There were many people in the world channel who asked for help.

Or the person who was saved by Ye Chen is telling what happened to him.

He also said that the Western Alliance has now been overrun by God's doppelganger, and how terrible God's doppelganger is.


You can also see those who are manipulated by God's doppelganger speaking on the World Channel.

As a result, the news that Ye Chen killed the God doppelganger suddenly appeared on the world channel.

For a while, everyone on the entire World Channel was stunned.

Many people are talking about Ye Chen.

[Ah San] Flying in the sky: "What is the situation?" Ye Chen killed God's doppelganger? Doesn't that mean that thing is hard to kill and awesome?

It rained in the sky: "You have to see who it is, Ye Chen is so powerful, of course, he can kill casually, in fact, our country has carefully studied it, Ye Chen is actually our country." "

[Xia Guo] I'm Chubby Rong: "Let your mother's shit, how is it your country?"

It rained in the sky: "This is the person who came out of nowhere, and the speech is really ugly." Ye Chen was originally our country. Now, it's just a matter of staying in your country for a while. Really think it's your country? I

am a great beauty: "People in some countries really don't want to be faceless. It

rained in the sky: "Our country has come to a conclusion after a long period of research, why don't you lose face?" "

I am a great beauty: "Yes, yes, yes. Ye Chen belongs to your family, I am also your family, and the whole world is your family. [

Nanbao] went to heaven and earth: "I'm sorry. Your level is too low, we don't want it, we just say that Ye Chen belongs to our family, and this is the result of a long period of research. I

am a great beauty: "Ah, yes, yes. [

Eagle Sauce] I'm a little boy: "Thanks to Ye Chen. If Ye Chen hadn't saved me? I'm definitely still dead. The doppelganger of God was also killed by Ye Chen. It's so good. [

Eagle Sauce] The sky is really blue: "He's really good, really." We can't touch that doppelganger of God. God's doppelganger will also cause some ancient demons to enter the controlled people. It was also in Ye Chen's mouth that I learned that this was the Ancient Demon Clan. I always thought it was the devil. How could God be complicit with demons? There is a problem with this game. [

Eagle Sauce] tap water: "That's right, this game is a big problem. God, but how can our gods be with so-called demons? But this doppelganger of God really did just that. Demons appear in all of us. If it weren't for Ye Chen, I would be occupied by demons right now. [

Xia Guo] Water came from heaven: "What you said is too exaggerated. And demons? But. The expeditionary force sent by our Xia Kingdom has come to your Western Alliance, and it is really strange here. Everyone doesn't look like an enemy, but everyone is an enemy. "

The air is really good: "Words. You have also sent expeditionary forces, and so have we. We also met several hospitable Western Alliance people before. This is completely out of line with their habits. So when they approached, we killed them directly. Demons really ran out of their bodies. That demon is also very difficult to kill, and it has not been killed so far.

Ye Chen glanced at the World Channel.

All speechless.

I have to say that the boldness of the North Stick is big.

Ancient Demon Race is such a thing, Ye Chen must let the puppet top the front every time he kills.

Then let the puppet keep attacking the other party, relying on a fatal blow to be able to kill the other party.

The courage of the expeditionary force of the North Stick is really big enough.

Dare to attack directly.

After the doppelganger of God died.

Ye Chen walked out of the church slowly.

At this time, the streets were filled with ancient demons.

Probably because of the death of God's doppelganger.

As a result, the Ancient Demon Race in these people could not be controlled.

Climbed straight out of these people.

And those who died, their bodies were randomly left on the side of the road.

These people did not leave their mark with the water of the Resurrection Spring in time. Of course, some who have left a mark of resurrection elsewhere will be resurrected elsewhere.

Those who do not have time to leave a mark are really dead.

Because their souls have been taken away by the Ancient Demon Clan.

Seeing the ancient demon race full of streets, Ye Chen quickly summoned a group of puppets to build a defensive tower.

These are small ancient demon races, and there is no danger.

Kill and you're done.

Ye Chen's puppet army and defensive tower army soon occupied the entire Eagle Sauce.

After all, Ye Chen's own people didn't move much, mainly standing there summoning puppets.

Fortunately, this time, the number of puppets brushed out by the system mall is enough.

He summoned 100,000 puppets.

And these 100,000 puppets have been building defensive towers non-stop.

The extent of the tower is again fully mapped.

The entire Western Union was littered with shells flying from defensive towers.

If someone is hostile to Ye Chen.

These shells would turn around in the air and then smash in the direction of the hostile man.

Quite ferocious.

It's hard to guard against.

Therefore, no one dared to say anything to Ye Chen for a while.

Even if this place is already full of shells from various defense towers.

Quite scary.

It is impossible to gain any experience by killing these ancient demon races, and can only obtain a few divine crystals and world prestige.

The expeditionary forces of other countries also set foot on the territory of the Western Alliance after the death of the doppelganger of God.


They came late.

Moreover, their attack power did not reach such a terrifying point as Ye Chen, and Ye Chen had to rely on a fatal blow to be able to kill those monsters.

There was no fatal blow on these people at all, they worked hard for a long time, and those monsters were fine.

Although Ye Chen's attack has no way to cause damage, there is still a fatal blow, as long as the fatal blow is triggered, these ancient demon races have no way to live.


The newly arrived expeditionary forces simply did not have the same powerful skills as Ye Chen, so they could only rely on their own attacks.

As a result, they also found Ye Chen, constantly "robbing" their monsters.

The mentality is a bit broken.

The world channel is also hyped up.

It will rain in the sky: "Ye Chen, you are a person from our country. Why do you always rob monsters of our own country? [

Xia Guo] Poison Venerable Feng Kui: "What are you talking about?" When did you rob the monsters of your country? There is no way to break the defense. Can't kill monsters, this is completely Ye Chen's kill, and rob your monsters. Give you 100 dead monsters to kill? "

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