The words of these gods can basically be ignored.

It is obviously the ancient god race sealed by the Eastern God Domain.

When it came to Athena's mouth, it actually became sealed by herself.

"You're really awesome." Ye Chen couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

Athena's cheeks were red, she coughed, and forced the topic over: "But your strength is also quite strong, and you can trigger a fatal blow." That's why we asked you for help. "

Ye Chen's puppet quickly released a second after releasing a defensive tower.

This is what Ye Chen requested.

Although the damage becomes -1.

But the negative control properties remain.

Moreover, in this case, it is clear that a defensive tower cannot solve everything.

It is better to put a few more.

So the puppet built more than 100 defensive towers in a row.

When the puppet built the first defensive tower, someone else rushed in the direction of the puppet.

But when there are more of them.

The ancient demons who wanted to kill the puppet were all stunned in place.

Occasionally triggering a fatal blow can take them away.

If there is no way to trigger the critical hit.

Then these ancient demon races were still in a state of vertigo.

In fact, at the beginning, when I saw that the damage became -1.

Ye Chen was still a little nervous.

But now that tension is completely gone.

Ye Chen didn't care, shrugged his shoulders: "I thought it was so terrible." So that's it?

Nalan Xue whispered next to her: "Of course, you think everyone is like you." "

This kind of thing can only be done by Ye Chen.

In other words, other people can't kill these ancient demons at all.

And when Ye Chen's side killed vigorously.

Tang Xiaoyue also found a series of tips on

the world channel: [World] [Game Tips]: Congratulations to Ye Chen for killing the Ancient Demon Race and gaining 100 world reputation.

【World】【Game Tip】: Congratulations to Ye Chen for killing the Ancient Demon Race and gaining 100 world reputation.


Almost every one Ye Chen killed.

will get a hint.

Tang Xiaoyue was surprised.

However, those people in the world channel were even more curious, what was that ancient demon race that Ye Chen killed?

[Xia Guo] Feng Kui: "What is Ye Chen pouring again?" What is the Ancient Demon? Sounds so high-end. [

Xia Guo] Li Qiang: "What copy is the night boss playing again?" Why not bring us over? [

Xia Guo] Zhan Rong: "Are you sure you can fight with us in the past?" That ancient demon race felt very terrifying just by hearing the name. [

Xia Guo] Tang Xiaoyue: "It's really playing a very special copy. [

Xia Guo] Zhan Rong: "What copy is it to talk about quickly?" [

Xia Guo] Tang Xiaoyue: "Keep it secret for the time being." [

Ah San] Kerry: "Why are you Xia people like this?" There are special copies that are still hidden. You should share it and let everyone fight. [

Eagle Sauce] John: "We're all in a mess here. That God doppelganger was like crazy. Killing all sides on our soil. Didn't Ye Chen promise us before? Why can't it come? I actually went to the next copy.

[Beautiful Country] Max: "I didn't expect it." Ye Chen actually went to the next copy? I see that you will ask for blessings for yourselves. [

Ah San] Kerry: "I forgot not to mention this, but Ye Chen's guy is too pitted." The Western alliance is dying out. He didn't know a favor either. [

Xia Guo] Tang Xiaoyue: "You didn't say let us help?" He also said that he would definitely be able to solve the doppelganger of God. That's why we don't help. If you want us to help, let your representatives come to us." "

What does it mean, it has long been pinched to death by that god's doppelganger.

Although he was pinched to death by God's doppelganger, it will not be long before he will be resurrected.

But resurrected players find that their bodies have no control at all.

It's like a zombie.

Of course, Ye Chen also saw the shouts of the world channel.

But now he wanted to test what the Ancient Demon Race looked like?

They didn't pay attention to the shouts of the Western alliance at all.

Even his private message channel is constantly shining.

Ye Chen didn't have time to pay attention to it.

"It seems like a great guy is coming." Just when Bai Luoyan and Tang Xiaoyue were paying attention to the world channel, Ye Chen suddenly said something.

He was talking about puppets.

What happened on the puppet's side can be clearly seen here.

Ye Chen manipulated his puppet and built many defensive towers.

At first, it was quite powerful.

Those defensive towers harvested the surrounding Ancient Devils.

These Ancient Demon Races soon fell to the ground.

No sound was made.

But Ye Chen suddenly found that one of his defense towers had been demolished.

Inexplicably, it was demolished.

The tower has been upgraded to full level.

Even the amount of health on the defensive tower became a garbled mess.

It means that the upper limit of the blood volume is very high.

The other party is also not so easy to dismantle.

But Ye Chen felt that the defensive tower he had just had just now had suddenly been demolished.

It's like pulling turnips.

Suddenly, it's gone.

"Something is wrong." Ye Chen frowned: "I originally had a defensive tower here, but it suddenly disappeared."

He pointed to the big screen.

Neither Athena nor Bai Luoyan noticed.

Tang Xiaoyue and Nalan Xue were also inexplicable.

"One less." Ye Chen frowned and said, "Apart from the Ancient Demon Clan, are there any other powerful existences here?" This

was for Athena.

Athena quickly responded: "What you are killing now are ordinary ancient demons. This Ancient Demon Race is hierarchical. The high-level Ancient Demon Race is very strong.

"I fought for half a day and all the soldiers were soldiers. Even these minions, you can't figure it out, right? Ye Chen glanced back at Athena: "What's the use of you?" "

That's what I said.

It's a bit of a slap in the face.

Athena's face was a little ugly: "We exist to protect our citizens.

"But the people of your country have been disbanded." Every word of Ye Chen poked at the other party's heartache: "If I remember correctly, the people of your country have not only disbanded, but also want to attack your God Domain." Just like the Western God Domain now.

Athena stopped talking at all.

She found out talking to Ye Chen.

It's a bit infuriating.

Ye Chen finally found the bastard who demolished his defense tower.

It was an Ancient Demon Race that was much taller than its other Ancient Demon Races.

It's a man.

The height is estimated to be 100 meters.

Like a giant.

He grabbed Ye Chen's defense tower with one hand and crushed it with one hand.

At the moment of crushing the defense tower.

A bright red figure appeared above the tower.


Also with an ellipsis.

"Is this unlimited damage?" Ye Chen saw that his defense tower was gone, and he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

This is exactly the same feeling as Timo in League of Legends, who finally put a bunch of mushrooms and let a bunch of old six dismantle them.

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