Feng Kui was not too polite when he spoke: "If it weren't for the fact that you are the most productive of the younger generation. I think. Your brainflower should be good for toxicity experiments.

Feng Zihua was startled and knelt on the ground, not daring to look at his grandfather at all.

"Stupid born Wang Ba Lamb!" Feng Kui stomped his foot angrily: "Since you spent a lot of time analyzing the thief who stole our family's copy, you should bring the other party to me."

Feng Zihua hurriedly said, "Grandpa, I can't bring it." That kid is Ye Zhenguo's son. "

Ye Zhenguo? Has there been a Tianzun-level professional in the world again? How I've never heard of it. Feng Kui's face was a little ugly, and he even asked really doubtfully.

"Not a Tianzun-level professional." Of course, Feng Zihua knew that his grandfather would not put low-level professionals in his eyes: "Ye Zhenguo is a member of the military, a heavenly king-level light mage, and guards Shanhaiguan alone.

"After the loss of Shanhaiguan, Ye Zhenguo should have died. But his talent can be resurrected. So Ye Zhenguo is now recuperating. "

The military values him very much, not to mention the attack power of the light mage is very high."

"If we move his son at this time. The military will definitely get us in trouble. "

Feng Zihua analyzed with Feng Kui.

"Then you think that the interests of our Feng family are important. Or is the military's accountability more important? Feng Kui looked light: "Ye Zhenguo... Is his youngest son going to take the college entrance examination?

Feng Zihua's eyes suddenly lit up and he quickly said, "Yes, did I bring Ye Chen in front of you at that time?" "

Take a fart. Since it is light, then I have no interest. Feng Kui's face was a little ugly. The light system is naturally resistant to poison and is very disgusting. There is no need to use it for toxicological experiments.

"Kill directly." Feng Kui seemed to be saying a trivial matter that didn't matter: "Anyway, so many people will have accidents every year in the college entrance examination." His son Ye Zhenguo may not be able to have accidents.

"Ye Chen is dead, and that copy will naturally become a public copy. Just like ever.

"Even if I stand alone, I know how to control the entire copy, and I can pass it once and I can pass it for the second time."

Hearing Feng Kui's answer.

Feng Zihua was overjoyed: "Yes, grandpa!" "

Get out of here." Feng Kui doesn't want to see this junior who is not very smart now: "When I see you, I want to experiment with your brain flower."

Feng Zihua was startled and quickly ran out.

However, that Feng Kui was smiling in place with his waist crossed.

What he said is not false.

The entire Feng family for his toxicity experiments.

I don't know how many of them have been put in.

Feng Kuicai didn't care.

For him.

The Feng family does not need weaklings.


Before the college entrance examination, Ye Chen was still touching fish.

The system stimulated Ye Chen, and kept spitting out points.

[Dingdong, I detected that the host was still playing games the day before the college entrance examination, and it was an all-night game, touching fish to such a realm, this system is really impressed. ] Activate 10x salted fish points and reward 10,000 salted fish points.

【Ding-dong, detected that the host took the girl to open the black in the game.】 And the other 5 girls are all more skilled than you. Play a game and you're still lying flat. This system is extremely impressive, activating 5 times salted fish points and rewarding 20,000 salted fish points. 【

Dingdong, detected that the host was still dozing off an hour before the college entrance examination.】 If it weren't for your senior sister waking you up. I'm afraid you're all late. The system is impressive. Activate 100 times salted fish points and reward 200,000 salted fish points. 】


Ye Chen came to the school sitting behind Bai Luoyan's electric car.

Because of the all-night game.

He leaned directly on Bai Luoyan's back.

Hara flowed Bai Luoyan on his back.

When he arrived at the school gate, Ye Chen was kicked to the door by Bai Luoyan.

"Leaf, dust, !!"

When Bai Luoyan felt Ye Chen's saliva on her beautiful little skirt, when Bai Luoyan was angry, when Bai Luoyan's long sword was summoned, intending to poke Ye Chen through it.

Ye Chen hurriedly rushed into the school gate.

Bai Luoyan is a platinum-level swordsman. In one breath, he summoned 6 flying swords and pierced them directly on the protective shield of the school.

The security guard hid in the security room at this time, and did not even dare to fart a fart.

He could see that the female devil that Ye Chen provoked this time was much more terrifying than the yellow hair before.

Yellow hair is also ordinary people. Although the awakened profession is not the same, this profession is no different from the unawakened.

But this female devil is different.

The security guard gave a thumbs up in the direction of Ye Chen. You dare to provoke such a female fiery star. Awesome.

Ye Chen walked slowly and came to the classroom.

Sure enough, this time, Ye Chen was the last to come to the classroom.

The head teacher saw that Ye Chen suddenly became angry, but he didn't say anything: "Hurry up and get in."

Zhan Rong sat next to Ye Chen.

After seeing Ye Chen coming, the whole person was particularly excited: "Brother Ye, where have you been?" Before. Is the person announced on the professional forum you? "

What?" Ye Chen has had a lot of fun this month, and there is almost no communication with the outside world.

A professional forum that every career changer goes to every day.

Ye Chen never goes.

So I didn't know that I had already fired once on the forum. I don't know even more about those messy terriers.

"It doesn't look like you're going to be either." Zhan Rong thought that it was the same name and surname, this product is also a young man, when Ye Chen's profession appeared, Principal Wang said that Ye Chen was the only hidden profession.

As a result, Zhan Rong forgot about it for a while: "I'm now level 14." Although it is still so far from Shengjing University, I have also heard that as long as the college entrance examination score is relatively high. It is still possible to be admitted out of the ordinary.

"Brother Dust, how many levels are you now?"

Ye Chen glanced at his rank: "Bronze 20."

Zhan Rong continued from the goodness: "It is normal for you to upgrade slowly as a life and profession. But your family will definitely give you a lot of experience potions to eat... How much do you say? "

Bronze 20." Ye Chen patted Zhan Rong, who had been petrified in front of him: "It reached a month ago." Later, I played for a whole month, why didn't you give me the sheep that I recommended to you? I've been playing for a month and haven't cleared the level yet. "

Zhan Rong is completely autistic.

But after a while, this kid was lively again: "I'm a special profession, I'm a bloody mad fighter, and my professional physique bonus is particularly high, because when I fight, I keep losing blood and hurting people."

Ye Chen also nodded on the side: "Your special profession is indeed quite miserable.

"So, the Bronze Trial I walked through the hardest level. Daddy specifically found someone to take me. The nightmare-level trial is 2.5 times. Add in the blood-plus equipment my dad found me, and I now have 8,000 blood. Zhan Rong finally found a place where he could be proud: "Awesome, right?

Ye Chen nodded.

This level can have 8,000 blood, I don't know how much unranked equipment I carry.

There are some alchemy masters who can make equipment that ignores rank.

That is, the Zhan family is rich.

Change to an ordinary family, if you have such a talent, it is estimated that you want to die.

8,000 blood is very powerful.

But Ye Chen took a look at his attack power.

That is... One knife of goods.

Still in the absence of a critical hit.

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