Don't really say it.

How about there is an old saying that more people are powerful?

The more people there are, the more ideas.

With more ideas, all kinds of bizarre ideas emerge.

Even Ye Chen himself didn't expect it.

He can designate someone to become a god.

Originally, Ye Chen wanted to enter the God of Wealth Temple to take a look.

As a result, I heard the other party say so.


After the man said this.

He found that Ye Chen looked at himself with very strange eyes.

The man was also taken aback: "I said it casually."

"You have a point." Unexpectedly, Ye Chen actually said this: "I'll try it then." Hearing

Ye Chen say this, the man was very happy: "Really? Then I am willing to become a god.

Ye Chen glanced at the other party: "Do you have a fragment of the godhead?" If you don't have a fragment of the Godhead, there is no way to synthesize the Godhead. Only with a Godhead can one become a god. That's how I became God.

"I don't know if the Foot Basin Country God Domain explodes with godhead fragments." It should have exploded.

"If you really can't, go to the Greek God Domain."

It's a big deal to turn the Greek God Domain into a copy as well.

The Human Eastern God Domain has not yet been established.

Why can the Western God Domain or the Greek God Domain survive in this world?

It doesn't have to be with everyone.

How fair.

Ye Chen's divergent thinking really scared that person.

And the man also said with excitement on his face: "Boss Ye, this idea is good." It may not be enough to have such a place in this world as the Foot Basin Country God Domain. It's best if we pull the other God Realms over and become our copy.

"Yes, yes, anyway, there is no way to open the Eastern God Domain of our Xia Kingdom, so we simply let the God Domain of the whole world cannot be opened." Bai Luoyan was excited when she heard this: "If you go, you must take me with you."

Ye Chen couldn't laugh or cry.

"Good, good, be sure to take you."

Just as they were speaking, a dialog box appeared in front of everyone.

Pops out.

"While chatting with your friends, you have touched a trace of the truth about the disappearance of the Eastern God Domain. Main quest completion increased by 3%. "

Don't say Ye Chen, his face is full of confusion.

Even Bai Luoyan was full of confusion.

However, Ye Chen's reaction speed was still very fast: "What does this prompt mean?" Could it be that the disappearance of the Eastern God Domain is really related to other God Domains? "

Zheng Chou has no excuse to find trouble in other God Domains.

Isn't that an excuse to send it to the door?

"Let's chat casually and talk about the progress of the main quest. Is that a conspiracy theory? Ye Chen asked slowly.

All present were human spirits.

This main quest is inherently confusing.

Now they chat casually.

Just talk about the progress of the task.

Then it means that this matter must be related to what they said.

So a group of people began to participate in divergent thinking.

"You guys send it all to the national channel." Ye Chen is not afraid to see the excitement: "It's not right." Post this to the world channel. "

The gods of the world on the World Channel are also watchable.

But the national channel can only be watched by the Eastern gods.

The gods of the East are only Ye Chen.

Or participants.

Hearing Ye Chen say this.

The surrounding Xia Guo people all understood.

So the world channel was originally chatting or flirting with girls.

A group of Xia Guo players suddenly went up.

[Xia Guo] Dong Quankun: "I said why don't we have a single immortal in the Eastern God Domain?" The other god realms are still there, and there are still immortals, but we have nothing. It turned out that the other God Domains had done something to us.

Toms: "What evidence do you have?" The God Domains of other countries have made a move on your Eastern God Domain. Did it cause your Eastern God Domain to disappear?"

This Thomas said this after saying this.

A dialog box pops up in front of all Xia Guo players.

"The players seem to have found some kind of truth. The completion of the main quest has been increased to 5%. "

With this dialog.

Look at the World Channel again.

And the national channel is being promoted: "Everyone go to the world channel to discuss the matter of the Eastern God Online." Guide public opinion, try to conspiracy theories a little, and everyone's main task progress bar will be slightly improved. "

The wisdom of the people of Xia Kingdom is the same.

After reading that dialog, look at the chat of the world channel.

A group of Xia Guo people began to be yin and yang strange.

[Xia Guo] Yun Zhenxiong: "I said why do those foreigners have their own gods?" There are 8 million gods in the country of foot basins, and even a single grass will become a god. I'm afraid I ate the benefits of our Eastern God Domain. Our group of old immortals are estimated to have been killed by them. "

Players seem to have figured out the truth, and progress in the main quest has increased to 6%."

[Xia Guo] Tong Jia: "It is said that foreign immortals are shameless." The mythological system of our Xia Kingdom is so complete. As far as foreign immortals, alas, hey, they can treat ghosts as immortals and eat a lot of benefits from our Xia Kingdom immortals, right? [

Xia Guo] Qi Qiming: "I see that our Eastern God Domain was wiped out by other God Domains. We should get them in trouble. Anyway, there are many of us! [

Xia Guo] Gao Feiyang: "Support destroys them." What's the thing? There is really no successor to our Xia Kingdom. Does no one know what you have done to our Ancestor God Domain?

[A3] Jules: "You guys have a bit of a conspiracy theory." But I doubt what Western God Online has really done? You know, according to their mythological system, it is very chaotic. One God blew out a hundred and eighty versions. [

Eagle Sauce] Desmond: "You don't know, can you shut your stinky mouth?" Our Western mythology is something that one of you can comment on? Besides, the Eastern God Domain is gone, what does it have to do with us? Could it be that our ancestors did something to your Eastern God Domain? Don't splash dirty water. "

The World Channel is quarreling because of the yin and yang strange qi of these Xia Guo players.

There are even many foreign players who swear that the God Domain they believe in has never done anything to the God Domain in the East?

In short, it is a pot of porridge.

However, after the Xia Guo player finished those yin and yang strange remarks, he looked at the dialog box in front of him with a smile.

The progress of that task is really fast enough.

"Players seem to have figured out some kind of truth, and the progress of the main quest has increased to 7%."

"Players seem to have figured out some kind of truth, and the progress of the main quest has increased to 8%."

"Players seem to have discovered some sort of truth, and progress in the main quest has increased to 9%."

"Congratulations to all players for accepting the side quest to explore the Greek God's Domain!"

"Side Quest: The Destruction of the Eastern God Domain, it seems that you can find clues in the Greek God Domain, please all players in the country to work together to find the clue to the elimination of the Eastern God Domain."

"The temporary portal has been built. Right at the South Heavenly Gate. I hope that every Xia Guo player can unite and find the truth.

Ye Chen was really surprised by the progress of this task: "Chat can actually talk about the clues, awesome." "

As everyone knows, all the gods of the current Greek God Domain have collectively broken the defense.

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