Ye Chen quickly cleaned up all the people on the street he had seen.

All the ancient demons were killed, and all the living were saved.

Not all of these people are very low-ranked.

There are also some slightly higher ranks.

Those with a slightly higher rank pointed out a way to Ye Chen: "There is a church at the end of this street. There was something wrong with a missionary in that church.

"The missionary would organize all the people together every once in a while to preach."

"Not all of us believe in God."

"The missionary is crazy, and we don't really like him."

But every time he preached, some of them suddenly lost consciousness. Then it didn't take long for their bodies to turn blue-green. Later, it slowly changed to normal skin color. Then it becomes sluggish.

"We guys got caught up in the process."

"If you meet that missionary. Be sure to stay away from them. "

Ye Chen encountered this situation for the first time, and he found it very interesting.

After all, he used to put down the defense tower all the time.

I directly made a handshake cabinet.

Because the tower will help identify all the enemies and kill them all.

But now it's getting very interesting.

Ye Chen waved his hand with a smile and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely be careful, I don't need your reminder." After

saying that.

Ye Chen walked directly in the direction of that church.

The man originally wanted to remind something, but looked at Ye Chen with such a determined look.

Eventually shut up.

A particularly powerful player like Ye Chen.

I think I already have my own countermeasures.

In fact, Ye Chen's countermeasure is very simple.

That is to use puppets, and defense towers to smash directly on it.

He felt like he was close to some doppelganger of God.

The entire Western Union has become what it is now.

That would say about the so-called doppelganger of God.

There should be more than one.

Compare the Yagi Great Snake again.

It's not hard to see.

Old eight is real, it's useless.

Look at the doppelgänger of the people.

The entire Idol Continent, which is stirred up by one doppelganger, is not peaceful.

Until now, Ye Chen had not found the other party's lair.

This so-called missionary is probably some kind of God doppelganger. Ye Chen guessed that this guy was probably split again.


Nor will so many people be infected.

Ye Chen walked inside the church.

The church was also full of people.

For the arrival of Ye Chen.

The people inside that church didn't even look back.

All remained in a prayerful position.

Only the missionary standing in the deepest part of the church.

Suddenly raised his head and glanced in the direction of Ye Chen.

A particularly ugly smile appeared on the missionary's face.

Why is it ugly?

The corners of the other party's mouth slowly pulled up.

Pulling out an ordinary person, it is impossible to pull out the arc.

The missionary had a smile on his face: "You are coming." Sit down, I have a lot to tell you.

Ye Chen looked at the full church, and suddenly he was happy: "You think." Where can I sit?

"It's better like this. I'll help you kill a batch. So I have a place to sit. "

The way to face crazy criticism is to become crazy criticism yourself.

The so-called magic defeats magic.

The missionary's face was stunned.

He probably didn't expect Ye Chen to be like this, playing cards unreasonably.

Ye Chen said, directly starting his hand.

A group attacked down.

The whole church was dead.

When these people were lying on the ground, their bodies quickly crawled out of the Ancient Demon Clan.

And what about the missionary who started acting: "Why are you like this? These are my people, and they are just praying and they are not messing with you. Why did you kill them? After

the guy said that.

He didn't see any look of horror on Ye Chen's face.

On the contrary, Ye Chen's eyes looked at him as if he were looking at a fool.

However, when those people slowly crawled out of the Ancient Demon Clan.

The missionary's face had a hideous look: "Go, my children, kill him." "

Ye Chen didn't go directly by himself this time.

Instead, let the puppet directly make a defensive tower.

At this time, the tower is capable of attacking automatically.

Because the malice carried by the Ancient Demon Race is too full.

As soon as the tower appears, it can automatically recognize the opponent as an enemy.

Ye Chen also quickly retreated.

Although he has not tried the attack power of the Ancient Demon Clan.

But the defense power of the Ancient Demon Race is good, and Ye Chen's puppets and defense towers have very low damage when attacking each other.

Only trigger a critical blow to kill the opponent.

So Ye Chen retreated first.

Protect yourself.

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