Western League players were the last to react.

They even asked Ye Chen on the world channel.

There was a oriole bird in the tree: "What's the situation?" Could it be that Ye Chen really wants to seize our Western God Domain?

I have a pencil: "I see that Ye Chen is playing with this idea." Ye Chen, are you a little too much? This is our God Domain. "

[Xia Guo] I'm Ye Chen: "If you think I'm excessive, then break in together." If you think you can take the Western God Domain, do it yourself. [

Western Alliance] I have a pencil: "This is our own God Domain, of course, we did it ourselves, can't we return it to you?" "

[Xia Guo] I am Ye Chen: "It seems that you still have a fairly clear understanding of your strength. I'm still leveling up anyway. I have found the entrance to the Western God Domain, right in the Vatican Gang, come by yourself."

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen actually exploded the entrance of the Western God Domain.

For a while, all the players of the entire world channel were boiling.

【A San】Softener: "Ye Chen, you are confused." How can you casually tell the entrance to the Western God Domain? You said this, how embarrassing it is. [

A San] distributed in the same city: "Everyone rush quickly, since Ye Chen is stupid." What are you still stunned for? Hurry up and finish the task.

[Ah San] fresh fruit: "Since we all know the entrance to the Western God Domain, everyone will rush in and fight to the death with God, as long as we take the Western God Domain, our country can also obtain a copy of the God Domain." "

[Beautiful Country] I am a big beauty: "I just wanted to transfer to Xia Country." I didn't expect Ye Chen to be so stupid. He actually told us the location of the Western God Domain. So what are you still stunned for? Let's rush in. There

was a peach on the tree [Xia Guo]: "I seem to see a group of idiots." Stupid and unaware. And also call others stupid. I

love big lipstick: "Yes, yes, yes. We just watched. See what will happen to the gang. It really laughed me off. [

Xia Guo] red plastic bag: "I'm also getting up now to go to the Vatican, I just want to see a joke." Even such a powerful figure as Ye Chen of our family is leveling up. These people are really confident. [

Xia Guo] A little ant: "I will also go to the Vatican Gang to see the liveliness." It's rare to see the excitement this year. Ye

Chen said so.

The periphery of this Vatican Gang is for many players in the world.

All countries.

However, they did not enter the Vatican very boldly.

It's whispering outside.

It is to see which Leng Touqing rushes directly in.

There are quite a few such people.

Over time.

More and more players are coming to the Vatican.

And these players don't know why?

And also particularly confident.

There are really people who directly entered the Vatican Gang. He didn't care about the surprised eyes of the players behind him.

There are not a few such people, and nothing strange seems to have happened after they entered.


The rest also entered the Vatican Gang one after another.

These people quickly entered the Vatican Order.

Nothing happened.

Not even a hint of death.

No one spoke to the nearby channel either.

So the rest of the people rushed to enter the Vatican Gang.

Some people even mocked Ye Chen on the world channel.

[Western Alliance] big fool: "I really don't understand, what's wrong with Ye Chen?" Actually reported such an important position directly. It really laughed me off. [

Western Alliance] lipstick: "That's right, that's right. We rushed into the Vatican Gang, and I felt that there was nothing wrong with the Vatican Gang. [

Western Alliance] ointment: "You are all happy too early, run fast." [

Western Alliance] Peach: "You guys are really happy too early, run fast." [

Western Alliance] Apple: "You guys are really happy too early, run fast." [

Western Alliance] Banana: "Strange, what is going on with those upstairs?" What happened to you? [

Western Alliance] I am God: "The Vatican is definitely not a good place to go. If you don't have any strength, don't come over. I have witnessed the death of several of my companions. "

The player called I Am God quickly threw out a video.

Inside that video.

It was filmed from behind.

A few members of the Western Alliance ran forward quickly, but halfway through their run, they suddenly fell to the ground like mowing grass. Completely immobile.

And physically, these people.

It has an eerie blue-green color.

But this blue-green color soon disappeared.

Their skin returned to normal.

Then they got up from the ground again.

Continue walking slowly.

Their walking posture.

It's completely different from what it used to be.

It looks pretty weird.

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