The gods can see what the World Channel players are saying.

At the beginning, I saw so many Xia Guo players talking strangely on the world channel.

The gods of the outer realms felt that something was not quite right.

As a result, those Xia Guo players were really smart.

Guessed some truth.

Then there is the Greek gods who receive the task that the players of the Eastern gods come to explore.

Collective defense-breaking.

The Greek gods also held a small meeting for this purpose.

Poseidon, the god of the sea: "What happened when the Eastern gods disappeared, in addition to us, there were many people who contributed to the situation." Mainly because the Eastern God Domain offended the Heavenly Dao, what does it have to do with us?

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: "Maybe Heavenly Dao thinks that it is because we are contributing to the situation, so this matter was finally promoted, so it will trouble us?"

Zeus: "Athena, your analysis is a bit strange. Tiandao will not be so stingy.

Poseidon: "Exactly." We weren't alone. The other God Domains have already been mixed in, could it be that Ye Chen wants to make copies of all the God Domains?

Athena: "The 8 million gods of the Foot Basin Country can't bear it." Do you think you can carry it? Although there is no such waste in our God Domain. But it is not necessarily possible to beat Ye Chen. That's

a good point.

Every time Ye Chen changes, in fact, the gods can see it.

They could see that Ye Chen was now fully satisfied.

Recently, another skill is also worth a lot.

It can be said that Ye Chen's skills are already all over the place.

If you make all his skills worthwhile.

That would be a disaster for all the gods.

Even if it was the group of immortals in the Eastern God Domain who were resurrected.

It is estimated that no one can stop Ye Chen.

That's the scariest part.

Hera: "Are you thinking a little too much?" This mission just allows us to receive the people of the Eastern God Domain. It doesn't mean that the people of the Eastern God Domain are going to fight us. "

As a noble queen.

Hera's brain is much better than Zeus's.

After all, in Greek mythology, Zeus seems to have even taken his own daughter.

"Makes sense." Poseidon's face was full of excitement: "This is not a direct call." It was they who came to visit us. How many years ago did this happen? Can they still dig up the evidence?

Athena was still worried: "I feel that now the Heavenly Dao is on the side of the Eastern God Domain." Maybe we've been too stable over the years. People want to trouble us.

Zeus also understood at Hera's reminder: "Then we will wait here." See what kind of clues those little guys from the Eastern God Domain can find? Anyway, I have long ruined the clue of the year.

Apollo: "Among them, only Ye Chen can be called a god." The rest of the players are good at fooling. How did you fool the people of Greece before? Just fool them. Players are all the same. That's


Players are all the same.

Give a little favor.

That's it.

As a god.

They're no ordinary NPCs.

They can issue missions to players. You can also turn these players around.

12 The Lord God quickly began to discuss.

To welcome the arrival of the envoy of the Eastern God Domain.


Ye Chen soon discovered the teleportation array next to the South Heavenly Gate.

In the beginning.

Some people in the national channel also said: "Let's discuss it carefully before entering." I always felt like it was a big banquet.

"This is a Hongmen banquet, okay?" So a few gods of Greek mythology are not waiting at the door, planning to clean us up?

"The twelve main gods of Greek mythology are still very powerful, such as Apollo."

"Apollo is a golden crow. Don't forget, in our mythology, Houyi shot nine golden crows in a row, what is there to be afraid of?

"I think we just need to stay next to Ye Chen." Then it must be fine. "

There are also many people discussing in the national channel.

Ye Chen read this task carefully.

Then he glanced at Bai Luoyan next to him: "Senior sister, how do we think we should do this task?" Bai

Luoyan also did not expect that they actually got a side quest while chatting. It's clear that this side quest can find out the truth.

Even if it's just a clue.

"I think we should salute before soldiers." Bai Luoyan frowned and said, "This mission also doesn't say that let's start a war with the Greek God Domain.

"Just let's go to the Greek God Domain to explore." See if you can find clues.

Bai Luoyan only said her opinion, after all, she is a girl's family, there are not so many belligerent ideas, after she said it, she looked at Ye Chen: "What do you think?"

Ye Chen still hadn't answered.

On the contrary, Zhan Rong next to him directly slapped a: "I think Senior Sister is right."

Ye Chen slapped Zhan Rong's back of the head: "This is my senior sister, what does it have to do with you?" Zhan

Rong is now very good at patting horses: "I am the boss's most loyal follower, and your senior sister is my senior sister." Right, Senior Sister.

Bai Luoyan couldn't laugh or cry.

I haven't seen anyone as cheeky as Zhan Rong.

However, Ye Chen's thoughts were simple and rude: "I advocate fighting."

"We attack the past directly. The disappearance of the Eastern God Domain is estimated to have been many years ago. You may not find it in the game's expansion.

"So. These clues. If I were a Greek god, I would definitely hide it all. "

The words are understood from the way the game is made. Only by killing them will you get these clues.

"My idea is to slaughter them all, leaving no one behind." But this is a national task, a collective task.

"So we have to discuss with the state."

The main thing is if you can salute first and then soldier, if the salute can be successful.

Don't say success is not successful.

If not fighting. You can deceive a lot of things from Greek mythology.

It seems to be pretty good.

Ye Chen's side is advocating fighting anyway, but if this side can solve this matter through talks.

Lazy cancer like Ye Chen.

That would, of course, choose to negotiate.

At least the negotiations were easy.

Besides, negotiating this kind of thing does not have to be done by Ye Chen himself.

Couldn't he just listen to the music and rest and rest.

Hearing Ye Chen say this, Bai Luoyan was quite relieved. I didn't see Ye Chen's lazy heart at all: "What you said makes sense." After all, this is a national task, and it is necessary for the state to negotiate. "

Let the state discuss this matter, it will drag on for a long time."

But fortunately, there is no time limit in this side quest.

The state is willing to negotiate.

But when the state discusses this issue, it is actually divided into two factions.

One faction advocates fighting. Suppressed by force, directly run over. It's basically all military. I think that now that the Eastern God Domain is gone, 99% of them are the ghosts of the foreign God Domain. What else to talk about, directly beaten.

The other faction advocated talks, and anyway, this task did not say that it was necessary to fight. It's better to be able to talk things well. After all, the Eastern God Domain is gone. Can it be resurrected if the truth is found?

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