Ye Chen would not care whether the 8 million gods wanted to or not, and directly brushed it.

Under the leadership of Ye Chen, the speed of the three pets to upgrade is called one fast.

And pet upgrades don't have any quest to take. As long as you have experience, you can always upgrade.

It's just that if pets are allowed to upgrade themselves, they can only go to pet-specific copies.

But if Ye Chen took them, they could go to any copy.

Ye Chen quickly upgraded with these three pets. Those 8 million gods were dead and alive and dead.

It can be said that it is miserable.

Bai Fan took three pets to upgrade and spent almost an afternoon.

So he brought every pet to level 300.

Level 300 is actually the upper limit of Tianzun's level.

According to Xiaobai's words: "There is no upper limit to our level. You can continue to rise. During

this period, Ye Chen brushed 5 godheads. As for the fragments of the Godhead, more than 300 were also brushed.

Not to mention, the probability of dropping this copy of the Foot Basin Country God Domain is still quite high.

There are many gods in the main family.

It's not like the Greek Gods.

In total, there are only a few light pole commanders.

As for the small ones, nothing explodes at all.

So faith is also very important.

Those very small things in the Greek God Domain that resemble heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, that is not worshiped at all.

So killing them didn't even have a fragment of the Godhead.

Logically speaking, they are also gods.

Nothing, it's really miserable.

When Ye Chen brushes the map, he lets the puppet shoot, so this product can easily squat in the experience hut, eating experience while happily brushing the game.

and chat with various characters in the World Channel.

In the past, Ye Chen had never been so active.

This made those players in the world channel keep guessing what Ye Chen was going to do?

There is a cat on the tree: "It's really rare to see Ye Chen come out to chat." Most of the time is busy with its own business. What do you want to do this time? There

was a cat on the tree: "I have a bad premonition. You can guess generously. I felt as if Ye Chen was going to do something big. [

Xia Guo] Poison Venerable Feng Kui: "What does it have to do with you what big things we do?" "

So you're really plotting what's going on, right?" I think this kind of thing should be common to all the countries above our global village. You should take it out and share it with us. The Foot Basin Kingdom God Domain and the Greek God Domain are all occupied by your country. And you yourself have the Eastern God Domain. Do you want a face? [

Xia Guo] has a god in his pen: "You don't want to face." Why should we give you the copy we worked so hard to type? If you want to come to the copy, you can transfer to the country." "

Everyone knows that the conditions for transferring the country on Xia Guo's side are the most demanding.

It's not that you can turn if you want.

This kind of thing.

In fact, long ago.

That's the rule.


There are really people in this world channel who are asking.

How do I transfer countries?

I'm a big pretty: "That's right. I want to know how I can transfer countries? "

I didn't expect this rather shameful person just now.

Now I want to change countries.

[Xia Guo] I am Ye Chen: "You can die." Our country will not want you. "

Ye Chen's return is called a fast.

The whole world channel is one piece, hahaha.

[Ah San] The keyboard is so beautiful: "Just now I was mocking people for not being faceless." I want to join people now. If we didn't want you.

I am a big beauty: "I'm just joking, shaking my wit." I don't really feel that Xia Guo's is not measured, and I didn't let the copy out. I'm just kidding, I don't need it. The

keyboard is so beautiful: "I don't see you're joking." Your joke is a little too cryptic, and we don't see it. "

[Pretty Country] I'm a big beauty: "Don't treat me like that." I really want to join the nationality of Xia Country. What are the conditions for transferring countries? [

Eagle Sauce] The sky is very blue: "I don't know the conditions for transferring to the country, anyway, our side is relatively simple." But I heard that the Xia Guo side is the most difficult and complicated. If you really want to transfer countries, you can transfer to our country.

I am a big beauty: "I want to transfer your country, but does your country have the God Domain I need?" [

Eagle Sauce] The sky is very blue: "Our country also has a God Domain, wasn't the doppelganger of God cleaned up by Ye Chen just now?" "

[Pretty Country] I am a big beauty: "I advise you to watch your own God Domain closely." I think your family's God Domain will soon become Xia Kingdom's. "

Not to mention that these world players are quite smart. I could guess what Ye Chen wanted to do at once.

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