Athena has many reasons: "Class 9999, it seems to be quite a lot." Actually, you can kill the Ancient Devils. These ancient demon races all have this red divine crystal on their bodies. You can gain a lot of experience if you absorb it.

"And there should be quite a few of you people who adore you." The power of faith can also allow you to gain experience.

"You're going to help me solve the problem of the Ancient Demon Clan, don't you want the Godhead? I can send you directly.

"There are a lot of people in this ancient demon race."

Ye Chen thought for a moment.

Simply shut up Athena.

He turned around and discussed with Bai Luoyan and Tang Xiaoyue.

"I feel like I can help." Bai Luoyan quickly expressed her opinion, even before Ye Chen could speak.

"First of all, the Godhead." Ye Chen directly said his thoughts: "Are you guys ready to become gods?"

Nalan Xue's eyes widened: "Can you still do this?" Would anyone else like it?

Ye Chen smiled and said, "If you don't want to, you have to let them be willing."

"After you have all become gods, follow me to the Ancient Demon Clan. I suspect that's a very large copy.

"Let's completely eat this copy, and if we explore enough, maybe we can really transform it into a copy."

"After all, there is no official copy above the God Domain."

"Maybe when we're done, the entire game expansion will be updated."

Ye Chen was also really clear.

The reason why until now, the game's expansion packs have not been updated.

It is because so far he is the only deity.

What if he could create God?

What if you could make a lot?

When the whole East becomes the kingdom of God.

Then the game's expansion pack will definitely be updated.

"I have no opinion." Tang Xiaoyue nodded on the side and said, "It's just that we are not Tianzun now, and suddenly become a god, will there be any problems?"

"yes, are we going to be weak?" Bai Luoyan said with a confused face.

For this, Nalan Xue was not worried at all.

After all, has the world become gamified?

Nalan Xue and Ye Chen are not a system.

Becoming a god is probably not the same.

"It's okay." Ye Chen waved his hand indiscriminately and said, "After becoming a god, the attributes of the whole body will change." "

For example, some of Ye Chen's original attribute values are actually not particularly high.

But after becoming a god.

The attribute values of the whole body become garbled. It reached the point of unlimited limits.

In this way, Bai Luoyan was relieved.

Tang Xiaoyue said with a smile on the side: "With Ye Chen standing next to you, how safe it is. What else are you afraid of?

Ye Chen's mind was also moving at this time.

Recruited pets that he hadn't seen for a long time.

Xiao Na and Linglong, as well as the Holy Light Pegasus, all had their eyes light up when they saw Ye Chen.

"Master, you finally remembered us." Xiao Bai, that is, the Holy Light Pegasus, almost cried when he saw Ye Chen at this time.

"Have I forgotten you for a long time? Nope. Aren't you usually seen at home? "Ye Chen, it's just that I haven't fought side by side with pets for a long time.

But it's not unseen.

But the pets' ideas are different from the owners' ideas.

For example, Cortana, the angel beast flapped its wings and said helplessly: "I feel that the master has forgotten us." We all haven't fought alongside our hosts in a long time. Can't we miss the master?

Ye Chen held Cortana in his arms and coaxed: "Good." One will turn you all into divine beasts. Happy or unhappy? "

Hear Ye Chen's words.

To be honest, even Tang Xiaoyue was taken aback: "Isn't your idea a little too much."

Ye Chen didn't feel that he had anything excessive: "Is it excessive? I think it's normal. I have become a god, can't the three pets around me become divine beasts? "

In fact, when Athena saw Ye Chen and recruited all the pets, she had a very bad feeling.

There is a feeling that I have been pitted.

But I can't say it.

Ye Chen really turned his head and looked at Athena with a smile: "Since you want me to help, then let's talk." "

She is the only one on Athena's side.

However, Ye Chen's side was all masters of bargaining.

It doesn't matter if it's three pets or three women.

That's not easy to mess with.

A group of people surrounded Athena and talked for a long time.

Athena listened dizzily.

In the end, Athena promised to give Ye Chen 10 godheads.

But Ye Chen had to go to the place where the Ancient Demon Race was located and destroy the 10 large Ancient Demon Races.

Just like the kind they saw before.

That is the rank that belongs to the general.

Originally, Athena wanted to talk to Ye Chen about a profitable business.

It is their side that provides a certain number of godheads. Then let Ye Chen wipe out the entire Ancient Demon Clan.

After talking for half a day, Ye Chen stiffly talked about the price of a general-level ancient demon in exchange for a godhead.

Athena always felt that something was not quite right: "Otherwise, I'll go back and discuss with the other gods."

Ye Chen frowned and said, "It seems that you can't be the master." Since you have no way to decide, then you should not negotiate terms with us.

"We've been talking to you for a long time, everything has been decided, and you tell me that you can't make the shots."

"Forget it. Anyway, the problem of the Ancient Demon Race is not our problem, and it has nothing to do with us.

Bai Luoyan also sang and sang on the side: "We originally came to fight the copy, don't worry about other things, just do it." "

Athena doesn't want to be beaten by Ye Chen's defense tower anymore.

Hearing Ye Chen say this, the whole person panicked.

"Don't, don't. We come to business with the utmost sincerity. Don't be like this, okay? Athena sighed a little helplessly and said:

"Of course I can decide, when Zeus asked me to come over before, he said that this matter let me be in charge."

"Then you go and destroy the Ancient Demon Race first, I'll talk to Zeus."

After all, Athena felt that it was difficult to deal with those ancient demons.

However, Ye Chen shook his head and directly summoned 10,000 puppets near the teleportation array, and then let that puppet enter the realm where the Ancient Demon Race was located.

These puppets can all imitate Ye Chen's skills.

"We just watched from the outside. In a while, you can harvest 10 Great General-level Ancient Demon Clan. Then you give me the Godhead. Our transaction was done, simple and light.

Ye Chen said casually.

Athena always felt that something was not quite right, but there was no way to refute it.

In the end, only trading is the option.

Because Ye Chen said: "In order to prevent us from messing around." The puppet on my side kills an ancient demon race at the level of a great general, and you have to give me a godhead.

Athena nodded: "Okay." "

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