The shells of the densely packed defensive tower smashed on the bodies of the surrounding ancient demon races.

The numbers that float out at the beginning are all -1.

The missionary's face showed a sarcastic look.

Even this guy couldn't help but taunt: "I thought you were so powerful." It turns out to be nothing more than that.

"These are all gods who have received from the land of our gods."

"Just believe in us, and every one of us will have such a god in us."

"With such a deity, you will become strong."

The missionaries were quite arrogant at first.

It's just that this arrogance did not last long.

Because Ye Chen's fatal blow soon took effect.

And very exaggerated.

Those ancient demons all fell in pieces, and died in pieces.

This was also something that the missionary did not expect in the first place.

After the Ancient Demon Race fell to the ground, they never got up again.

The missionary's face was full of horror, and he cast a spell in the direction of one of the ancient demons: "You guys should hurry up."

"They can't get up." Ye Chen said with a faint expression: "Let me see what kind of ingredient you are." "

If this missionary is also an ancient demon race, then Ye Chen is true, and he has no patience to continue fighting on his own.

He intends to set up a program for the puppet to hit people when they see them.

As soon as you see someone coming, you will hit directly.

Anyway, the result of hitting yourself and beating with a puppet is the same.

Ye Chen rushed directly up and grabbed the missionary's neck.

A huge figure appeared behind the missionary.

This really doesn't look like the Ancient Devils.

The figure was dressed in gold and had curly white hair.

Seems to be particularly angry.

Ye Chen's side took the initiative to move, and the defense tower and puppet naturally followed suit.

Although both the puppet and the defensive tower can automatically distinguish between enemies and friends. Put them casually on the side of the road, while the doppelganger of God disguises himself.

They have no way to tell friend or foe.

So just stand there stupidly and don't move.

But Ye Chen's side has already started it himself.

The puppets and defensive towers are naturally not idle.

They all attacked in the direction of the missionaries.

A golden hood appeared above the missionary's head.

in this case.

All of Ye Chen's attacks smashed on the missionary's head, leaving no trace.

There is not even a -1 logo.

The missionary laughed: "Do you think those things on you are useful to me?" You can't kill me at all, and you can't kill me.

"As long as I have this, there's no way you can kill me." Do you think that all the gods will be the same as the gods in the Foot Basin Kingdom God Domain? In that land of projectiles, all the gods made up themselves. But I'm different. I am real.

Ye Chen was even more sure that the other party was the so-called God doppelganger.

"It's great to have a hood, isn't it?" Ye Chen's face was a little ugly and said, "Then what if there are a lot of them?"

He said and threw out another puppet.

The number of puppets is too much, plus the puppets are still building defensive towers.

It directly crowded the entire church.

That hood on the missionary has limits.

When the dense attack appeared on the missionary, the other party could not bear it.

This hood is not always invincible.

There should be a cooldown.

Just as Ye Chen expected.

This does have a cooldown period.

The missionary's face became more and more anxious.

He even began to manipulate the nearby Ancient Demon Race that had not yet died, approaching in his direction.

However, the words of fatal blow soon appeared on the bodies of those ancient demon races.

Those ancient demons fell to the ground one by one.

I didn't even have a chance to stand up.

The missionary was in a hurry at this time, shouting, "What use do I want from you?" You also said you could help me. What about the Ancient Demon Clan? Are you standing in the distance watching my jokes?

"Maybe they didn't dare to come over at all." In fact, Ye Chen was quite surprised, even the Greek God Domain knew to seal the Ancient Demon Race, but the Western God Domain where God was located finally chose to cooperate with the Ancient Demon Race.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, I prefer to go to Tiger Mountain.

Knowing that the other party has a problem, he has to deliver the food.

This IQ is really touching.

The golden transparent cover on the body of the God doppelganger was soon gone.

Next is a bunch of -1 damage.

Then suddenly a fatal blow was delivered.

The missionary's body fell to the ground with a bang.

Ye Chen also saw that the game popped up a prompt: "Player Ye Chen killed God's doppelganger." "

Don't say that Ye Chen has a hint here, even the world channel has a hint.

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