It was as if this God doppelganger knew it was now live.

Because every time the product speaks, it is precisely aimed at the camera, and it also appropriately poses a particularly beautiful pose.

Therefore, it always makes others feel as if the other person is doing it on purpose.

Or maybe he did it on purpose.

God's doppelganger is also God's doppelganger.


Ye Chen guessed that the other party should also be a superior god.

It's about the same level as Zeus.

It also took a certain amount of time for Ye Chen to kill Zeus.

Each god has his own unique skill.

Although Ye Chen's skill can easily deal a fatal blow. Direct Lightning Deal.

But a god like Zeus usually transforms directly into another form when he still has 20% of his HP.

Even if Ye Chen's attacks sometimes caused a fatal blow, directly killing the opponent's form.

He can also continue to transform the second pattern.

Therefore, Ye Chen still spent a little effort when he killed the upper god Zeus.

The God doppelganger in front of him obviously had two brushes, and after this guy stood up, he began to brutally kill his own people.

He usually uses a grab to the other person. Then push slightly.

The people were crushed by him.

It can be said that this guy is quite atrocious.

Ye Chen felt particularly bloody when he looked at it across the screen.

For a while, the whole eagle sauce was full of mourning.

That's a miserable one.

God's doppelganger aimed himself at the screen. He looked at everyone with a grin and said, "The majesty of the gods is not to be provoked. I know some of you who, by chance, turned the gods into replicas.

"So what? I am different from other gods. My power of faith is higher than other gods. The whole West is mine. What are these things? "

There was a barrage of barrage in the live broadcast room.

God can also see.

He glanced at it and said disapprovingly, "You say I didn't treat my people well. You say that sooner or later these people will betray me.

"But since I can kill them, I can naturally give them lives."

"They are now dead at my hands. I just want to teach them a lesson that they will remember forever.

"I just raise my hand slightly, and they will come back to life."

God said this and gently raised his hand.

A person who was pinched by him just now.

Near that person's skin tissue.

A shadow appeared.

Then the man crawled out of that shadow again.

It's just that the person who climbed out looked dark all over his body.

And also has a pair of red eyes.

Sluggishness is like a zombie.

God smiled and patted the man's shoulder: "Isn't he resurrected?" "

That player is indeed resurrected. It's just that some are not very adapted to their own bodies. Walking is slow.

"We, Eagle Sauce, let us solve our own affairs. Some people do not meddle in matters between our gods. Otherwise I will level all of you in the East. "Before, God had only replaced it with some people.

The back is directly clear.

To set foot in the east.

Ye Chen's eyebrows were picked.

Nalan Xue slapped the table: "It's too much."

But the little girl had just finished saying this.

The live broadcast room went black.

Nalan Xue's face was full of weakness: "I didn't do anything."

Ye Chen cried and laughed: "Of course I know that it has nothing to do with you."

"It seems that Eagle Sauce is going to be completely gone." Unexpectedly, at this time, Bai Luoyan actually came out with such a sentence: "Do we help or not?"

"Wait a minute. The West hasn't said anything yet. Besides, the Western alliance is not just one country like Eagle Sauce. "There will be more countries involved.

Ye Chen didn't bother to care about this matter now.

"I want to go and brush the copy of the Greek God Domain, who will follow me?" Ye Chen simply changed the topic.

It's not time to strike.

It is better to wait for the other side to all fall.

Pick up again.

Save the people of the Western Alliance who have something to do, and nothing to do in front of Ye Chen.

Since God helped to clean up the other party.

Ye Chen didn't want to say anything more.

"I'll go, I'll go." Nalan Xue said with excitement on her face: "When I was young, I watched cartoons. I especially want to see what Athena looks like?

"Didn't you see it the last time you went to the Greek Gods?" Ye Chen was quite curious.

"That tower of yours attacks so fast. Before I could see what the other person looked like, she was gone. Nalan Xue complained: "It's not interesting. "

It's only Nalan Xue.

will spit on this kind of thing.

Bai Luoyan and Tang Xiaoyue were also willing to go together.

If only he could gather the fragments of the godhead like Ye Chen and become a god.

How nice that would be.

So Ye Chen took these girls and directly entered the copy of the Greek God Domain.

The copy of the Greek God Domain, depending on each person's level, will adjust the difficulty accordingly.

Even if it is one level.

The difficulty of entering this quest is also very low.

There are quite a few newbies who are brushing.

When Ye Chen brought people in, it also caused many people to move.

After all, people like Ye Chen.

With such small copies, it should be simple.

Ye Chen's choice was also a natural disaster level.

After choosing the copy level, he took Bai Luoyan, Tang Xiaoyue and Nalan Xue in.

They used a replica hall of their school.

The copy of this myth and legend of the Greek God Domain cannot be entered in the copy hall of one's own home.

Only the school's copy hall has a relevant connection.

Someone at the school filmed this scene.

And posted it to the school's forum, and said with great envy: "I really want Ye Chen to take me with the copy."

"Who doesn't want Ye Chen to take the copy with him? I'm only level 50. This copy is a bit hard for me. I completed two small missions in it before I got a fragment of Godhead. I always feel like I'm panicking somewhere.

"Please. So far, only our Eastern God Domain has obtained the Godhead fragment so fast. I believe that the time when we are all gods is just around the corner.

"If it does reach that era, I guess the game will have to be updated again."

"When is the head?"

The students in the school forum enjoyed discussing the background of the game.

After all, everyone saw the expansion pack in the Eastern God Domain last time.

They're all guessing what's behind the game?

College students are full of vitality and like to discuss these things and don't have them.

Ye Chen entered the God Domain copy.

Just ready to build a defensive tower.

It was stopped by Nalan Xue next to him.

"If you build a defensive tower, how will we fight?" Nalan Xue disagreed a little: "We came in to see our strength. If you help us fight. What's the point of that?

"Can I lie flat?" Ye Chen's face was full of excitement, and he directly established the experience hut. The cottage had everything in it.

He poured himself a drink. He looked at Nalan Xue with a smile: "Then you guys will continue." "

Nalan Xue: .


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