The reason why Athena was able to agree so lightly was because there seemed to be not many generals in the entire Ancient Demon World.

In total, no more than 50.

Therefore, Athena felt that at most, she would give Ye Chen 50 godheads.

This time, Ye Chen only needs 10.

When she turned back, Athena discussed it carefully with Zeus.

See what's going on with Ye Chen?

I always feel that something is not quite right in Ye Chen's place.

However, when Ye Chen let his 10,000 puppets explore the map, he also got a hint from the game at the same time:

"Congratulations player Ye Chen, explore the Ancient Demon Realm."

"Congratulations to player Ye Chen, the progress of exploring the Ancient Demon Realm has reached 0.01%."

"Congratulations to player Ye Chen, the progress of exploring the Ancient Demon Realm reached 0.1%."

"Congratulations to player Ye Chen, the progress of exploring the Ancient Demon Realm reached 0.2%."

In fact, there were many villages from the Ancient Demon Realm where Ye Chen let his puppet in just now.

These villages are filled with the Ancient Devils.

It stands to reason.

So far, Ye Chen's puppets had killed a large Ancient Demon Clan.

The speed is still very fast.

It feels like you've explored 10% or even 20% of the map.

But how could Ye Chen not have thought that this was only 0.2%?

What is 0.2% concept?

That's just the beginning of the concept.

"How big is this Ancient Demon Realm you are talking about?" Ye Chen looked at the hints of the game and was numb.

Quickly asked Athena next to her.

Athena was actually dizzy: "This Ancient Demon Realm does seem to be quite large, they are a very warlike race.

"They were born to expand their territory. Constantly expanding their territory.

"Then they hit the God Domain. In fact, part

of the God Domain has fallen, and at that time the Western God Domain has become..." When Athena said this, Ye Chen was a little serious: "You mean that the Western God Domain at that time has become a member of the Ancient Demon Realm?" "

Athena doesn't really know much about this history.

"I don't know much about the Western God Domain. But it seems to be like this, but later the entire Ancient Demon Realm was sealed by the gods of the Eastern God Domain. The Western God Domain seems to have also recovered, normal. Athena's side was also half-aware.

Ye Chen, so nervous.

In fact, Bai Luoyan also guessed some: "So now the Western God Domain is not good to hook up with people from the Ancient Demon World." In

other words. Now the doppelganger of God is raging on the Western Union. So it is possible that they will also summon the Ancient Demon Clan?

Athena quickly understood what Bai Luoyan meant, and said with wide eyes: "This is unlikely, if the Ancient Demon Race really appeared in the realm of the Terran race, your Terran race would have perished long ago."

Ye Chen also nodded on the side: "This is indeed unlikely, after all, the gods of our Eastern God Domain are very remarkable, and they do things without leakage." They must have sealed the Ancient Demon Race a long time ago. "

It is impossible for the gods of the Western God Domain to share a piece of the pie with the Ancient Demon Race. It is even more impossible to do evil together. There

was some truth in this, originally Bai Luoyan and Tang Xiaoyue had other things to say, but hearing that Ye Chen was so determined, they didn't continue to entangle themselves in this matter.

Yechen's speed is quite fast.

It didn't take long.

The entire map is 8% explored.

It also killed 10 Great General-level Ancient Devils.

The 10 Godheads are in hand.

"We have a very good deal, and next time there is such a thing, come to me." Ye Chen gently patted Athena's shoulder in affirmation.

Athena always felt that something was not quite right about this, and turned back to talk to Zeus.

So the first transaction ended.

Ye Chen led the girls out of the copy.

Many people saw Ye Chen come out of the copy of the Greek God Domain.

They had also seen the world reputation that Ye Chen had gained by killing the Ancient Demon Race on the world channel before.

That kind of small Ancient Demon Race can only gain 100 world reputation points after killing.

But kill that big ancient demon race. After killing, you can gain 10,000 world reputation.

World prestige is still very precious for ordinary players, after all, you can change suits.

"Ye Chen, you finally came out." When Ye Chen just came out, he saw a reporter walking in his direction: "Did you find some other copies in the copy?" For example, about the copy of the Ancient Devils.

"No comment." Ye Chen frowned and cut through the crowd.

When Bai Luoyan gave the teleportation location of the coordinates of Ye Chen's villa.

Ye Chen and the few of them left directly with the teleportation point.

However, the reporter was blocked by the students around him.

The students glared angrily at the reporter.

"Where did you come from? Schools should also be in charge, why are so many reporters coming in?

"That is, what kind of copy is our family 530 going to, what kind of reward has it got, what does it have to do with you, and why are you so strict?"

"I want to follow Ye Chen to share a cup with you and have the ability to explore the copy by yourself, this copy is open to everyone."

"I don't think it's a big deal for Ye Chen to develop a copy by himself, why should he be questioned by you as soon as he comes out?"

"Besides, Ye Chen is a student of our school, what does it have to do with you?"

The students' three views are correct.

The reporter had no way to refute for a while.

Eventually, he was kicked out by the students.

However, Ye Chen did not expect that this matter was still fermented.

An hour after this happened.

Xia Guo Daily suddenly released a message: "Strongly condemn the tracking of individual players.

"There are some special professions who have received certain rewards in a certain quest or field."

"There will be a lot of people following suit. There will also be many people who beg that person to bring it.

"But none of these behaviors can limit the development of special occupations and make them feel troubled."

"You can ask in private, but it is not recommended to block people. In particular, some reporters stared at Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen is now our eastern god. We should respect it.

"Instead of thinking about how to suck blood on Ye Chen's body. After the game comes to reality. Players are also invited to explore the game on their own. "


Thousands of words were written in the back.

At first, it was just a vague statement by some people.

Later, he simply named the surname directly.

This is obviously to help Ye Chen, so that those media do not disturb Ye Chen.

Before, many people wanted to know the whereabouts of the Ancient Demon Race through Ye Chen, and those people slowly stopped thinking.

Although the world's reputation seems to be very tempting, the Ancient Demon Race seems to be particularly difficult to beat just by hearing the name.

But on the national channel, everyone corrected their attitude. And, stop those messy minds, and it's time to stop.

Ye Chen himself sent a message: "I have 4 blank godheads here, I only sell war points, and I bring the price to private." "

For a while, the entire Xia Kingdom was boiling.

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