However, because Ye Chen's growth attribute was too terrifying.

Just now, after Ye Chen put all the equipment on himself.

By the way, I glanced at the current attribute values.

[Name]: Ye Chen

[Class]: Construction Master (only) [Level]: Bronze 20

[Attribute]: Strength: 2869

Agility: 548

Physique: 488365

Spirit: 4959

[Talent]: Building Heart (God Level), Damage Transfer (God Level), Critical Strike (God Level)


Skills]: Level 20 Defense Tower, Level 15 Experience Cabin, Hammer, Boomerang, Swiftness

This physique is really exaggerated.

One point of physique equals 10 points of blood volume.

In other words, Ye Chen's blood volume is now nearly 5 million.

Look at the little pitiful bit of equipment added.

However, the equipment is mainly added to the percentage.

"Who can impress me?" Ye Chen couldn't help but say.

[System]: ......

A total of 50 free attribute points are obtained from level 10 to level 20.

Ye Chen took a look at his most pitiful agility.

In the end, all of this free attribute point was added to agility.

Agile went from 548 to 598.

But a master builder of an agile 598.

How fast that has to run.

A little agility equals a little speed.

"This agility needs a little more." Ye Chen sighed and said, because agility, in addition to affecting speed, also affects critical hits.

Although now Ye Chen's base attack is already very high.

But critical hits double the damage.

"This city lord suit is really handsome and good-looking on the owner's body." Cortana next to her spoke very nicely.

"Of course." Ye Chen was a little proud: "After this light effect is turned off, it looks much more normal, but who usually wears this in life?" It feels silly. "

Ye Chen has not touched the equipment. After all, he either slept or skipped class during class before.

I don't know what mess the teacher said.

Cortana next to her smiled: "Suits can be hidden, all equipment is like this, but weapons cannot."

Ye Chen also quickly found the hidden button of the suit.

He hid the suit.

Now he is still wearing his own clothes.

"That's not bad." Ye Chen moved his body and felt that he was not hindered in any way.

Then the goods lay on the sofa in a very unsightly position and continued to play games.

"It's time to eat." Just as Ye Chen let go of himself, Bai Luoyan passed by him expressionlessly.

See Bai Luoyan.

Ye Chen still converged slightly.

Be serious.

Bai Luoyan still didn't hold back, and finally said cryptically: "The college entrance examination will be held in three days, so you have to exercise or cultivate, right?" How about you match the virtual arena? Also, you can get some PK experience.

"Okay." Ye Chen agreed quite quickly.

But still looked at the phone intently.

Bai Luoyan also did not remind: "Sweet and sour ribs made today." Your favorite.

"Great, I just like this." Ye Chen's eyes lit up.

Still a child.

Bai Luoyan had just finished reminding Ye Chen, and was deflected by Ye Chen again.

I think that children like Ye Chen should play.

The game didn't come to reality before.

Copies did not appear in this world at the time.

Although high school seniors are nervous.

But there is also no need to upgrade the fight. No need to face bloody and brutal monsters. There is no need to face the darkness of human nature and other people's PK.

Students were much happier then than they are now.

Ye Chen should be relaxed and happy at this age.

Bai Luoyan felt slightly guilty.


The Feng family.

"Grandpa has basically determined now that our family's copy was stolen by Ye Chen's thief."

Feng Zihua now knelt down in front of his grandfather and said very respectfully.

Feng Kui turned his back to Feng Zihua. He had a test tube in his hand. The liquid inside the tube is also green.

It was clear that Feng Kui was making a new poison.

"Then bring that kid. What the hell are you doing these days? Didn't I give you bugs? That bug will take you to find the person who stole our copy. Feng Kui looked indifferent and turned his head:

"Zihua, you are the most powerful among the young people of our Feng family. Shouldn't that be inflated?

"I'm not that good at coaxing. With the current power of our Feng family, is it difficult to bring a little doll? Feng

Zihua almost vomited blood.

This old guy really doesn't go out, and he doesn't know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive.

"That bug of yours was killed when it flew near Ye Chen's house." Feng Zihua gritted his teeth and said, but he still had to add that he had to give his ancestor a step down: "It's that I didn't protect it well." "

Killed?" Feng Kui frowned, "Killed by something?" No one should be able to kill my bugs. My bug is usually invisible, and only our Feng family can see it.

"A tall tower. It was a creature summoned by that Ye Chen, called the Defense Tower. "After all, there has never been such a profession as a master builder in this world. Therefore, Feng Zihua's understanding of the defense tower is the creature summoned by the summoner.

"Defense towers?" Feng Kui narrowed his eyes: "What other people in that house don't have?" Are you really sure that our copy was stolen by a junior who has never heard of it?

"When I first entered the Lost City, it was Grandmaster Level 80."

"I think if you want to snatch this copy from my hand, only Grandmaster Level 80 should have this ability."

Being stared at like this by his own grandfather.

The cold sweat on Feng Zihua's forehead fell.

The ancestor of the Feng family is definitely not a lord to mess with.

A person who is good at playing drugs. The poison may have invaded the heart and lungs.

Because in the previous family, there were several grandchildren who lived and worked.

Although everyone has a bloodline, it is possible to awaken a profession related to poison.

But there are also surprises in this.

It is also normal for several life occupations to appear.

Other large families take great care of the life professionals in the family.

After all, there is no such thing as a waste of professions in this world.

Unless the talent is wasted.

However, when it came to Feng's house.

These grandchildren of life and occupation were all taken by Feng Kui to do human experiments.

Almost none survived.

Therefore, when Feng Kui looked in the direction of Feng Zihua.

Feng Zihua trembled with fright, and he quickly called up a video from his mobile phone, which was recorded by Ye Chen for the first time.

"This person can summon many defense towers at once, and the attacks of the defense towers are high, so this guy is the most likely to clear the Lost Land."

"There was speculation on the forum. The reason why the Lost City became a private copy may be to break in. "

The High Priest will summon a bunch of high-level monsters. But what if anyone really fights?

"Maybe this lost city will become that person's private copy." So far, only this person is the most likely.

"At that time period, when entering the Lost City of the Natural Tribulation level, there was only one person, and your little treasure specifically found his villa, I think it should be him."

When Feng Zihua faced Feng Kui, he was particularly respectful, for fear of saying the wrong thing.

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