The Lost City is a rather special quest.

It's quite a pit.

After entering this quest, many players stupidly follow the ass of the High Priest to attack the city.

Of course, the result is, of course, the destruction of the city.

The first person to discover this copy also discovered that the High Priest was the culprit in summoning the monster.

Without saying a word, he directly slaughtered the high priest.

Later, he cleared this quest, supported other NPCs to ascend to the position of city lord, and left his name on the quest clearance record stone.

After that, this copy was made public.

It's not that no one has tried the normal-level Lost City, what will be the result if you help NPCs defend the city?

The result, of course, is that they are flattened by monsters.

The summoned monsters are more powerful than the other.

Therefore, the professional forum calls the Lost City "the first lesson for newbies".

Precisely because this is a bronze-level copy.

It just so happened that the rookie chickens had just completed the trial and reached bronze 20.

You know, sometimes NPCs can also deceive.

So when Bai Luoyan knew that Ye Chen had entered such a Catastrophe-level copy, it was called a worry.

Even Bai Luoyan felt that Ye Chen was dead.

She was very worried and stood outside the copy hall.

Although the whole reality is gamified after that. It can be resurrected after death.

But the first newcomer who tries to die will not be able to stand that feeling.

Even if you can be resurrected, the shadow of death will never disappear.

Therefore, Bai Luoyan was particularly worried, for fear that Ye Chen would not be able to stand it.

There are many heavenly heroes in colleges and universities. It is because I can't bear the shadow of death and I go completely crazy.

Just when Bai Luoyan was particularly worried.

Ye Chen suddenly appeared.

"Cleared?" Bai Luoyan hurriedly asked.

"Nope." Ye Chen shook his head directly and did not tell the real situation, but he raised it: "This copy will not be a public copy in the future." I was kicked out.

Bai Luoyan didn't react for a while: "It's not good to be resurrected after death." What, you were kicked out? "

That's it.

I saw an announcement appear in the quest hall:

"The public copy [Lost City] has been changed and transformed into a private independent world copy."

Bai Luoyan's pupils shrank: "Independent world?

Ye Chen looked at Bai Luoyan curiously, when she was in the copy before, Xiao Na also said, but did not explain.

"What does independent world mean?" Ye Chen hurriedly asked.

"It's a small world. There is a complete system. This person is really powerful, this is the first time this kind of thing has appeared. Bai Luoyan's face was shocked.

"The benefits of an independent world are many. If nothing else, just the specialty aspect. You can make a lot of money by taking things from the independent world to sell them, or taking things from the real world to sell them in the independent world.

"I don't know which lucky person actually got that lost city."

"It's really enviable."

Bai Luoyan didn't suspect Ye Chen's head at all.

Instead, he quickly picked up his mobile phone and entered the professional forum.

This matter must have been analyzed by the big hands on the forum.

Senior Sister's attention was not on Ye Chen's body at all. Without saying much, he went upstairs and went back to his bedroom.

After closing the door, Ye Chen released Cortana.

Now Cortana is staying in Ye Chen's pet pen.

"Master, why did you release people, people miss you so much." Cortana hugged Ye Chen.

The head was still rubbing at Ye Chen's chest.

Ye Chen only felt a full sense of suffocation and oppression, and he gritted his teeth: "You especially stay away from me."

"Okay." Cortana is particularly well-behaved.

"Master? Have you forgotten me? "Suddenly another voice sounded inside the bedroom. It startled both Ye Chen and Cortana.

Xiao Na instinctively stood in front of Ye Chen: "Master let me protect you, my combat power and defense power are not good, but I am a blood cow." "

A blood cow with an attribute of twenty-three thousand.

Ye Chen's bedroom is quite large, and the curtains are drawn. The whole bedroom was pitch black inside.

Before turning on the lights. He heard this pitch black, and a particularly heartbroken voice came from inside: "Master, don't you want me anymore?" You actually got together with this big meow girl?

"Who do you say is a big meow girl?" You..." Cortana turned on the light directly, and when she saw clearly the one who was talking to her in front of her, Cortana was stunned for a long time: "Airport!"

"It's excessive." When Ye Chen saw clearly the figure of the guy who spoke in the darkness, he couldn't help but say.

It was none other than the Holy Light Pegasus who spoke.

Shirasawa to be exact.

Now the Holy Light Pegasus is already Bai Ze.

"Why did you wake up?" If you count the time, it seems to be a few hours away. Ye Chen looked surprised.

And now the appearance of the Holy Light Pegasus is a centaur.

The upper half of the body is a young lady with short lilac hair. The short hair was slightly curved and staggered. The young lady has two long horns on her forehead. Meets the characteristics of Shirasawa.

She was wearing Ye Chen's T-shirt. But the lower body is a white deer body, and when I saw Ye Chen, the flat deer's tail was still beating happily.

"People just want to see you sooner. So if I wake up early, there is no way to completely transform into shape, but it doesn't matter, just wait until I am level 10. Being looked at by Ye Chen, the Holy Light Pegasus was a little embarrassed.

Ye Chen expressionlessly opened the attribute panel of the Holy Light Pegasus.

[Name]: Holy Light Pegasus (unmodified

) [Race]: Bai Ze (Juvenile, Level 1)

[Status]: Diehard [

Attribute]: Strength: 170

Agility: 220


: 100 Spirit: 150

[Skill]: [


Bai Ze stepped on the ground with a barb, causing a mental × 10+120% damage to attack power. Skills without CD.

[Omniscient]: Bai Ze is talented, Bai Ze is an ancient beast of the Xia Kingdom, able to speak, heaven and earth, omniscient. Enemies whose origins were broken by Shirasawa Dao have their full attributes reduced by 10%. (Curse cannot be removed)

[Seeking Luck and Avoiding Evil]: Rui Beast talent. Those who carry Shirasawa have a lucky value of +100, an 80% increase in equipment explosion rate, and a 20% increase in the explosive rate of Extreme Quality.

[Mount]: Can be used as a mount, maintain the original body in mount mode, and increase the movement speed by 80%.

"The initial properties are high enough. No wonder it's a mythical beast. Ye Chen was speechless when he saw Bai Ze's initial attributes, this time the washing was really not in vain.

Speaking of pulp washing, Ye Chen turned his head and glanced at the angel beast.

As Ye Chen's pet. Xiao Na immediately understood Ye Chen's meaning, but she reminded once: "If I use this fruit, my level will also be reset, and I can only summon a first-level experience monster."

"Then you better keep it for now." Ye Chen has a black line. Originally, when I accepted Cortana, I planned to treat her as an experience baby.

She can conjure powerful enemies that match Ye Chen's attributes. After adding a buff to Ye Chen, you can summon a boss of 70.

Can let the leaf dust brush hard.

If Ye Chen's level also reaches 70. If the level of the angel beast continues to break through the upper limit, it can still summon a matching experience baby.

Without saying a word, Ye Chen directly exchanged the hang-up doll from the system mall, packed these two things with Bai Ze, and handed them to Cortana next to him: "Let the two of them level up."

Cortana smiled, "Okay."

The Holy Light Pegasus was shocked: "Master! Don't give me to this vicious woman! Since

then, the Holy Light Pegasus has changed its name to Xiaobai.

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