Ye Chen found that Zhan Rong still liked to mess with water in the world.

And whether it is a world channel or a national channel, you can see this product wherever you chat.

However, after Ye Chen dropped such an attribute map, he was too lazy to deal with it.

But the World Channel caused an uproar.

Many people felt that the thing that Ye Chen sent was fake.

They even went to point Ye Chen's name.

Of course, Ye Chen at this time had already become an oriental god.

Even if they clicked on Ye Chen's name, they couldn't see the slightest.

I don't know what Ye Chen is doing. Bai

Luoyan saw the picture sent by Ye Chen, and the first reaction was also disbelief: "Really fake?

In addition to their own attributes and products inside the backpack.

Even products from certain hidden stores can be sent.

After the game came to the world, some of the commissaries became hidden shops.

Some special equipment will be sold inside.

However, these equipment are very different from the equipment dropped by the monsters in the quest.

Some are just some neat props, and they have no effect.

Even equipment that can be worn on the body has a slightly lower stat value than the monster drop.

It's just that there are more differences in functionality and more utility.

All of these items can be posted to the World Channel.

There are even people who change something and then post it to the world channel.

This is the legendary cheating.

After Ye Chen's picture was sent.

Foreign netizens all feel that Ye Chen is cheating.

[World] [Beautiful Country] Amos: "There can be no such god man. What is the concept of full attributes? This cargo stomped its foot, and we all had to suffer with it.

[World] [South Stick] Kim Tae-sung: "Ye Chen has already reached this point, I previously suspected that Ye Chen's power attribute is satisfaction, because this goods uses a puppet to fight the boss, which is almost a move." [

World] [Asan] Jeremaiah: "As if it is so amazing, we can also make a superman with all attributes here." When the time comes, the two of them will meet and they can fight each other.

[World] [South Stick] Kim Tae-sung: "As we all know, Ah San likes to brag when he is fine. If you are really so good that you can create a God of all attributes, then hurry up and do it. Less nonsense.

[World] [Asan] Hirham: "I always think it's still fake, maybe a p-map." "


The world channel should not allow p-graphs.

But there are quite a few who publish memes every day.

The matter soon appeared in the Global Professional Forum.

Ye Chen's previously posted attribute map was posted to that post.

Less than 5 minutes after the post was sent, it covered quite a few floors:

"What's the situation? There are actually people who can reach full attributes, full attributes, and I found that Ye Chen's level is still different from ours.

"After all, Ye Chen is now a god, of course, the level of the god is different from our level, what I am curious about is whether the level of the god will make the original full attribute more awesome?"

"This diagram should be fake, it can't be so powerful." If Ye Chen is really so powerful, why didn't he appear in

the rankings?" "That's right, there is no Ye Chen's name in the all-attribute rankings.

"Is it possible that Ye Chen hid his name?"

"There is not only one attribute leaderboard in the all-attribute ranking, and all attributes have separate rankings. I found that the two attributes of agility and spirit are not full at all. "Previously,

there were two players with full attributes in strength and physique. I don't know why it disappeared too.

"Perhaps because Ye Chen has become a god, the rankings that people walk on are not the rankings we are talking about." "

There are still relatively sober people in this post.

Ye Chen had indeed become a god.

How could the gods be on the same list as mortals at the same time?

The ranking is based on the power of faith.

So Western gods are more in the front.

So far No. 1 on this list of gods is Jesus.

After all, people publicize it so well. There is so much faith in Him.

But Ye Chen felt that if the gods of the Xia Kingdom could be on the list, these Western gods were estimated to be unable to even touch the edge.

Ye Chen really couldn't understand why the Xia Kingdom God Domain was gone.

It is estimated that everyone can enter the Xia Kingdom God Domain after completing the task of that fragment.

In other words, I know what happened back then, and I can treat the problem.

Ye Chen asked the Xia Kingdom players who were still in the copy of the Foot Basin Country God on the national channel and asked them for coordinates.

Of course they give.

It was returned quickly.

There were even two Han Han who stood up and said that they must help Ye Chen clean up the gods of the Foot Basin Country.

Not all of the 8 million gods are so easy to kill.

However, Ye Chen now bears the title of a god.

Therefore, when Ye Chen returned to the Foot Basin Country God Domain, all the gods of the Foot Basin Country God Domain were taken aback.

Why didn't they expect that Ye

Chen could actually come back, Ye Chen could still come back?

Because Ye Chen had restrictions when he fought these gods before.

The main thing is that it is not able to trigger a one-hit kill.

One hit is the most sincere attack.

However, now Ye Chen is already a god.

He and the other gods are equal.

In this environment of equality.

Ye Chen's densely packed defense towers and magic cannons can trigger the effect of one-hit kill.

Ye Chen, who came back again, was simply murderous.

According to his progress today, he had to collect the fragments of the Eastern God Domain today and let the Eastern God Domain reopen.

Ye Chen originally left 15,000 puppets in the Foot Basin Country God Domain.

This time, Ye Chen killed back.

I even bought a lot of puppets from the mall.

Flags of all sizes.

Then Ye Chen led these little disciples to kill for half an hour in the Foot Basin Country God Domain of 8 million gods.

Godhead fragments are bound to fall. Sometimes some very strange things are dropped, such as the hardcover version of "Golden Bottle Plum".

And the fragments of this God Domain sometimes come out, sometimes they don't.

Ye Chen killed for half an hour.

Efficiency should be the fastest of all.

Because his attack power can trigger the effect of one-hit kill, once triggered, he will be knocked down at once.

In these half an hour, the millions of gods in the Footbasin Country were also arguing.

[Yue Reading]: "The group of people outside is really arrogant! I want to rush out and take a look!" [

Amaterasu]: "This Ye Chen is very evil." There are also many gods around to protect them. Let's not act rashly.

[Ebisu]: "If you don't care about his evil doors, take care of yourself first? Ah, no, the country is gone. "

Other gods: .

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