The pet of the same owner.

Cortana will only arrange a bunch of monsters for Xiaobai. Let Xiaobai upgrade with peace of mind.

She came directly to the outside of the Lost City with Xiao Bai and the hang-up doll.

When Xiao Bai came here, his eyes widened: "You are an independent small world?" It turned out to be a copy, right? This is the eldest of our family?

Speaking of this, this guy turned around excitedly: "Independent small world." This place is really awesome. But I can also feel that you should have been the owner of this place, you tell me, is there any difficulty? "

Cortana doesn't have time to take care of Xiaobai.

All her eyes were on the hang-up doll.

When the hang-up doll was given by Ye Chen, it was the appearance of a small white paper man.

It looks inconspicuous.

But after Cortana entered the Lost City with the hang-up doll and Xiaobai, the little white paper figure suddenly became bigger. In the end, it became the appearance of Ye Chen.

Xiaobai knew everything, glanced at the hang-up doll and said on the side: "You don't have to deal with this, this is a fake." "

Although it is fake, the defensive tower summoned is no different from the one summoned by Ye Chen.

The experience that Cortana summoned, the baby was killed in the first place.

And the experience was divided by Xiaobai and Cortana and the hang-up doll.

Cortana's latest summoning are all level 50 monsters.

Ordinary level 50 monsters can catch up with Ye Chen's attribute of not eating buffs.

And just now, the hanging up doll has only recruited dozens of defense towers.

Cortana will control the number of monsters and let the hang-up doll kill.

The rule of the quest is that after level 5 above the monster, there is no experience.

However, if you are many levels below the monster, even level 100 will gain experience, and you will also get a high experience bonus.

So a couple of level 50 monsters.

He directly raised Xiao Bai to level 15.

"It's so cool." Xiao Bai had become a little girl when she spoke, still purple hair, but the two long horns that were originally 20 centimeters long were now pocket-sized.

At most, it looks like five or six centimeters, fleshy and cute.

Xiaobai looked like a little girl in her 10s, wearing Ye Chen's white T-shirt.

Because Ye Chen was tall, the white T-shirt was dragged directly to the ground.

At this time, Xiaobai looks a little cute.

Cortana rubbed her eyebrows: "I have some beautiful dresses here, do you wear them?"

"Okay." Xiao Bai immediately nodded. After saying this, there was some embarrassment: "I shouldn't have said you were a bad woman just now."

Cortana's face was expressionless, but her heart was like this: a dress was bought so cute!

So Cortana also expressed her kindness: "I shouldn't have said you were from the airport just now.

Xiao Bai's eyes widened.

She glanced at Cortana's chest.

Then he glanced down at his own.

"Wow, you're a bad woman!" Xiao Bai almost cried.

Cortana: ......


That strange announcement actually appeared in the copy hall.

All the professionals in the Dungeon Hall around the world thought something was wrong with their eyes.

Can a public copy be converted into a private copy?

Few people know that a public copy is actually a copy that someone is willing to make public. These copies were also discovered by individuals.

After scavenging all the unique attribute things in the copy, I finally let go.

Once it becomes a public copy, the normal output in the quest, such as experience and common equipment, skill scrolls, etc., will be refreshed every few hours.

This is also known as the replica interval.

In reality, there are props that can eliminate this interval, but they are quite expensive.

Some public copies will also have special specialty drops.

The first time the Lost City changed.

Deep in a certain compound.

An old man suddenly opened his eyes.

His face was full of doubts: "Can the public copy still be unbound?" "

The Lost City was announced by him. After this copy is made public, everyone who plays experience and props in the copy can enjoy a share.

Since this is only a bronze level 20 copy. And he is now one of the top ten Tianzun among the world's professionals.

So all the shares in this are converted into the common currency of global professionals: points.

The benefits of the Lost City every year are substantial.

Now such a big copy is suddenly gone.

The old man covered his heart after opening his eyes, which was called uncomfortable.

"It hasn't hurt so much in years." The old man stood up, he was a master of poison, so his whole body was a deep and shallow green.

From head to toe.

Outside, he has a well-known name called Poison Zun.

And his real name, Feng Kui, has not known how many years no one has called it.

Tianzun. It is the highest level for professionals.

Among the world's top 10 Tianzun, Xia Guo occupies 6 exclusively.

When the old man opened his eyes, a young man not far away quickly ran over.

When the young man ran over, he accidentally tripped over a stone on the ground.

Slide directly in front of the old man's eyes.

"Grandpa. How did a public copy of our house suddenly become private? Do you know who did it? "The one who spoke was Feng Kui's grandson, Master Level 70, Feng Zihua.

"You'll know right away." Feng Kui gritted his teeth, he bit his finger, because he used poison all year round, and even used poison to strengthen himself, so Feng Kui's blood was green.

Feng Zihua took a step back and distanced himself from this green man.

After all, it is too toxic. One accidentally contaminated. That's no joke.

Feng Kui took out another glass bottle from his storage bag. There was a green bug inside that glass bottle.

He fed the bug a drop of his own blood. The bugs just flew out.

"You keep up with Midori." Feng Kui is obviously also a name-taker: "This guy will take you to find that person." Bring that person to me and hand the copy back to our Feng family!"

"Yes! Grandfather! Feng Zihua quickly followed.

Although it is only a level 10~20 copy.

But the last thing in this world is professionals. Especially young professionals.

This copy is very important for students preparing for college, and many people have to brush it.

Therefore, the annual point income brought to the Feng family is quite considerable.

Such a good copy actually became private.

The entire Feng family exploded.


The storm is coming to destroy the building.

The entire Feng family was searching for the person who had obtained the copy.

However, Ye Chen was at this time... Open black with the girl.

It's still an outplayed voice.

"Little brother, come soon." People are looking forward to it.

Ye Chen: "Hehe, little ladies, you wait, let you see something surprising and delighted." In

the blink of an eye, Ye Chen shot his head in the game. Fast and accurate.

Sister: "The little brother is so powerful." Bai

Luoyan, who was about to knock on the door to ask Ye Chen about the copy of the Lost City, had a black face and took a sip: "... Prodigal! "

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