The days that followed.

Ye Chen happily became an otaku.

Every day is to use the hang-up doll to upgrade with Xiaobai and Cortana. In the real world, he either sleeps, eats, or plays games.

Occasionally go out shopping and buy all the mess.

None of them have anything to do with cultivation.

Bai Luoyan has long said that he will not care about Ye Chen.

But it's also true that I can't stand it.

This Ye Chen didn't seem to be nervous at all before the college entrance examination.

It's called having fun.

However, Bai Luoyan also found that even if Ye Chen was playing, his level had reached bronze level 20.

It just didn't pass the trial.

This level is definitely possible to enter Shengjing Academy.

Because of previous years.

Even among those students who took the college entrance examination, there were very few of them in the 20th grade.

What's more, Ye Chen's attributes are very pervasive.

Therefore, the trial matter can be completely unanxious.

After the master came back, he specially found a trial copy for Ye Chen, and if he could get 4.5 times this time, Ye Chen could take off directly.

And Ye Chen's side did not have a plan like Bai Luoyan.

He had a salty life.

The task of brushing the replica every day is done by Xiaobai and Cortana and the hang-up doll.

What monsters the three of them summoned in the copy and hit something, Ye Chen didn't care.

However, what surprised Ye Chen was that although the explosion rate of the copy was extremely low, there would occasionally be a small extreme product for level fifty or sixty.

The Lost City set.

The original auction house's Lost City suits were basically level 20 items.

Now it's actually level 50.

Occasionally, level 70 items appear.

Ye Chen looked confused, and specifically asked Xiao Na: "Didn't you say that you are a level 20 copy?" When I cleared the customs before. A level 70 monster explodes with a level 20 thing.

Cortana smiled and nodded: "That's true, but now we are an independent small world." It has its own system, so it can burst something of the corresponding level, even if it is summoned by me.

"Although the explosion rate is a bit low, after all, it is the monster I summoned, not the wild one." If the owner has time, he can explore in our world, and the monsters in the wild in our world can burst out good things.

Ye Chen had a black line after listening to it: "Then forget it, I'm still a little lazy." "

[Ding-dong, detected that the host was lazy to a new height.] The huge treasure is placed in front of his eyes, and he does not know to explore. The host has been getting lazier lately. Inspire 5x salted fish points to get 50,000 salted fish points. A

special prompt from the system pops up suddenly.

Ye Chen was taken aback.

Cortana smiled: "If the master doesn't want to go, I can help the master explore." However, now there is a city lord set that the owner can take out and use. It is an exclusive set for the city owner. Or grownable.

Ye Chen was surprised: "And this kind of good thing?" Take it out and I'll take a look. "

[Exclusive City Lord Suit - City Lord's Hammer]

Level: Bronze Level 20 (Growable)

Attack Power: 150

Armor Break: 58

Attack Percentage + 2%.

Armor break percentage +4%,

PVE damage deepening +3%. (PVE: Refers to fighting NPCs or bosses)

PVP damage increased by +3%. (PVP: refers to the battle between players and players) Gem

Hole: 0/4

Set Attribute

: [2 Pieces]:

Attack +170.

Armor Break +174 [4 pieces

] Health +3409

Defense +174 Attack Percentage +1.1% [6 Pieces

] Attack +179

Health + 3580

Armor Break

Percentage + 1.5% Defense

Percentage + 1.5



[Hammer Strike]: Throwing a hammer at the enemy can deal 150% damage to the player's attack power×, 3 seconds of stun, 15 seconds cooldown, and an attack range of 300 meters.

[Boomeranghammer]: Throw a hammer at the enemy, and the hammer can return on its own, causing 110% range damage × player's attack power, a range of 28 meters, and a 20% group slowdown. The cooldown is 8 seconds, and the attack range is up to 350 meters.


And nothing else.

Messy attributes, anyway, Ye Chen added a headache.

The most important thing is this thing.

Actually with skills.

Especially that vertigo skill.

That is, any enemy in conjunction with the Tower [Deceleration] skill.

But anyone who is close to Ye Chen for 300 meters will be infinitely dizzy.

But why is this weapon a hammer?

[Ding-dong, because the host's profession is a master builder. Makes


Wait a minute.

Ye Chen was stunned, and tried to ask the system: "Then if I put this equipment on, can it be increased by 10 times?" "

[Ding-dong, only what you build can be multiplied by 10 times.] The quest set is yours to type, not counts.

Ye Chen was a little disappointed.

If this can be multiplied tenfold, this is a god costume.

As a result, I heard another sentence from the system.

[Dingtone, only the equipment that has been modified by you can be considered made by you. There are some items in the System Marketplace that can be modified into equipment. Or put on gems, all of which are considered your transformation. "

Say it early." Ye Chen's eyes lit up.

"I want this hammer." Ye Chen held the hammer in his hand with a look of excitement.

However, Cortana's face had a smile on her face: "There are other parts." "

6 in total.

The rest of the equipment attributes are also quite awesome.

[Exclusive City Lord Suit - City Lord's Helmet]

Level: Bronze Level 20 (Growable)

Attack Power: 54

Armor Breaking: 27

Attack Percentage + 2%.

Armor break percentage +4%,

PVE damage deepening +3%. (PVE: Refers to fighting NPCs or bosses)

PVP damage increased by +3%. (PVP: refers to the battle between players and players) Gem

Hole: 0/4

Set Attributes: Slightly


[Exclusive City Lord Suit - City Lord's Clothing]

Level: Bronze Level 20 (Growable)

Health: 1649

Defense: 41

Health Percentage +2%.

+4% Defense Percentage and

+3% PVE Damage Reduction. (PVE: Refers to fighting NPCs or bosses)

PVP damage reduction of +3%. (PVP: refers to the battle between the player and the player)

Gem Hole: 0/4

Set Attribute: Omitted.


[Exclusive City Lord Suit - City Lord Bracer]

Level: Bronze Level 20 (Growable)

Attack Power: 54

Armor Breaking: 27


[Exclusive City Lord Suit - City Lord Leg Armor]

Level: Bronze Level 20 (Growable)

Health: 1099

Defense: 27


[Exclusive City Lord Set - City Lord Shoes]

Level: Bronze Level 20 (Growable)

Health: 1099

Defense: 27

Health Percentage + 2%.

+4% Defense Percentage and

+3% PVE Damage Reduction. (PVE: Refers to fighting NPCs or bosses)

PVP damage reduction of +3%. (PVP: refers to the battle between players and players) Gem

Hole: 0/4

Set attribute omitted.


]: [Swift]: Movement speed increased by 20%, reduced by 80% control time for slowing, freezing, fixing, and stunning.


This set has skills in addition to weapons and shoes.

Nothing else is skilled.

But not to say.

When all suits are put on the body. That's called a brilliance.

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