pop-up window popped up again in front of everyone.

【World Announcement】:

This expansion pack has been updated!

Open the God Online system.

Open belief systems.

Open the system of gods.

Each country holds a week-long festival of gods due to local customs.

Players who are closed in the world of God Online cannot participate.

The remaining updates are something that players can explore on their own.

This damn game suddenly came to life. Without any warning.

Now the update expansion pack is even more perfunctory.

It's better not to write this announcement.

When Ye Chen was looking for various updates on the panel, he heard Bai Luoyan next to him say in surprise: "Ye Chen, take a look at your own attribute panel." You look different from others.

"What's that means I look different from others? For this, Ye Chen was still confident, but after saying this, he quickly opened his attribute panel.

Then he was stunned.

Ye Chen's name has an extra golden border on it.

All in all, it's particularly conspicuous.

In the previous case.

You want to query a person's attributes.

Identification is required.

to see the other person's name.

However, Ye Chen's head was directly covered with his own name.

And this game is probably to make him more conspicuous.

The name also has a golden border on it.

It can be said that no matter how far away you are, you can see clearly.

It's like a little light bulb.

"This is probably the Divine Light. Ye Chen gritted his teeth and said, to be honest, he didn't know how to explain it.

The word divine light was invented casually by Ye Chen.

Bai Luoyan remembered the godhead that Ye Chen had obtained in the God Domain before: "Since you already have a godhead and become a god, what is your attribute panel like?

[Name]: Ye Chen

[Occupation]: Construction Master (only) Gem Merchant (Life

) [Level]: Deity Level 1 [Attribute]

: Strength: ????? (Full Attribute) Agility: ????? (Full Attribute) Physique: ????? (Full Attribute) Spirit: ?????




The first is the change in rank.

Ye Chen's original rank was erased.

It became a god level.


point is that all 4 attributes have become full.

It wasn't like that.

Ye Chen was stunned when he saw such a change.

I finally practiced so advanced, and now it has become a level one.

But what exactly does the god level mean?

And there is a small plus sign next to the god level.

Ye Chen clicked on his properties panel.

A dialog box appeared in front of him: "Do you spend 50 faith power to increase your level?"

After that, you have to have the power of faith, and you don't need experience points at all.

Ye Chen clicked Upgrade.

He became a god of the second level.

"It feels like there's no difference between the first and second levels of the gods. Ye Chen searched for a long time to find out what the difference was.

The rank of the gods determines the coercion of the gods.

High-level gods can crush low-level ones.

Even if the low-level body is full of attributes.

This coercion is layered on top of each other.

The difference between the two gods is not a big problem of more than ten or twenty levels.

But if the difference is forty or fifty levels, the difference is obvious.

If the difference is 100 levels. Even if the low-level gods are powerful. In front of the high-level gods, it is still a second-to-second goods.

Therefore, the power of faith is very important.

After Ye Chen became a god, he could also find the power of faith on his attribute panel.

So far, the value of his power of faith is 100,000.

Fully embodied.

> and this 100,000 power of faith is still slowly jumping up. Every once in a while, go on a dozen more points.

And the interface of the Power of Faith also has a special option for building settings.

The initial building given by the game panel is 50. This building is the statue.

God players can set up their own statue of gods anywhere in the world.

As long as someone visits, they will gain the power of faith.

The initial building would not have cost much if it were to use the lowest level statue given by the game. It can be said that it is basically free.

But the lower statues are so ugly.

Not to mention the size, the whole thing is an abstraction.

If only this broken thing was placed anywhere in the country. If he was detained, Ye Chen's old face could not be pulled down.

Therefore, it is possible to erect beautiful statues throughout the country.

It's just that it will be more expensive.

It can be said that almost the entire system of gods needs the power of faith.

Even the construction of statues that make people prostrate can be made directly using the power of faith.

"There is one to say. Players who do the game system themselves can be really ugly. The facial features are flying around, and there are many thieves. Ye Chen complained about addiction.

Bai Luoyan on the opposite side was dumbfounded: "So what has become of your attribute panel?"

This time, Ye Chen did not hide it at all.

She posted her attributes directly on the world channel.

【World】【Xia Guo】Ye Chen: [Whole body attributes].

After Ye Chen dropped such a picture, the entire world channel boiled.

[World] [Ah San] Azim: "???? what is this? Is there such a thing as full attributes in this game? Is it Ye Chen poked me and I'm gone?

[World] [Beautiful Country] Charles: "There is one to say." Ordinary attacks can really take you. [

World] [Eagle Sauce] Thomas: "The first time I saw full attributes, my God. I remember the World Channel Leaderboard reported before that someone had reached full attributes. Those two players with full attributes are Xia Guo players. Now there is another one full of attributes in the Xia Kingdom player. [

World] [Xia Guo] Zhan Rong: "666, boss, you are really six." This group of foreign devils were all scared stupid. "


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