There are a total of 8 examination rooms nationwide.

Ye Chen was the first to be teleported out from the examination room.

It will take a while before you can go out.

Because the other 8 examination rooms are still under lockdown.

Tang Xiaoyue carefully confirmed Ye Chen's current situation, and then Tang Xiaoyue saw the national candidates' ranking: "Where did you get so many points? "

This girl's heart was all put on Ye Chen's body.

I was only sure that Ye Chen was fine.

Only praise Ye Chen's points.

The rest of the students who wanted to join the name of Tang Xiaoyue of Shengjing Academy all rested their minds.

It was obvious that Tang Xiaoyue had already taken Ye Chen as an apprentice.

His eyes were full of him.

Tang Xiaoyue didn't react to what they were talking about.

That's what smart people think.

The unintelligent person rushed directly up and threw his hand at Tang Xiaoyue: "Teacher Tang Xiaoyue, I have admired you for a long time. When I am admitted to Shengjing Academy, can I enter your name

?" Tang Xiaoyue turned her head and glanced at the student: "How many points did you get in the college entrance examination this time?"

Tang Xiaoyue looked disgusted: "My apprentice Ye Chen has 520 million points, and you don't even have a fraction of him?"

"My apprentice has gained so many points, he must have killed all sides in the examination room. It is estimated that 90% of the monsters are killed by him. You can get 20,000 points, is it because you picked up my apprentice's leak?"

Another invisible sword was inserted directly into the student's head.

Tang Xiaoyue's face was ugly: "I don't know if you can still enter Shengjing Academy." It

was as if another invisible sword had been inserted into the student's knee.

Originally, the student's face was quite thick.

He even thinks he's good.

Now his figure swayed, and he fell to the ground.

Tang Xiaoyue made up for it: "Do you still want to test Shengjing Academy just for this psychological quality?" The

faces of the surrounding students changed greatly.

Immediately brushed back a step.

Only with a blushing face, Zhan Rong was left behind. Zhan Rong took a deep breath: "I like this."

"I can't like it anymore. The earth bear really couldn't stand it, and the humble voice sounded beside Zhan Rong.

"Can you speak?" Zhan Rong's face was full of surprise.

"Nonsense, I was level 50 when your dad bought me. The earth bear snorted coldly.

At the current level, Zhan Rong received a hint: Your pet [Earth Back Bear] may run away from home at any time because he despises you, his loyalty drops to 20!

Quickly took out a ration that pets liked from the storage bag: "Little bear." What do you think this is?" The

earth bear looked disdainful: "You think I'm a three-year-old little bear?

It's a level 50 bear.

Although there is no way to compare with Ye Chen's two pets. But this is also what his father put a lot of effort into getting for him. You can't lose it.

However, the surrounding students were envious when they looked at Ye Chen. But no one dared to step forward.

Tang Xiaoyue got Ye Chen's apprentice. And Ye Chen is still excellent so excessive. It is estimated that it will be preached to heaven.

Let them compare with Ye Chen's omnipresence.

That's nothing like that.

Didn't you see that the student who spoke just now had already been physically and mentally shocked and fell to the ground and couldn't get up?

This session of Shengjing University, no, should include the senior students of Shengjing University, as well as graduate students and even doctors, as well as many generations of juniors and sisters behind Ye Chen. will be suppressed by Ye Chen's light.

Will be stimulated by the legendary students of other people's families every day.

It's pitiful to think about.

"It doesn't matter if you change schools or not. There was a particularly calm face in the crowd: "The name Ye Chen will surely shine, and it will definitely be that no one can stand out in the 500 years before and after the history of the Terran race."

"He will suppress all the geniuses of our Terrans for hundreds of years." Even thousands of years. "

Because Ye Chen's current performance is absolutely capable of reaching Tianzun.

The higher the level, the longer the life.

The longest lifespan of each Tianzun is estimated to be tens of thousands of years.

As long as Ye Chen doesn't die.

His myths and legends have always existed.

All Terran Tianjiao will be suppressed.

Just look at the national college entrance examination rankings.

Although the situation on other battlefields is not yet known.

But now the top 10 are all from Ye Chen's examination room.

Except for Ye Chen himself, who relied on hard strength, everything else was rubbed.

After all, the projection of the first Treasure Great Demon King was killed by so many people together.

Although the most crucial blow was Ye Chen.

Just as Ye Chen and Tang Xiaoyue were talking.

A voice suddenly came from the square: "This college entrance examination has ended, please go home and wait for news." The results were announced three days later. Who

can surpass Ye Chen?

The other 7 students in the examination room came out with a gray face.

Zhan Rong looked around with excitement on his face.

Then he suddenly discovered a very critical problem.

"Why are there so few people, those who died on the battlefield of the college entrance examination... Isn't it possible to teleport out and be resurrected?"

Zhan Rong's voice was not small.

It caused panic among everyone in an instant.

The voice that had just announced the results was silent.

He continued:

"This college entrance examination is a rich chapter in the history of the Terrans, and the country will remember what happened to you and the figure of you killing demons on the battlefield.

"This time, the college entrance examination was disturbed by the projection of the 8 Tianzun level demons, and the students who died in the college entrance examination battlefield could not be resurrected.

"And you survived. You will be the pride of the Terrans, the future of the Terrans.

"I wish you a bright future and prosperous martial luck." "


Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, this voice said that death in the battlefield could not be resurrected, then when Feng Zihua was crushed by the projection of the Great Demon King of Duobao, it should not have used the means of resurrection.

Or is it invincible

? Even if there is only one drop of blood left,

can the mud-shaped body be spliced back?

It's disgusting to think about.

Zhan Rong's words did not listen to the following.

A pair of eyes widened.

He trembled and asked Ye Chen next to him: "So." Is the monkey really dead?" Ye

Chen was really strange.

Zhan Rong's father was old and cunning.

Giving birth to a son is so naïve.

Even if the monkey betrayed Zhan Rong, it was even at that life and death moment.

But I knew that the monkey was completely dead.

Zhan Rong was still a little sad.

"He meant to kill you. You don't have to. Ye Chen could only wake up Zhan Rong.

Just kidding, if it's a group.

First we have to kill our Virgin.

Our Lady of the enemy is friendly.

Fortunately, Zhan Rong did not develop far in that direction of the Holy Mother, he just couldn't accept the sudden departure of a living person for a while: "I know, monkey he also deserves it." If he doesn't rob me of my medicine. When your big thick legs come. We can all survive.

Even the squad leader Wu Shan was silent.

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