Ye Chen's attitude was really infuriating.

However, Nalan Xue said it herself just now that she didn't need Ye Chen's help.

Then Nalan Xue would definitely not look for Ye Chen.

Nalan Xue really carried her sword and rushed out.

Bai Luoyan can only keep up.

Tang Xiaoyue couldn't laugh or cry: "You really plan to stand by and watch."

"It is. If you don't want my help, then I'll stay here." Ye Chen even cocked Erlang's legs and specially took out the game console to play games.

However, Nalan Xue and Bai Luoyan rushed out and returned not long after.

Ye Chen was shocked: "You two came back with monsters?" Nalan

Xue and Bai Luoyan glanced at each other.

Both had smiles in their eyes.

Then the two of them get out of the way.

Athena appeared right behind them.

The scenery is bright.

It looks beautiful.

See Athena.

Ye Chen frowned: "What do you mean?" "

The god bosses in the God Online copy all have their own thoughts.

Otherwise, the difficulty of the entire quest would not be adjusted according to the strength of each person's level.

If only a first-level player.

If you enter the quest, in general, the god boss will issue various tasks instead of asking the other party to fight monsters.

After all, there are very few monsters that a first-level player can win.

This is also a copy of the God Domain.

It's not so much a copy as a special little world.

Missions can be issued to players to continue leveling up.

Due to the adjustment of Ye Chen before.

So the tasks here are basically the easiest.

It is simpler than the novice village, and it is a task that can be done by hand.

So when Athena came over, Ye Chen was still puzzled.

Unexpectedly, Athena looked at Ye Chen with a sad expression: "You haven't read the message I sent you." "

Previously, Ye Chen added Athena's private account.

But recently, Ye Chen has been a little busy.

Busy resting and touching fish.

Just forget about it.

"Is there something going on?" Ye Chen did not intend to continue to consume Athens on this matter.

This Athena looked sad, I am afraid that there are many things she wants to tell herself.

So Ye Chen asked directly.

I didn't expect Ye Chen to play straight like this.

Athena was stunned for a moment, and then said: "We thought that you would enter the copy immediately after opening this copy. I didn't expect you to come over until now.

"If you want to type any material, I can provide it to you directly." But you have to do me a favor.

Ye Chen looked at Athena curiously: "I need the Godhead Fragment." No, I need Godhead. These little girls I brought want Godhead. Can you give?

He thought the conditions were harsh enough.

After all, the Godhead fragment is a special product of this copy.

Every boss you kill is likely to drop.

But did not expect Athena, readily agreed: "Yes."

This frightened Ye Chen: "The task you asked me to do shouldn't be very simple, right?" "

After you turned this place into a copy, it was restored to the appearance of a small world." Athena sighed and continued, "Originally, we had all become gods and entered the realm of gods. But your appearance made the God Domain disappear. "

We're back in a small world." In this small world, all units are independent. It has separate branch lines and main lines.

"And you, the one who turned us into a small world." is the only one for us.

Athena said these words, listening to the leaf dust clouds.

I can understand every word, but I don't know what it means when I get together.

Ye Chen asked in confusion, "So."

"So we now have to fight the Ancient Devils." In our original little world, we also had to fight them. By the way, this is true of all God Domains.

Athena said something that surprised everyone.

"After all, this has returned to the small world. So we had to face them. "

Originally, when we were in the God Domain, we had already sealed these ancient demon races."

"As a result, you returned us to the small world and became replicas. The seal of the Ancient Demon Race was loosened.

"Now we have to fight the Ancient Demon Race every day. Sometimes you can win, sometimes you can't.

"Therefore, I hope you can help us eliminate the Ancient Demon Clan."

When Athena said this, Ye Chen also received a similar main task.

This main quest is to help the gods in the small world defeat the ancient demon race.

Ye Chen's head grew bigger: "I'm still responsible for this?"

"Yes, you are in charge. What material you want, I can give it to you directly. Athena said directly: "The Godhead is also possible." You have acquired in me the Godhead of a lower god. In fact, I still have the middle god and the upper god in me.

"I can even tell you how to become a god-king. As long as you want. Tang

Xiaoyue and Bai Luoyan both listened to the clouds.

But they didn't think of it.

There are so many kinds of gods in this world, and there are even god kings.

"Deal." Ye Chen agreed directly without thinking much: "Anyway, even if the Eastern God Domain, if the gods are resurrected, it is estimated that they will follow you to fight the Ancient Demon Clan."

Ye Chen was stunned when he mentioned this: "Then what are those demon kings I killed before?"

"Those demon kings are nothing compared to the Ancient Demon Clan. Their output is because the seal of the ancient demon race is loose and a little bit of demonic energy leaks out, so they slowly evolve into the demon king. The Ancient Demon Race is not a simple existence. Athena was stunned for a moment before replying slowly.

"If you don't believe it, you can go to the world of the Ancient Demon Race and give it a try, and I'll teleport you over."

"I remember you have a kind of puppet, we can teleport the puppet over." When Athena just said that when she teleported, whether it was Bai Luoyan or Tang Xiaoyue, they all looked at her very vigilantly. So she can only talk about the puppet thing.

Speaking of puppets.

Bai Luoyan and Tang Xiaoyue quite agreed.

"Yes, let that puppet have a camera on him, let's see what the Ancient Demon Race looks like?" Nalan Xue said with excitement on her face.

Ye Chen also agreed.

With the help of Athena, a puppet was teleported directly to the location of the Ancient Demons.

"This is the place where the Ancient Demon Clan lives, the Ancient Demon Realm." Athena explained by the side.

The place where the puppet appeared was a small village.

There is a round hanging in the sky, I don't know if it's the sun or the moon, it's red anyway.

It emits a faint red light.

The strange shape of the village was established.

However, most of the people inside were black, and the man's head was horned and muscular, with dark red dark lines on his body, shining with fluorescence.

The women were graceful, with no horns on their heads, excellent figures, their skin was dark, and there were runes outlined with red paint.

I don't know what it has to do with that round of red things in the sky?

Anyway, under the light of that thing, it actually flashed a beautiful red light.

As soon as Ye Chen's puppet entered the village, his first reaction was to build a defensive tower.

He's pretty fast.

A defensive tower was immediately erected.

The light of the defensive tower was radiant, and the shells were shot in all directions like crazy.

It hit the body of the ancient demon race.

Ye Chen watched as the word -1 appeared on the top of the head of that ancient demon clan.

"Am I..."

Ye Chen:??? Didn't break the defense? Not really.

But in the next second, the Ancient Demon Race suddenly quacked. It should have triggered the fatal blow.

Athena explained next to her: "The skin of these ancient demons is very thick, they have absolute defense, no matter how high the opponent's attack is, they can only deduct a little blood when hitting them.

Ye Chen suddenly felt a little weak: "You said that you sealed this thing before, how did you seal it?" "

Sealed by the Eastern God Domain. We don't know very well either. Athena blushed and told the truth.

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