Athena glanced at the number of damages, then nodded and said, "This is an absolute injury. It is also a skill of the other party. "

The race of the Ancient Demon Race is very special. Especially after digitalization. "

What she calls digital.

It's the game coming to the world.

"Absolute harm means, that is, absolute harm will be caused?" Tang Xiaoyue looked at the translator with a puzzled expression.

What Athena said didn't really connect with what they said.

They are able to communicate smoothly and unhindered through the translator in the game.

"Why is this thing so weird when translated?" Ye Chen complained.

"So absolute damage, you have to face absolute defense. If you have absolute defense. Absolute damage doesn't hurt, right? Bai Luoyan tried to understand.

"Don't say it, my brain is a bit messy." Ye Chen quickly manipulated the puppet.

He asked the puppet to continue building defensive towers and cannons.

Although now the defensive towers are already full, the cannon is nothing in front of the defensive tower.

Moreover, Ye Chen also found a problem, that is, when the shells attacked by the defense tower hit the giant's body again. A shadow appeared on the giant, as if it had suddenly disappeared.

So. It hurts almost nothing.

There was not even a way to make that giant stun.

"It's an absolute dodge." Seeing Ye Chen looking at the giant, Athena also said on the side.

"What kind of ancient demon race are you, there are quite a lot of unique skills on your body." Ye Chen's face was ugly.

However, the speed at which the puppet built the defensive tower was much faster than the speed at which the tall Ancient Demon Race pulled the tower.

It didn't take long.

Ye Chen simply stopped the movement in his hand.

Bai Luoyan asked curiously, "What's wrong?" Ye

Chen manipulated the puppet and directly smashed the hammer in the direction of that ancient demon race.

Because there is absolute dodging on the other side.

This defense tower can't hit eight out of ten damages.

The remaining two hits, if they hit, will not trigger a fatal blow.

This stuff can be said to be very difficult.

I don't know how many ancient demons of this type there are here?

If there are many of them, it is really troublesome.

Ye Chen directly let his puppet launch a hammer strike.

At the same time, defensive towers are being built.

He always felt like a few more taps.

Maybe an ordinary attack can kill the other party.

After all, ordinary attacks have a fatal blow inside.

Ye Chen manipulated the puppet, kept building defensive towers, and even kept attacking the other party with hammers.

In the end, I finally don't know which one hit the fatal blow.

That tall Ancient Demon Race fell headlong to the ground.

The tall Ancient Demon Race has black bodies with red dark stripes on them.

It looks pretty good.

And then after that Ancient Demon died.

The red pattern on the body remained intact.

It looks like fragments of a magic array.

Anyway, it's very beautiful.

Ye Chen looked at Athena next to him: "Can you move that thing out for me?"

Athena manipulated it.

A teleportation array appeared in front of them.

Ye Chen directly entered the teleportation array.

I took out the red shard.

This is a new substance.

Even Ye Chen, when he brought this thing to reality.

Didn't see what the name of this thing was?

This thing.

It's all over a bunch of question marks.

"What is this?" That damn ancient demon didn't even explode a ghost after he died.

That's all that's left.

It should also have some value.

Ye Chen asked Athena next to him.

Athena pondered for a while: "This is the crystallization left by that person, which can be used to increase the level of the gods.

Ye Chen's eyes lit up.

I knew it was a little useful.

just after Athena said this.

Ye Chen found that a line of words appeared on the red crystal. It says Divine Spirit Crystal.

The expansion pack just now has not been updated.

Sure enough, a line appeared on the World Channel: Since Ye Chen found a new copy, the game was upgraded.

This game upgrade is over, I hope players have a good time.

This game comes to the world after the world.

Upgrading that is called a fast.

It doesn't give a sense of engagement from start to finish.

The breath is over.

The friends in the world channel were also at a loss.

[Xia Guo] Feng Kui: "What happened, who can tell me?" [

Xia Guo] Zhan Rong: "Brother Ye encountered something remarkable again?" But I don't feel anything new? "

[Xia Guo] Ye Chen: Divine Crystallization.

Ye Chen directly pasted the prop of the Divine Spirit Crystal on the chat channel.

Everyone can click on the link above the chat channel to see the detailed properties of the divine crystal.

[Xia Guo] Feng Kui: "I'm sure, this thing has nothing to do with me." [

Xia Guo] Ye Chen: "It is useful when you become a god." If you want to become a god, I can help you. But have to stand in line.

Ye Chen, this casual throwing out a sentence caused an uproar in the world.

[Ah San] Kerry: "What kind of stuff?" Can you still help people become gods? Can you help me? My level should be enough, right? [

Xia Guo] Feng Kui: "Boss, let's talk privately about this kind of thing." There is no need to post to the chat channel. [

Xia Guo] Zhan Rong: "How can you not bring me with you for such a thing as becoming a god?" Think about it, all the people in our country became gods. Who has fought this? [

Eagle Sauce] Harris: "Ye Chen, have you forgotten something?" Have you considered our feelings? [

Xia Guo] Tang Xiaoyue: "If nothing else, I may become the first goddess." "

Ye Chen is really convinced.

The specific Godhead deal on Athena's side has not yet been negotiated.

Tang Xiaoyue had already begun to prepare her plan to become a god.

Ye Chen cried and laughed: "Although I think the 8 million gods of the Foot Basin Country God Domain are really exaggerated, and there are some despises, but you are even more exaggerated." This is all beginning to prepare for the plan of becoming a god.

Tang Xiaoyue replied with a smile: "I believe you." "

That is.

Even Ye Chen himself didn't believe in himself.

He took all the crystals left by the Ancient Demon Race in his hands.

These things slowly evaporate when they are placed in your hands.

Then Ye Chen saw his god level rise rapidly.

"If you want to be safe, I advise you to upgrade to the next god when you are at level 9999. This is the highest limit of the lower god level. And the higher the level, the higher the attributes added. At that time, it will be easier to face the thunder disaster. Athena whispered in Ye Chen's ear.

Ye Chen glanced at his level, and his eyes turned black: "Level 9999, are you teasing me?" "

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